I became a god after resigning

Chapter 483 Cat Puppet Magic

Chapter 483 Cat Puppet Magic
[Soul Exorcism Whip] looks like an ordinary wooden stick, but its power is extraordinary. Just a light touch on the back of Huang Mingshan's head, his soul was directly ejected from his body, and then he fell headfirst. On the consultation table.

Because of the "inch time" relationship, even if Huang Mingshan becomes strange, he still cannot detect the existence of Song Ci.

He looked at the body lying on the table with some surprise, then looked at his own body, and rushed forward, trying to return to his body, but obviously, this was impossible.

If it were so easy to return to the body, the bodies of those who accidentally left their souls would have been occupied by others.

"Director Huang, what's wrong with you?"

The patients and their families who were waiting for medical treatment were all panicked when they saw Huang Mingshan fell on the table.

Some tried to push Huang Mingshan, some turned around and called the nurse, and some looked on with sad faces and full of annoyance, just to name a few.

Huang Mingshan looked at his body in surprise. Several times in succession, it seemed to be of no use. Then he turned around and walked out without any delay.

Seeing this, Song Ci immediately followed him.

After leaving the hospital gate, Song Ci probably knew where he was going.

Probably for the convenience of work, Huang Mingshan lives near the cancer hospital. Of course, this is just one of his residences. As a well-known oncologist, he is not short of money.

Because Huang Mingshan is now in the ghost state, it gives him a lot of conveniences. He can rush all the way, and nothing can hinder his path, so he is naturally very fast.

Song Ci had to take out [Yun Zhong Bai] and write the word "Escape" in the air before following him, and then directly came to Huang Mingshan's home.

Huang Mingshan walked through the door and walked directly into the house. Then the whole "person" was stunned, because there was another "person" in the house holding a hammer, waiting for him menacingly.

Needless to say, this person is Xiaomi Li, and she was greeted by Song Ci.

As a traveler, she had a natural connection with Song Ci, the master of Taoyuan Village. As soon as Song Ci's thoughts moved, she came to Song Ci's side in an instant.

"Who are you? Walker?"

Seeing Xiaomili, Huang Mingshan blurted out and asked questions at first, but then a memory came to his mind, and he instantly understood Xiaomili's identity.

Seeing the surprised look on his face, Song Ci was sure of one thing. The other party probably didn't know about the traveler's existence beforehand.

"Taoyuan Village..."

He muttered to himself, with shock and surprise on his face.

Xiaomi Li held the bullhead hammer and looked at him coldly without saying a word.

Although she couldn't see Song Ci, she could feel its presence.

Song Ci couldn't have recruited her for no reason, the reason was naturally right in front of him.

The dead soul in front of him has a layer of black aura that is so thick that it cannot be dissolved. This is caused by the accumulation of too much evil energy.

But what surprised her was that the other party's mind and actions were not affected by the evil energy.

What she didn't know was that there was a blood-red line behind Huang Mingshan, connecting to the void.

Song Ci didn't need to think about it, but he knew that the line must be connected to the puppet cat. They seemed to be free, but in fact they were just puppets on strings.

"I have no intention of going to Taoyuan Village for the time being, so I will make your trip in vain."

Huang Mingshan said as he moved towards the bedroom.

But the moment he stepped into the bedroom, his body was bounced back, and Song Ci's figure appeared.


The moment Huang Mingshan saw Song Ci, his expression changed drastically. Xiaomi Li was a child, so it was easy to fool him, but Song Ci was an adult and the head of Taoyuan Village, so it was not easy to fool him.

And it's definitely not simple for him to come here in person. He should be aware of his affairs.

But just as he was about to speak, he heard Song Ci say to Xiaomi Li: "Fight."

Upon hearing this, Xiaomi Li didn't hesitate at all, and struck Huang Mingshan with the bullhead hammer in his hand.

Huang Mingshan subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, but then he let out a scream, and his whole body seemed to be torn in half. The severe pain made him lie directly on the ground, rolling and screaming in pain.

But it wasn't over yet. Xiaomi Li hammered one after another. As long as Song Ci didn't stop, she couldn't stop her movements.

But Song Ci walked directly into the bedroom and took the black cat statue from the table in the bedroom.

As soon as I put it in my hand, my whole body was cold, and there was a chill that pierced my bones. Although it was made of wood, it was not light in weight.

The statue is actually not exquisite, with rough lines, as if it were just a few lines drawn randomly with a carving knife.

But it also gives people a very vivid feeling. Looking at it for a long time will give people a feeling of being alive.

Huang Mingshan's screams of pain were still heard outside the door, and with every scream, the cold meaning of the cat puppet in Song Ci's hand seemed to be lessened, and some small cracks seemed to appear on the wood carving.

Song Ci took the wood carving and walked towards the door. He said to Xiaomi Li who was still wielding the bull hammer: "Pause for a moment. I have something to ask him."

Hearing this, Xiaomi Li stopped his movements.

As Song Ci's movements stopped, the black evil energy that had escaped into the air was like a river flowing backwards, returning to his body and clinging to his body. This intensified his pain, and there was another rolling wail on the ground. .

Song Ci showed no mercy at all, and Xiao Mili even said that I have a cold face and a cold heart, and my eyes don't even waver, because she knows how bad people with evil spirits can be when they are angry. They are all bad people, so naturally they will not show mercy. .

"Tell me, where does this thing come from?"

Song Ci gestured to him with the wooden cat puppet on his handle.

"This is mine, it's mine, give it back to me... give it back to me..." Upon seeing this, Huang Mingshan immediately stretched out his hand to snatch it away.Song Ci retracted his hand directly, preventing him from touching it.

Then his eyes signaled Xiaomi Li: "Keep beating."

The millet grain immediately continued to swing the small hammer, hammer after hammer.

Huang Mingshan screamed and howled again.

"I said, I said, don't fight, don't fight..."

Huang Mingshan wailed in pain, but Song Ci turned a deaf ear. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he signaled Xiaomi Li to stop.

"Say it." Song Ci said in a calm voice.

"this is me……"

"Don't try to deceive me with lies, otherwise the consequences will be serious." Song Ci squinted his eyes and chuckled.

Green willow leaf patterns appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Willow Leaf Eyes: Break through illusions, identify truth and falsehood, and recall old times in memory.

He doesn't want to enter Huang Mingshan's memory and watch his sinful life. There are probably many bloody scenes. The most important thing is that if there are too many such things, it may affect his character, so he can avoid it and try to avoid it. .

After hearing Song Ci's words and thinking about the other party's identity, Huang Mingshan no longer dared to have any small thoughts, otherwise, he didn't know what means were waiting for him later.

So I could only tell Song Ci all the causes and consequences.

It turns out that Huangmingshan's real name is Guarjia*Umulihai, and it belongs to the Xianghuang Banner among the eight banners of the Qing Dynasty.

And his black cat totem statue comes from an old shaman in his tribe.

Because Wumulihai had been kind to him, the shaman gave him the black cat puppet before his death and told him how to use it.

After having this cat puppet, through sacrifice and replacing other people's lives, Wu Mulihai was able to live from the middle and late Qing Dynasty to the present.

"In that case, why didn't the shaman enjoy eternal life himself and gave him to you?"

"Because he was tired of living, he told me that he had lived for more than 800 years and experienced countless lives. In his last life, first his wife died in childbirth, and his two children died one after another due to illness."

"Having experienced countless lives, he felt that life was miserable and eternal life was a cage, so he gave up eternal life and gave me this opportunity."

Song Ci nodded when he heard this. This is actually easy to understand, because eternal life is not necessarily a good thing.

After experiencing countless life and death separations, life will lose the meaning of existence.

"Then, you, the clan elder, have you ever told you where this thing came from?" Song Ci continued to ask.


Since Wumu Caspian answered Song Ci's question, he did so simply and without any concealment.

"He said that this thing was a gift from a friend, and that friend was said to be from a place called the Valley of the Undying. I have also tried to find this place over the years, and spent a lot of money, but found nothing. Either the clan elder Are you lying to me, or there is no such place as the Valley of the Immortal in this world..."

I don’t know if the clan elders of Ebony Clihai lied to him about Song Ci, but saying that this thing came from the Valley of the Immortal is open to question.

Because the legend of the Valley of the Immortal was created by Zhuan Xu, who lived around 3800 BC, which means he lived more than 5000 years ago and nearly 6000 years ago.

Cats were introduced to China about 4000 years ago. At that time, Zhuanxu probably had already lost ownership of the Sky-Swallowing Jar, and it was impossible for Zhuanxu to create it.

It is possible that the other owner of the Sky-Swallowing Jar, like Liang Yongqing, the maker of the [Immortality Wood], belongs to the undead people in the Valley of the Immortal, and may even be the same person.

Every time the cat puppet takes the life of another person, it needs to sacrifice a young woman to it. The reason why it is a woman is because only women can give birth to life, which symbolizes reincarnation and rebirth.

In the old society of the past, it was a simple matter for Ebony Caspian, who had a high status, to kill a young woman and sacrifice a cat puppet, and no one would bother him at all.

But as we enter modern society and the social order becomes more complete, it becomes difficult to sacrifice a living person.

However, although it is difficult, there is still a way for Ebony Caspian, who has status and status.

And in order to cope with some accidents, whenever there is a chance, he will sacrifice a woman to the cat puppet to store a few more lives.

And Bai Xiufeng was just one of the objects she sacrificed.

Unexpectedly, this case would be transferred to Song Ci, completely ruining his path to "immortality".

Now that he knew the whole story, there was no need to keep him, and Song Ci signaled Xiao Mili to send him on his way.

Xiaomi Li was not polite and picked up the hammer in his hand again.

"I've already..." Umu Clihai shouted in horror.

But before he could finish speaking, his entire body began to collapse and dissipate like gravel.

Xiaomi Li sent him back to the sea of ​​souls.

For Ebony Caspian, who is full of evil spirits, the sea of ​​souls is no less than the eighteenth level of hell, and he has to endure it.

Wumu Lihai disappeared, Song Ci looked around, and then said to Xiao Mili: "Let's go."

Then they both disappeared into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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