I became a god after resigning

Chapter 486 Shit smells good

Chapter 486 Shit smells good
Seeing Su Wanting blushing and looking embarrassed.

Ma Zhiyong quickly stretched out the roasted durian in front of Xiao Ma Yuan and defended: "This is durian, not shit, it's delicious."

Xiao Ma Yuan pinched her nose and quickly took a step back.

Nuan Nuan, who was hiding behind her, was almost hit by her.

Su Wanting blushed and explained helplessly: "It's just like stinky tofu. It smells bad but tastes delicious."

"Stinky tofu?" Nuan Nuan heard this and stuck her head out from behind Xiao Ma Yuan.

She likes to eat stinky tofu. The first time she ate tofu was when her grandma made it. At that time, she was also curious about what was so smelly.

Zhao Caixia likes to make these, such as salted pork, salted duck, salted sausage, pickled vegetables, edamame, salted beans, etc. She doesn’t know whether it’s because of her experience or her secret recipe, but the taste is pretty good.

At Grandma's strong insistence, she tried the stinky tofu. How should I put it, although she didn't say she fell in love with stinky tofu, she still thought it tasted good and she could accept it.

So when she heard Su Wanting talking about stinky tofu, she stuck her head out.

Of course, Xiao Ma Yuan knew about stinky tofu and ate it often. After all, stinky tofu was a common food, and Zhou Fengxian, who stole it from her, would often buy it.

Seeing that both of them knew stinky tofu, Su Wanting hurriedly explained: "Yes, it is the same delicacy as stinky tofu. Isn't stinky tofu delicious?"

When the two little guys heard this, one nodded and the other shook his head.

The one who nodded was naturally Nuan Nuan, she thought it was pretty good.

It was Xiao Mo Yuan who shook her head because she ate too many times.

"Then do you want to try it?" Su Wanting asked tentatively.

The two little guys were slightly hesitant when they heard this.

After hearing this, Su Wanting hurriedly encouraged: "It tastes really good. Children should try it more. Otherwise, how will you know whether it tastes good or not? Only after you taste it can you know."

Hearing this, Nuan Nuan remembered her father's words.

Song Ci once told her that you need to try everything yourself, don't just listen to other people's ideas. Sometimes, other people's ideas are other people's, and it does not mean they are your own, because everyone is different, so The ideas are also different.

Of course, everything must be done under the premise that there is no danger. You can't run on the road and get hit by a car, but try it. That would be a fool.

Therefore, Song Ci's education for Nuan Nuan since childhood was to listen to opinions, try things out for yourself, and judge yourself. This also developed Nuan Nuan's lively, cheerful, but very independent character.

So after hearing what Su Wanting said, she pinched her nose with one hand, poked a little durian with the other hand, stuffed it into her mouth and tasted it.

If durian doesn't have that smell, its soft, glutinous and sweet characteristics are actually very suitable for children's taste.

So after tasting it, Nuan Nuan's eyes lit up and she looked at Su Wanting and said, "Aunt Su, this shit is quite delicious."

Su Wanting: ...

Everyone nearby heard this and burst into laughter.

"This is durian, not shit." Ma Zhiyong explained helplessly again.

"Is it really delicious?" Xiao Ma Yuan pinched her nose and asked Nuannuan doubtfully.

"Of course, dad can still lie to you. If you don't believe me, try it." Ma Zhiyong immediately encouraged after hearing this.

So Xiao Mayuan imitated Nuan Nuan's behavior just now and took a small taste.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Ma Zhiyong asked expectantly.

Xiao Ma Yuan nodded after hearing this.

When Ma Zhiyong heard this, he immediately said happily: "Then you eat more."

Hearing this, Xiao Mayuan immediately took a step back and shook his head.

"No matter how delicious shit is, you can't eat it." Xiao Mayuan said seriously.

"This is durian, durian..." Ma Zhiyong explained hurriedly.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Xiao Mayuan laughed happily.

And everyone who had just stopped laughing also started laughing again.

In the end, Xiao Mo Yuan and Nuan Nuan stopped eating durian. Just as Xiao Mo Yuan said, although durian is delicious, it is too smelly. There are many delicious ones, so why do you have to eat durian?

So the group continued shopping, and then ate roasted pigeon, roujiamo, twists and so on.

Of course, the most important thing is glutinous rice balls. Nuannuan also specially ate glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame seeds, referred to as sesame dumplings.

Xiao Ma Yuan was so angry that he wanted to fight with her.

The two little guys were playing and playing around, and they were much more energetic than during the day. Especially at night, all the colorful lights on the street were turned on, decorating the whole street like a dream.

By the time the group returned to the hotel, it was already past nine o'clock, and after taking a shower, it was almost ten o'clock.

At this time, Nuannuan remembered that she hadn't called her father today.

Nuannuan was wearing pajamas and sitting cross-legged on the bed. Although cartoons were playing on the TV, it was obvious that she was a little absent-minded.

Yun Shiqi was no longer surprised. Every night, the little guy began to miss his father.

Yun Shiqi sometimes thought sourly, calling someone not a father is like calling someone without a daughter.

But when I think about Yun Chuyao, when he was a child, he didn’t seem like Nuan Nuan. He was busy with work at that time, and he often didn’t see him for ten days and a half. Naturally, Yun Chuyao didn’t get close to him. When he got older, he would understand He got better after that.

"At this time, your father is probably asleep." Yun Shiqi said.

"Then wake him up, I want to talk to him." Nuannuan said immediately after hearing the words.

For her, it's not time to care about other people's feelings, so she gets what she wants.

When Yun Shiqi heard this, he naturally didn't care whether Song Ci was sleeping or not, so he took out his mobile phone and made a video call to Song Ci.

Moreover, Yun Shiqi casually said that it was only after ten o'clock, and Song Ci was probably still awake.

So the call was answered quickly.


As soon as the call was connected, Nuan Nuan didn't even see the figure on the opposite side clearly, and her little face was directly in front of the camera.

"Nuan Nuan, I haven't slept yet."

Song Ci was a little surprised when she called him at this time.

"I just finished taking a shower."

Nuan Nuan moved the phone away and showed her white and red face in the camera.

"We just came back." Yun Shiqi heard the words and replied.

"I just came back now. Where did you go to play?" Song Ci asked.


"Really? You must have eaten a lot of delicious food, right?"

"Yes, I ate biscuits, twists, kebabs, and sesame balls..."

"Wow, I ate so much."

"Yes, let me tell you, Aunt Su also ate... ate... pomegranate... cow dung. I also tasted it. It tasted pretty good."

"Cow shit?" Song Ci's eyes widened when he heard this.

"I also ate cow dung. It tasted good? Are you sure you got it right?"

"Yes, it's just cow dung. I just tasted a little bit because it smelled so bad."

Nuan Nuan swore that she was right and made a gesture with her little finger. It was really just a little bit.

Yun Shiqi, who had been holding back his laughter, couldn't hold it back any longer and burst out laughing.

"It's durian, not cow shit. Don't talk nonsense."

Song Ci suddenly understood after hearing this, and then couldn't help laughing. This was really funny.

Hearing this, Nuan Nuan felt a little embarrassed.

Then he was overjoyed and fell on the bed laughing with his feet on the ground.

"Dad, let me tell you, today I took pictures with my little sister. She bought me bunny candies, which were delicious. I even shared them with my grandpa..."

Yun Shiqi rolled his eyes when he heard this. Are you sharing it with me?You obviously don't want to eat it.

Nuannuan didn't care about this and just told Song Ci everything that happened today.

Of course, she talked about whatever she thought of, one afternoon, one morning, and one evening.

Until Kong Yumei came out of the bathroom, she hadn't finished chatting with Song Ci. "I have so much to say to your father."

Kong Yumei sighed when she came out. She heard Nuan Nuan talking on the phone in the bathroom just now. She took a shower, washed and changed clothes, and Nuan Nuan was still talking to her father.

"Of course, he is my father." Nuannuan said confidently.

Then he turned to look at the screen: "Dad, I love you. Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you. Dad loves you first." Song Ci laughed.

"I also love daddy first and foremost. When I went to bed last night, I dreamed of daddy." Nuannuan said as if she was taking credit.

"Really? But I didn't dream about you." Song Ci said.

When Nuan Nuan heard this, her eyes immediately widened and she asked, "Why don't you dream about me? I even dreamed about you. It's really unfair."

"Okay, okay, then how about I dream about you tonight?" Song Ci said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'm going to bed. You should go to bed quickly too."

The little guy was really bold and vigorous. As he spoke, he handed the phone back to Yun Shiqi without saying a word.

"Grandpa, give me back your phone. I want to sleep and let dad dream about me."

Yun Shiqi smiled and took the phone over, and then said: "How can I fall asleep when I want to? It's not that fast."

"Oh, how long will it take?" Nuannuan asked curiously while lying on the bed.

"Everyone is different. For example, your grandpa and I have to at least..."

Before he finished his sentence, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. When he looked carefully, he saw that the little guy had his eyes closed and his breathing was steady. He was obviously asleep.


Seeing her falling asleep so quickly, Yun Shiqi wanted to laugh, but as soon as he made a sound, he immediately reacted, fearing to wake up the little one, so he held it back.

Looking at his sleeping little figure, I felt sweet in my heart, and my face was full of love.

"What a little pig."

As he said this, he pulled the quilt and covered her carefully, fearing that he would wake her up if he moved too much.
In the morning, the sun shines through the window glass, leaving spots on the ground.

The breeze came in through the cracks in the window, swirling and brushing through Song Ci's hair.

Song Ci woke up from his dream, stretched out, turned over and sat up, turned to look out the window, and saw the blue sky. It was another good weather today.

Get out of bed and open the curtains completely to let in more sunlight.

I changed my clothes and went downstairs, went straight to the kitchen, filled the pot with some water and put it on the stove, then brushed my teeth and washed my face. After everything was done, the water had boiled, which was perfect for putting the noodles in.

When Song Ci ordered a bowl of egg noodles for himself, just halfway through eating, the phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Kong Yumei, so I answered the call easily.

"Song Ci, morning." Kong Yumei smiled and greeted Song Ci.

"Mom, it's early for you too. Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet, I'm about to eat." Kong Yumei said.

At this time, a warm voice came from outside the screen.

"Grandma, give it to me, give it to me, I want to talk to Dad."

"Wait a moment, Nuannuan has something to tell you."

Kong Yumei said something, the camera shook, and Nuan Nuan appeared in front of the camera.

"Dad, good morning, um..."

Nuan Nuan said, pouting and kissing the phone screen.

"Good morning to you too. Today is another day full of energy." Song Ci said and took a bite of noodles.

"Hehe..." Nuan Nuan heard the words, immediately giggled, and then asked: "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Having breakfast."

"What's for breakfast?"


"What noodles?"


This little guy was like a little housekeeper, asking every detail, even how many spoons of salt he put in his noodles and whether he had any eggs.

Song Ci didn't show the slightest bit of impatience, but talked to her while eating, and even pointed the camera at his bowl to let her take a look.

Nuannuan smiled happily, and Yun Shiqi and his wife sat next to him without urging him.

This is life, dull as water, but happy and contented.

"Let me tell you, I dreamed about you again last night." Nuannuan said happily.

"Really? I also dreamed of you last night. You danced in the square and the building turned into a big speaker..."


Hearing this, Nuannuan grinned happily, and Song Ci could even see her eight big teeth.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. Just have breakfast with your grandparents. I'm going to work soon." Song Ci said.

He had already finished his bowl of noodles.

"Oh, bye daddy."

Nuan Nuan waved her little paw at the phone, and before Song Ci could say anything, the phone shook and she handed it back to Kong Yumei.

"Grandma, what do we have for breakfast? I'm hungry." Nuannuan patted her belly and said pitifully.

"I know I'm hungry now. Didn't I have a very lively chat with your dad just now?" Yun Shiqi said sourly from the side.

"Grandpa, what should we eat for breakfast?" Nuan Nuan didn't care what he said.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat hot pot."

From the time of the cloud: ...

"How can anyone eat hot pot so early in the morning?" Yun Shiqi said angrily.

"Why can't you eat it?" Nuannuan asked doubtfully.

"Because...well...you can't eat it anyway."

Yun Shiqi didn't know how to explain it to her.

"Hmph, you asked me what to eat, and I said hot pot, but you said you couldn't eat it. What a strange old man." After Nuan Nuan said that, she turned around and ran away.

"Huh? You little thing, it looks like your butt is going to be spanked." Yun Shiqi immediately chased after him.

The little one was caught quickly because the door was closed. As soon as she opened the door, she was caught by her grandpa.

Yun Shiqi reached out and scratched her little buttocks a few times, Nuannuan shrank and laughed.

"Okay, stop making trouble and go out to have breakfast."

Yun Shiqi put down Nuan Nuan, pulled her, opened the door and walked out.

"Did you dream about grandpa last night?"


"Hmph, I knew it."

"Haha, yes, I dreamed about grandpa."

"Oh, really? What were you dreaming about that I was doing?"

"You're dancing with a beautiful old lady."

"It's your grandma, isn't it? It's grandma, isn't it..."

"Hey hey hey..."

(End of this chapter)

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