The lord is an undercover agent

Chapter 62 62. I want to kill him.

Chapter 62 62. I want to kill him.

Duncan saw that the download progress of "Doomsday Twilight" was stuck at 99%, so he didn't quit the game, and simply stayed where he was, wanting to see more about how this exaggerated-toned businessman NPC performed.

When the players saw this NPC dressed as a businessman, they looked at me and I looked at you, and started talking to each other.

"This is the merchant NPC in the game."

"But everyone's gold coins are 0, right? There is no gold coin reward for novice missions."

"Look at what equipment he sells."

"This kind of thing should be shown to us first, and then we can buy it after the mission sends gold coins."

"Why is it a wandering merchant, not a fixed shop?"

Hearing the questions from the players beside him, Duncan assumed a chic look that knew everything, looked up and explained with a smile:
"Only by setting the store as mobile will it be convenient for merchants to appear in various mission locations. And there should be fixed stores in the game."

Duncan smiled and turned his head to look at the long day and short night.

I don't know what Miss Day Long Night Short thinks about NPC merchants...
Duncan froze.

A smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

The days were long and the nights were short, his originally indifferent expression became extremely solemn.She frowned, and there was a faint killing intent in her eyes.

"Miss Long Days and Short Nights, what's wrong?"

The days were long and the nights were short, and he recognized the merchant Khaled, and the memories of his previous life echoed in his mind.

After the group crossed, facing the confused group of players who really came to hell, this businessman once came to the player community, sold fake potions to the players, and sold the necessary supplies at a high price while taking advantage of the danger.

Those players who have lost their loved ones in the fire of doomsday and traveled alone have the most fragile hearts.They had just traveled to the real game world, and were shocked by the uncontrollable pungent stench in the hell air and the irreducible pain on their bodies, their wills had already collapsed.

Such a player is extremely easy to be deceived by the blandishments of the wandering businessman, and obediently takes out the gold coins to save his life in front of Khaled.

What's more, the days are long and the nights are short, and it is said that Khaled is the devil's eyes and ears and guide!

This profiteer approached the players as a human businessman, defrauding the players' trust, but in fact he was spying on the players' city defenses for the devil.

After the apocalypse, when the settlement of the blue star people collapsed under the attack of the devil, Khaled also had a "credit".

The day is long and the night is short, holding a sharp long sword in his hand, and his eyes become as sharp as a sword.Several flickering skill cards floated in front of her.

She gritted her teeth, and uttered a few inaudible but clear and firm words from between her lips and teeth:

"I, I want to kill him!"

Khaled led two hellhounds, walked among the players, and set his sights on several injured players:

"Oh my God, your partner is so badly wounded and moaning! I happen to have some bottles of healing potions here.

"It seems that you have been attacked by Yellow Spring Bees. The poison injected by these hell insects will cause long-term sequelae. You may need my antidote."

An injured player listened to Khaled's words and quietly whispered to the player next to him:

"This NPC reads the default lines, right? None of us are moaning at all. Players who should turn off the pain sense have already turned it off? I thought that "Dawn" is so real, and the NPC's intelligence will be stronger. .”

Another player waved his hand, showing displeasure in his tone:
"This kind of line details are wrong without affecting the sense of substitution. Why are you so demanding?"

Khaled didn't hear the whispers of the players, and began to sell his products on his own.

He took out several bottles of potions, and the liquids in them were bubbling and bubbling, making bang bang noises from time to time.

"Oh, this red bottle is a healing potion, a must-have treasure for every adventurer. Look at your poor companions moaning in pain on the ground."

"There is also this bottle of green antidote potion, which is equivalent to the spell [Remove Toxin]. Those adventurers who have been bitten by Yellow Spring Bee and have recovered should not take it lightly. The toxin may cause serious sequelae!"

"I'm only selling the healing potion for 60 gentalers. Believe me, you won't find it cheaper in hell."

There are a lot of gold coins circulating in hell, basically they all flow in from different material worlds.The precious metal coins of many fallen ancient kingdoms still circulate in hell.But the fairest kind of precious metal currency is the gold coin called "quintale".Although the soul is a much harder currency than gold to the devil, gold is equally valuable.

(End of this chapter)

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