Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 186 Red Shoes and Jewelry Pavilion!

Chapter 186 Red Shoes and Jewelry Pavilion!

Lu Xiaofeng frowned slightly, turned to look at the distant sky, but couldn't see anything.

"what happened?"

Huo Xiu asked.

"It's nothing, it just always feels like someone is watching me."

Lu Xiaofeng stroked his lower eyebrows, and said something strange.

Huo Xiu chuckled.

"I don't know if anyone is watching you, but you have hurt me today!"

The voice just fell.

A wall came crashing down.

Liu Yuhen and Xiao Qiuyu who were thrown away just now appeared in front of Lu Xiaofeng again.

hundreds of meters away.

"Should I say it's Lu Xiaofeng? You can even feel that someone is looking at him like this."

Xu Yi put away the binoculars. He just took one extra look at Lu Xiaofeng just now, but he didn't expect to be noticed by him.

With such spiritual perception, it is no wonder that he can solve so many major cases in a row.

Xu Yi didn't go to check the house anymore, he had already seen everything he needed to see, and the rest was for him to check it out himself.

He watched hundreds of meters away, Shangguan Feiyan pretending to be Princess Danfeng, with the help of Huamanlou's jade pendant, successfully trapped Lu Xiaofeng into the pit.

I have to say that Huo Xiu is worthy of being Lu Xiaofeng's 'old friend', and he really knows Lu Xiaofeng's character to death!

Knowing that it would be difficult to get Lu Xiaofeng hooked by ordinary methods, he directly targeted Hua Manlou.

Although Hua Manlou had a clear mind, he didn't have much social experience, especially emotional experience. Shangguan Feiyan, a top-notch green tea, was naturally easy to grab.

"Speaking of which, it seems that more than half of the major cases in "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" are all Lu Xiaofeng's friends behind the scenes?"

Xu Yi let out a 'tsk', Lu Xiaofeng's level of making friends is really no one else.

Everyone is thinking of driving him to death!

Apart from Huamanlou and Ximen Chuuxue, Xu Yi never thought that Lu Xiaofeng had other friends who could be considered friends.

So Xu Yi was right in not wanting to make friends with Lu Xiaofeng!
But after a while, Xu Yi felt that he probably had a place among the big bosses behind the scenes.

What happens next doesn't need much introduction.

It was Shangguan Feiyan who incarnated as Shangguan Danfeng, leading Lu Xiaofeng towards the location of King Jinpeng.

The location of King Jinpeng is not in Lin'an City. In order to separate the relationship, they were arranged in a more distant place.

Xu Yi naturally had no intention of following.

He just stayed here, waiting quietly.

Waited from noon to afternoon, approaching evening.

at last.

Huo Xiu walked out of the house and left the house with some things.

"Really left!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Yi's mouth.

This is the moment he's been waiting for!
Not long after Huo Xiu left, he immediately sneaked into the house.

Although there were still quite a few people in the house, including two peak acquired martial artists, it was obviously impossible for them to find Xu Yi.

Everyone knew that Huo Xiu's whereabouts were erratic. They only knew that he often stayed in a Jewelry Pavilion with 180 traps, but no one knew where the Jewelry Pavilion was.

A place where people know where it is, even if it has 180 traps, it may not be able to resist the endless attacks of greedy people.

Where is Huo Xiu's jewelry cabinet?
This question is only known to a very small number of people.

Originally, Xu Yi didn't know about it either, but he felt that the first place where Lu Xiaofeng and Huo Xiu met was probably the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion!

in a study.

Xu Yi discovered a secret passage.

"Sure enough, this is where the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion is located!"

True and false, false and true.

In Xu Yi's expectation, if this is really where the Jewelry Pavilion is located.

After Huo Xiu was discovered by others on purpose, in order to hide the existence of Jewelry Pavilion, he would definitely choose to leave here for a while.

Regardless of whether it is deception or self-deception, in short, this operation is very likely to occur.

And what he was waiting for was such a time difference.

Taking advantage of Huo Xiu's absence and Shangguan Feiyan's absence, it happened to allow him to find out information about Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion directly!
Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

As long as he finds out all the organs and arrangements here in advance, he will have a greater chance of winning in the subsequent plans.

"It won't be a long time, I have to do it as soon as possible...Huh?"

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly, and he heard footsteps coming towards him.

The sound of footsteps was very faint. If Xu Yi's body training had not reached the level of visceral training, and his five senses had greatly improved compared to ordinary warriors, he might not have been able to detect it.

"Interesting, is this someone who has the same idea as me?"

Xu Yi's eyes were subtle, and he immediately restored the mechanism in the study and hid.



The study door was pushed open.

A plain-looking man dressed in gray servant clothes came in cautiously.

He first took a quick look around, and after finding that no one else existed, he quickly came to a bookcase against the wall.


Xu Yi's expression changed.

That's where the agency is located!

Could it be that this person is from Tsing Yi Building?And Huo Xiu gave him permission to enter the Jewelry Pavilion?


Xu Yi immediately denied this possibility.

If he was really from Tsing Yi Lou, it would have been impossible for him to have that sneaky gesture just now.

In front of the bookcase.

I saw that the gray-clothed servant opened the secret door very skillfully and entered the secret passage.

"With such a skillful technique, it's obviously not the first time this person has come in. There's also... the scent of a woman!"

This fragrance was very faint, almost covered by the masculine breath deliberately created by her body, but it still couldn't escape the capture of the memory palace.

Xu Yi's eyes flickered, he probably knew who the other party was.

After waiting for a while, Xu Yi came to the bookcase. With the help of his extraordinary hearing, he confirmed that the other party had gone far away, and then opened the secret door again.

Enter the secret passage.

Without any hesitation, Xu Yi followed the aura just now and walked forward.

With the memory palace, how that person walked just now, and how much strength he used for each step, are all clearly understood.

In fact, not only her, but everyone who walked by before, as long as the traces were not completely erased, Xu Yi could restore them.

It is precisely because of this ability, coupled with the mechanism technique as high as LV·4, that Xu Yi dared to forcibly break into this jeweled treasure pavilion, which claims to have 180 mechanisms.

Memory Palace + Mechanism LV 4.

Xu Yi's understanding of mechanisms is no worse than that of Zhu Ting, who is known as the number one mechanism technique in the world!

He may even be even better at cracking organs!
After all, the memory palace thing is really abnormal sometimes, especially when Xu Yi activates the special state, he can tell there is something wrong at a glance.

For example, the passage in front of you.

At a glance, Xu Yi didn't need to compare the footprints left by his predecessors to know which floor had a problem.

Color difference, ups and downs, leftover dust, etc., even if he doesn't have mechanism skills, he still knows how to go.

Even looking at the slight scratches on the walls and the ground, he can directly infer that when these mechanisms are stepped on, there will be a large number of arrows, and even what direction these arrows will attack, and other information.

With this information, even if Xu Yi stepped on the trap, he could guarantee that he would not get hurt all the way.

For top experts, this jeweled treasure pavilion was a terrifying place where they could die, but for Xu Yi, it was as dangerous as his own back garden.

Originally, Xu Yi wanted to follow along to see what the person in front was doing, but when he found out that the other person was walking more and more slowly, he knew.

"She is also here to explore the way!"

It's just that unlike Xu Yi who has cheats, her speed of exploring the road is a bit slow. Even though she has been here many times, she has not yet finished exploring the jeweled treasure pavilion.

After discovering this, Xu Yi no longer had any interest in following the other party.

However, feeling the existence of competitors, Xu Yi's heart became tense.

"If nothing else happens, besides Huo Xiu, the biggest key to whether I can successfully take down Tsing Yi Building is them!"

Turn around.

Xu Yi went to another fork in the road.

Along the way, Xu Yi stopped and stopped, constantly making his own marks.

"There are a lot of auras here, very mixed, and there are golden threads on the ground... If there is no accident, behind this stone gate should be where the fake Jinpeng kings are."

Xu Yi did not expect that Huo Xiu would make these preparations so quickly.

In the original plot, Huo Xiu was actually not prepared to abandon his status as the 'world's richest man', so he prepared another script for himself.

In Prince Jinpeng's script, it was the three of their courtiers who betrayed him and did not return his wealth to him.

But in Huo Xiu's script, these wealth are used to restore the country, and those who take this wealth must take responsibility!

They were willing to return the wealth, but the Prince Jinpeng didn't dare to take responsibility, so he didn't dare to appear in front of them. He only knew to find some fake ones to swindle money.

In this way, the bad will become good, and Huo Xiu was successfully cleared.

In fact, Huo Xiu almost fooled Lu Xiaofeng, but it was a pity that he still failed to do well in some small details, which led to the failure of success.

The fake King Jinpeng behind the stone gate was one of Huo Xiu's preparations.

"This place...has a feminine fragrance!"

It wasn't the woman Xu Yi had just seen pretending to be a servant in gray clothes, but another woman's fragrance.

"Shangguan Feiyan's boudoir?"

Xu Yi checked it out, and after confirming that there was no one inside, he opened the door and walked in.

He's certainly not a pervert.

Although Shangguan Feiyan, who was disguised as Princess Danfeng, did have some amazing charm, but he was not at all interested in this woman who had slept with countless men.

The reason why he came in was to find out if there was anything he wanted in it.

In the entire Tsing Yi Building, if anyone had the highest status, it would definitely be Huo Xiu.

And under Huo Xiu, it must be his granddaughter Shangguan Feiyan.

As the number two person in Tsing Yi Building, there might be something important in her room.

"found it!"

"The mechanism map of the Jewelry Pavilion!"

Xu Yi looked at the map in front of him with a smile on his lips.

Although he could detect the layout of the entire Jewelery Pavilion by himself, but it would take a certain amount of time after all, and he didn't have much time.

Huo Xiu could come back anytime, and there wasn't much time left for him.

Xu Yi directly burned this map into the memory palace.

"and many more!"

"There seems to be something wrong with the mechanism on this map!"

On this map, 90.00% of the organs that Xu Yi has experienced are all right, and only less than one percent of the organs have problems.

If someone who doesn't know why really uses this map as if it's completely real, he might not even know how he died in the end.

"Fake map? Huo Xiu kept a hand on his own granddaughter? Or was it Shangguan Feiyan who made it up to deceive people?"

Xu Yi thought in his heart that there were all these possibilities.

A person like Huo Xiu is completely dazzled by wealth. If he had to choose between money and his granddaughter, he would definitely choose the former without hesitation!
As for the movie, because after Shangguan Feiyan died, he suddenly cried bitterly and hugged Shangguan Feiyan's body to die.

That's because he couldn't beat the teamwork of Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou and Ximen Chuuxue!

As long as he still has the strength to fight, you can see if he will choose to die.

Anyway, Xu Yi felt that this possibility was unlikely.

For Huo Xiu, who valued his own wealth more than anyone else, it was normal to be on guard against Shangguan Feiyan.

But Xu Yi felt that this kind of defense was a bit easy to kill people. There are several organs on the main road in this organ, and they need to go back and forth frequently.

If this map is really Huo Xiu's way to defend against Shangguan Feiyan, then Shangguan Feiyan will probably be the first to die!

The fact that Shangguan Feiyan hasn't died for so many years shows that she knows there is something wrong with this map.

"It's not to guard against Shangguan Feiyan, it's to guard against outsiders!"

Xu Yi couldn't help admiring in his heart, this Shangguan Feiyan is indeed a person who can play with so many women in the palm of his hand, this method is really powerful!
You know, when he was looking for this map just now, he spent a lot of effort.

It took him a lot of effort to find this map, not to mention the difficulty for others to find this map.

And when faced with such a hard-to-find map, most people will subconsciously think it is real—sunk cost!

No one could accept that the map that took so long to find was a fake map, let alone that someone would hide a fake map so deeply.

Plus 90.00% of the nines on this map are true...

Gee! !

"This is a talent!"

(End of this chapter)

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