Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 189 Straight into the Aperture Level?

Chapter 189 Straight into the Aperture Level?

Get through the main orifice of Tianyuan?
Straight into the practice level? !
"It seems that it is not impossible!"

Xu Yi rubbed his chin, and after very serious thinking, he found that his idea seems to be... feasible? !

Regardless of technical factors, two conditions are required to get through the main orifice of Tianyuan.

One is to locate the main orifice of Tianyuan.

The second is ten years of innate qi.

For the vast majority of warriors, these two conditions are difficult to overcome.

The former is the most precious knowledge of martial arts. Only a very small number of practicing skills in the world can possess such knowledge, and it is impossible for ordinary warriors to obtain it.

The latter is even more outrageous. In order to penetrate all the veins in their bodies, they have almost exhausted their upper limit of true energy. At most, they can only have two or three years of true energy left. How can there be extra ten years of true energy?
Anyone who can still have ten years of true energy after penetrating all the veins in his body must either practice a special technique that can increase the upper limit of true energy.

Either because of his own natural talent, ordinary people need a year of true energy to open up a meridian, but he only needs ten months or even half a year, so he can naturally have excess true energy.

The main orifice positioning method.

Ten years of infuriating.

This is like two big mountains between the innate martial artist and the skilled martial artist. In the whole world, only a very small number of people have been able to cross these two mountains for a hundred years.

Very unfortunate.

Xu Yi happened to meet these two conditions.

The main orifice positioning method.

If it was before today, he really didn't have it.

But in Huo Xiu's Jewel Pavilion, he accidentally got the map inside, entered the Library Pavilion, and obtained the main orifice location method from the "Tianyuan Sword Art" inside.

Not to mention ten years of innocence.

With the assistance of a serious state, the amount of true energy Xu Yi needs to open up the meridians is far lower than that of a normal warrior.

Ordinary warriors need 100 years or even more than 100 years of innate qi to get through their whole body.

It took Xu Yi only 47 years of innate qi to open up all the veins in his body.

Even if his serious state may not be that helpful for practicing orifices, he now has a full 60 years of innate qi in his body.

After subtracting 47 years, there are still 13 years of innate qi, which has completely exceeded the minimum standard of ten years of innate qi!

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Xu Yi was a little moved.

He has fulfilled both the two conditions. On the surface, it seems that he can really directly open up the main orifice of Tianyuan and enter the level of a practitioner of the orifice.

"Once I enter the level of practicing martial artist, then I will truly stand at the top of this world!"

Martial artisans and artifice practitioners are really two completely different levels.

Not to mention the issue of being able to borrow the power of heaven and earth, but the energy levels used by both parties are different.

Tongmai warriors use true qi.

Practitioners use real yuan!

After being compressed, it becomes a liquid true essence!

Although it is not the same as the acquired internal force and innate qi, even after compression, it can still control the same amount of energy.

Xiantian zhenqi is compressed into true essence, so it can only be used as much as it is originally.

For example, after 100 years of innate qi is compressed into 50 years of true energy, you can only control 50 years of true energy. Want to control more?Continue to practice!
It's not like after 20 years of internal energy is compressed into ten years of innate qi, you can still control 20 years of innate qi. You only need to spend a few days replenishing the less ten years of innate qi.

But even the compressed 50-year liquid true essence is directly equivalent to 150 years of innate true energy in terms of overall power.

Coupled with the gap in output, and the difference in the power to control the world and so on.

Let's put it this way, if an Acrobatic Martial Artist makes all-out moves, an ordinary Innate Consummation Martial Artist will definitely not be able to survive three moves!

If you are both internal and external, and have reached the level of congenital perfection, it may last a lot longer, but it is basically impossible to be an opponent of a martial artist!

The reason why I say basic, not absolute, is mainly because of the existence of soul martial skills.

Soul Martial Skills are a bit out of the way of conventional warriors.

Normally, even if a warrior has reached the level of a martial artist, they have not yet involved in the cultivation of the soul. At most, it is because of the blessings of many aspects that the soul resistance is a bit high.

If someone can cultivate soul martial arts to an extremely high level, even if he is only at the innate level, it may not be impossible to kill the practitioner.

For example... Li Xunhuan?
His "Xiao Li Fei Dao" has a taste of that soul martial skill.

In terms of level alone, Li Xunhuan is really not that high, but once "Little Li Flying Knife" came out, there was almost no one in the world who could stop him.

If Xu Yi was able to cultivate the "Soul Shifting Dafa" to a corresponding level, it might be possible for him to counterattack and practice his skills innately.

It's a bit far off.

In the warrior system, soul martial skills are indeed very powerful, even outrageous, but the conditions for the cultivation of this martial skill are also extremely harsh.

Counting the whole world, there are very few warriors who can practice soul martial arts, let alone the level that can kill martial arts practitioners.

Li Xunhuan and Ye Kai are the only ones who have mastered "Little Li Feidao".

There is no one who has mastered the "Soul Shifting Dafa".

Tong Xiangyu has only cultivated it to a level comparable to that of a peak acquired martial artist, and it is far from being able to truly master it.

Yuan Jin'er's talent is very good, and she is very suitable for "Dafa of Soul Shifting", but it is hard to say whether she can cultivate "Dafa of Soul Shifting" to a level that can affect martial arts practitioners.

As for Xu Yi?

Although not as suitable as Yuan Jin'er for "The Dafa of Soul Shifting", but with the ability to cheat, it is very possible to practice "Dafa of Soul Shifting", but the time is uncertain.

Even Xu Yi is so difficult, one can imagine how difficult it is for other martial artists to counterattack martial arts practitioners through the road of soul martial arts, it can be said to be almost impossible.

"If you don't get into practice, you can only be a pawn in this world after all."

If you want to become a real chess player in this world, you must enter the practice level!

"Try it!"

Xu Yi adjusted his state.

"Turn on serious state!"

"Locate the main orifice of Tianyuan!"

Like the meridians, dantian and sea of ​​consciousness of the human body, these main orifices do not exist anywhere in the human body.

With the naked eye or technological equipment, even if you decompose the human body into atoms, you will never see the existence of the main orifice.

It exists between the virtual and the real.

If you compare the human body to the universe, you can think of it as a small space, demiplane, etc. that exist attached to the human body.

It's just that the relationship between them and the human body may be much closer than the relationship between the universe and these small spaces and demiplanes.

Under normal circumstances, these special spaces are closed, and corresponding means must be used to open and activate them.

The main orifice is actually very similar to the dantian of a human being, they are both similar circular spaces.

Therefore, martial artists usually have a saying that the main orifice is a small dantian.

In other words, Dantian is a main orifice?
Both are about the same.

It's just that the dantian should be the easiest main orifice to locate and open.

Perhaps it is because the relationship with the human body is too close and too close. The martial artist can locate the dantian with almost no effort, and then only needs to condense a ray of internal force to directly open up the dantian in the body, thus formally embarking on the road of martial arts .

Relatively speaking, the other main orifice known as the small dantian is much, much harder to get through.

Just how many times is the innate true energy of those ten years inferior to a ray of internal energy?Thousands of times more than that!

Apart from these, the positioning of these main orifices is not so easy.

In the mysterious space.

Xu Yi watched the positioning process from another dimension.

Borrowing the method of locating the main orifice from "Tianyuan Sword Art", in an instant, he felt as if he had entered a mysterious place.

This is an unknown land.

It is vast and full of stars, like a real universe.

"This is... the inner universe of the human body!"

Xu Yi was shocked.

He didn't expect that he could see such a magnificent scene, let alone that the legendary theory of the universe inside the human body actually existed!
It's just that the level of ordinary people is too low, and there is no corresponding method, so there is no way to observe such a scene.

Xu Yi didn't know what state he was in to observe the interior scene. He only knew that he was very small in this vast human body and universe, just like a speck of dust in the universe.

In this vast universe inside the human body, after watching the sky full of stars, the first thing that caught Xu Yi's attention was a big sun.

This round of 'big sun' was very close to him, and his whole body exuded alternating cold and hot breaths.

Xu Yi just glanced at it, and felt that this round of 'big day' was very close.

"Close? Cold and hot?"

He vaguely guessed what this round of 'big day' was.

After a little hesitation, he attached a ray of his mind, and a message appeared in his heart.


"This is my dantian!"

Those alternating hot and cold breaths are the yin and yang true qi in his body.

"I see!"

A flash of understanding flashed in Xu Yi's heart.

"If this round of 'big sun' is the dantian in my body, then the nine main orifices..."

Xu Yi turned his gaze to the nine 'planets' orbiting the 'big sun' not far away.

Nine main orifices?

Nine planets? !
No problem!
"No wonder I just thought that the positioning method of the main orifice of the Yuan Dynasty looked so strange, it turned out to be the method of positioning the planets!"

Xu Yi looked at the positioning method of Tianyuan's main orifice, and then recalled the modern scientific planetary positioning formula.

"It seems that modern science seems to be simpler!"

Although this method of locating the main orifice of Tianyuan from "Tianyuan Sword Art" can also locate the main orifice of Tianyuan, it is a bit too complicated to be true.

Moreover, many methods have to borrow some kind of intuitive ability, and the result of positioning can only be a rough idea, not rigorous.

"Or to be more precise, the main orifice of Tianyuan located by this method is only a few points, not the entire trajectory!"

It was precisely because of this that when Xu Yi first read it, he didn't associate it with the modern planetary positioning formula.

Can the positioning of certain points be the same as the positioning of the entire running track? !
"If all these exercises are positioned in this way, then it is indeed a bit LOW!"

The positioning of several points indicates that you can only locate this 'planet' when it moves to this position, and then the time to get through must also be within that short period of time.

Because you don't have the data of the following trajectory, after that point, you can only guess the position of the 'planet'!

At the beginning, it may be guessed that there will not be too much deviation, but the further you go, the greater the deviation will be.

At that time, you will be very hard, maybe only a part of your force will fall on the real 'planet', and you will not even have a part of your force in the end. How can you get through it?
"No wonder it takes so much qi to get through these main orifices!"

"I still suffer from being uneducated!"

Xu Yi shook his head slightly.

Although he hasn't formally opened up the main orifice, but with this data alone, he can analyze that under normal circumstances, it will take at most one or two years of true energy to open a main orifice!
Of course, this normal situation refers to the situation where you have calculated all the trajectories of the entire 'planet'.

Because you can use a lot of strength every moment to open up the 'planet', the useless consumption is greatly reduced, so you only need a very small amount of true energy to open up the main orifice.

And because you have calculated all the running trajectories, as long as you have enough true energy in your body, there is no problem of failure to get through.

Other fighters will fail to get through the main orifice because the 'planet' moves too much beyond the point they know, and all their true energy becomes useless.

You have already calculated the entire running trajectory, so naturally there is no problem of useless work.

"So... we still have to change it!"

Realizing the essence of opening up the main orifice, Xu Yi naturally disliked the original method of locating the main orifice of Tianyuan.

Not to mention low efficiency, the failure rate is still high!
If he really used this method to get through the main orifice of Tianyuan, Xu Yi felt that even if he had the blessing of a serious state, he would have to fail dozens or hundreds of times before he could succeed.

That's because he has found a more accurate trajectory behind the known point in these dozens of failures, and can reduce more useless work.

Otherwise, even if he failed hundreds of times, he might not be able to succeed.

"No wonder there is almost no risk in getting through the main orifice, yet so many people are still stuck in this level!"

"The demand for ten years of true qi is only one of the reasons. The more important reason is that they have to sum up at least a method that consumes less useless out of hundreds or thousands of failures!"

The so-called skills and experience in the exercises should be all about it, and they can help them better find ways to reduce useless consumption.

It's just that this is still useless to Xu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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