Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 43 Sword Picking Huashan?

Chapter 43 Sword Picking Huashan? (Ask for votes!)
Gao Genming's house.

"Brother, what is this?"

Gao Genming looked bewildered.

Except for a routine visit on the day of the entrance, this little junior who has never visited the door for more than a year, it is fine to come to visit suddenly, but just give him a "please enlighten me" what is going on ?

I have never targeted him before!

Among the Huashan sect's inner disciples, although they were all close to Linghu Chong and faintly rejected Xu Yi because of Linghu Chong, except for Lu Dayou, the others did not really do anything against Xu Yi.

Lu Dayou and Xu Yi are about the same age, even if they are a little tit for tat, it can be regarded as nonsense among children. They are almost 20 years old, and it is nothing to target a 13-year-old junior who has just started Son?
Their Huashan School is a dignified and decent school!

The master Yue Buqun is even the "Gentleman's Sword" praised by the martial arts world!
As Yue Buqun's disciples, if they did such a thing, wouldn't that embarrass Yue Buqun and the Huashan School?

Based on this, even though all these seniors are faintly repelling Xu Yi, except for Lu Dayou, including Linghu Chong, none of them have ever done anything excessive to Xu Yi, and even in some things, they will do their best. Help Xu Yi.

Like Linghu Chong, no matter what his opinion of Xu Yi was, he had given Xu Yi serious advice many times.

In any case, Xu Yi is their junior brother, a fellow student of their master, Yue Buqun, who was personally accepted into the sect!
With such a passion, their relationship will not be so bad no matter how bad it is.

"It's my fault that I didn't make it clear. It's this fifth senior brother. I just broke through today, and my realm is still a little unstable, so I want to use a few battles to help me consolidate my realm."

Lu Da had an excuse to come to provocation, and Xu Yi used it directly.

"I see."

Gao Genming glanced at Xu Yi, his breath was unstable, and he looked like he had just broken through.

"I would like to congratulate my junior brother, I finally made a breakthrough!"

"Thank you, brother! Then this battle..."

"No problem! Even if the junior brother needs it, the senior brother will naturally not refuse!"

Gao Genming nodded, and agreed directly.

Still the same sentence, repulsion is repulsion, Xu Yi is still their junior brother after all!
Of course, it is impossible for them to refuse this kind of question that does not involve fundamental positioning.

"Thank you, brother!"

The two came to the yard.

Unlike Xu Yi's yard where all the buildings were bulldozed for his own cultivation, Gao Genming's yard was more similar to Xu Yi's previous yard, with gardens, rockery, and various flowers and trees, which looked fresh and pleasant.

This kind of place is obviously not suitable for fighting. What if the whole yard is broken?
Although Gao Genming's family had a little money, it was not like the eldest son of a big landlord like Xu Yi, who didn't have that much money to rearrange his yard.

Fortunately, at the edge of the corner of the yard, a bluestone platform was specially opened up, which is used by Gao Genming for his own practice. Although it is not very big, it can be used to some extent.

Before the battle started, Xu Yi said something special.

"Fifth Senior Brother, I have just opened up a meridian, and my strength is relatively average. I hope Fifth Senior Brother will be merciful!"

"Please don't worry, little brother! It's actually for you to consolidate your strength, so naturally I won't go all out, brother, I will suppress my strength to a level comparable to yours!"

"Thank you, brother!"

"Junior Brother, make your move first!"

"Then senior brother, I will not be polite!"

The sword light flickered.

The battle began in an instant.

Compared with Lu Dayou, Gao Genming's strength is undoubtedly much stronger. Not only has three meridians been opened up, and he has entered the third-rate late stage, even "Huashan Sword Art" has broken through to the proficient level not long ago.

This kind of strength, even in the arena, is equivalent to some masters who have been around for many years!
If Gao Genming and Lu Dayou fought with all their strength, they could defeat Lu Dayou with at most fifty moves.

However, the current battle is more similar to a sparring, and it is still a sparring that has been announced in advance. Naturally, Gao Genming can't go all out, and the strength he has shown is probably similar to that of Lu Da.

Gao Genming is a real person, if he said to suppress strength, he suppressed strength. Not only did he not use his internal force through his legs, he only used the Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of his right hand, he didn't even use the swordsmanship at the level of proficiency, he only used the equivalent of Proficient level of swordsmanship.

"This is not what I want!"

When Xu Yi saw it, he immediately felt that this was a bit too much.

If Gao Genming hadn't shot with all his strength, how could he squeeze the opponent's wool?

Ever since, he directly raised his level of swordsmanship to the level of proficiency.

"Proficient level of "Huashan Sword Art"?"

Gao Genming was surprised.

He has been a beginner for nearly five years, and it is not long ago that he managed to raise the "Huashan Sword Art" to the level of proficiency.

If he remembers correctly, Xu Yi has been a student for less than a year and a half, right?
Raised "Huashan Sword Art" to the level of proficiency in less than a year and a half? !

"Young junior brother won't be a swordsman genius like senior brother, right?"

He was startled by the thought in his mind.

Although he doesn't have so many views on Xu Yibao like Lu Dayou, but in his impression, Xu Yi's talent can be regarded as good, comparable to Lu Dayou, not as good as Lu Dayou's. How bad are they.

Put it in the arena, it can also be regarded as the kind with good talent.

However, compared with Linghu Chong's swordsmanship genius, Xu Yi's performance in the past was still much worse. Now that Pu Yi discovered that Xu Yi's swordsmanship talent was comparable to Linghu Chong's, he was naturally very surprised.

However, the ongoing battle didn't surprise him too much. Soon Gao Genming rejoined the battle, and in order to show an even match with Xu Yi, he also raised his swordsmanship to a proficient level.

"White clouds come out of Xiu!" "Pine welcomes guests!" "Shijian meets friends!"

A set of thirteen styles of "Huashan Sword Art" was used by them back and forth from different angles.

Every few seconds, Xu Nuo could feel the change of 'swordsmanship +1', so that after three hundred moves, Xu Yi, who had no gains, fell behind by one move with a 'lack of internal strength' lost.

"Thank you brother for your advice!"

"It's nothing, little brother, your swordsmanship is very strong! If it weren't for my deeper inner strength, the outcome of this sparring might not necessarily be me."

"Brother is too modest."

The two people blew a wave of business to each other.

Finally, under Gao Genming's sighing gaze, Xu Yi left.


Shi Daizi's yard.

"Brother, please enlighten me!"

Shi Daizi:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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