Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 45 Wisdom and Using Wisdom

Chapter 45 Wisdom and Using Wisdom

"Swordsmanship +400"

This is Xu Yi's comprehension obtained from third senior brother Liang Fa.

That's right!

It is comprehension!

I, Xu Yi, have an unrivaled talent!
Is there any problem in being able to learn something in the battle with others and improve one's own strength? !

In a way, there is nothing wrong with saying this.

Xu Yi has already discovered that when he is in a serious state, he is indeed a perverted evildoer with talent and understanding!

Even without the blessing of the memory palace, he still has the ability to comprehend and absorb the opponent's background in battle, so as to improve himself.

The Memory Palace is what amplifies and speeds up the process!

Just like the battle with Liang Fa, if there is no memory palace, even if Xu Yi turns on the serious state, it is estimated that he can only get the income of +200 swordsmanship in the end, and it can't be obtained in real time, he needs to go back and review it several times , Only by comprehending and comprehending more can you really get the benefits of swordsmanship +200.

If you want to gain the benefits of +400 swordsmanship, it is estimated that you will have to practice two, or even three, four times.

Because of the memory palace's abnormal memory and its ability to store, deduce and absorb in real time, Xu Yi was able to absorb all of Liang Fa's sword skills immediately after the battle, and gained +400 sword skills income.

Memory Palace + Conscientiousness.

This is the real reason Xu Yi is able to behave so perverted now!

"It seems that my five major states really still have a lot of room to be tapped!"

Whether it was the memory palace that helped Xu Yi improve his learning and cultivation ability in the normal state, or the memory palace now assisting the serious state to play the role of the serious state to a greater extent, this shows that his five major states are actually quite different. Not really developed to its fullest potential.

It's like a smart person, if you ask him to learn arithmetic, he starts from scratch, with nine-nine multiplication table and without nine-nine multiplication table, those are two completely different concepts.

Perhaps the latter is also possible to learn, but the time spent will be much more!
Xu Yi's mastery of the five major states is like becoming a key that can transform into the smartest person in the world at any time, but how far he can go as the smartest person in the world depends on how much he can use. own wise way.

Just like the current "Huashan Sword Art" Xiaocheng, if Xu Yi didn't discover the special purpose of the memory palace, and didn't even develop the memory palace, how long would it take for him to achieve it only by relying on the five major states?
"Huashan Sword Art" needs 83 points of proficiency from proficiency to small success. According to the progress of [-] points of proficiency in one day of hard work, he needs [-] days, nearly three months.

What now?
long time!

To be more precise, an hour!
After Xu Yi spent an hour of his seriousness during the day, he took his "Huashan Sword Art" from the beginning to the proficient level, and directly entered the stage of elementary swordsmanship.

In the same state, mastering the application method and not mastering the application method are two completely different levels.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that there is a huge difference between one hour and three months!

"If I have time in the future, I'd better do more research on the use of this aspect. If I can research a method that can speed up the cultivation of internal strength, then I guess I will be invincible right away!"

Leaving the third senior brother Liang Fa who was equally confused, Xu Yi turned around and left.

After leaving Liang Fa's house, Xu Yi became hesitant for a while.

According to the sequence, he should be looking for second brother Lao Denuo to 'discuss' next.

"To find Laudno?"

If he didn't know Lao Denuo's identity, Xu Yi probably would have come to him without saying a word.

Although because of talent, Lao Denuo's "Huashan Sword Art" is actually not very good. It is better than Gao Genming who has just entered the proficient level, but it is not as good as Liang Fa and Shi Daizi who are about to achieve a small amount of swordsmanship.

You must know that Lao Denuo started learning earlier than Liang Fa and Shi Daizi. Yue Buqun did not hide basic sword techniques like "Huashan Sword Art" from him. It can be said that he practiced "Huashan Sword Art" "was two or three years earlier than Liang Fa and Shi Daizi.

But now his level of "Huashan Sword Art" is about the same as that of Xu Yi before he started to "combat" with others, at least half a level behind Liang Fa and Shi Daizi.

This talent... is really hard to see.

However, considering that the other party is 50 years old, and his internal strength is only at the early stage of second-rate, this does not seem to be something incomprehensible.

Lao Denuo's swordsmanship was average, but Xu Yilian didn't dislike Gao Genming, who had just entered the proficient level, and Lu Dayou, who was proficient, so naturally he wouldn't dislike him either.

Even for him who has reached a small level of swordsmanship, the benefits that Lao Denuo can bring him may become smaller, but mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is?

Even if it is only one or two hundred sword proficiency, it will take Xu Yi ten days and half a month to obtain it by himself.

Directly reducing the hard work of half a month, this harvest is not too small.

The only problem is Laudno's true identity!
Xu Yi hesitated for a while, and finally made his own decision.

Laudnor's house.

That's right.

Xu Yi finally appeared here. Although doing so might cause some troubles, compared to another trouble, it was still acceptable.

It's one thing to know something, but it's another thing to show that you know it.

Yue Buqun had already noticed Lao Denuo's identity as a young boy, but did you see when he said it?Not only did he not say anything, but in normal times, he treated him no differently from other disciples.

Xu Yi also knew the identity of Lao Denuo, but did he want to tell Lao Denuo about his knowledge?Then he is forcing Lao Denuo to kill him!
On the contrary, if he showed his talent at this time, he would be just another Linghu Chong in Lao Denuo's eyes, and the risk factor might be greatly increased, but it shouldn't be a big problem in a short time.

What Xu Yi needed was time.

You know, an undercover agent is the craziest when his identity is exposed!
If he really made Laodenuo aware that he had discovered his identity, then Laodenuo would absolutely use any means to kill him regardless!
This is obviously not a good choice for Xu Yi who is still focusing on low-key development.

Both options have pitfalls. When he had to choose, Xu Yi had no choice but to choose the one that seemed harmless for the time being.

Xu Yi has made all the mental preparations, but the reality is often beyond his expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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