Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 48: The Nearly Accomplished Huashan Sword Art

Chapter 48: The Nearly Accomplished Huashan Sword Art (seeking tickets)

"I lost?"

Linghu Chong stood there blankly.

"Thank you, Senior Brother, for your advice! Junior Brother has benefited a lot! I feel like I have gained some insight into my swordsmanship, so I won't disturb Senior Senior Brother here. Goodbye, Senior Senior Brother!"

After getting the benefits, Xu Yi quickly walked away.

What if Linghu Chong loses his eyes and frantically seeks out him for 'discussion' like Lu Dayou?
Linghu Chong is not as easy to deal with as Lu Dayou!

In addition, Linghu Chong doesn't have any 'oil and water' on him now, so why are you still 'competing' with him?
Slip away, slip away.

Linghu Chong still stood where he was, as if he hadn't noticed Xu Yi's departure at all.

He was still immersed in the 'discussion' just now, with only one thought in his mind.

I actually lost?
I actually lost to a junior who had just started for less than a year and a half?

Linghu Chong couldn't describe that feeling.

It was an emotional experience that was almost out of balance and completely collapsed!
Although he suppressed his own strength, his swordsmanship was not suppressed!
Under the same realm, he, a kendo genius who has practiced swordsmanship for more than ten years, is not as good as a person who has just started for less than a year and a half?

Who can accept this? !
"I've already lost my little junior sister. Is it possible that now I'm also going to lose the title of the first genius of the Huashan School?"

Linghu Chong felt as if snowflakes were falling on his head, and the north wind was blowing, chilling his heart.


In the mysterious space.

A light blue translucent panel appeared in front of Xu Yi's eyes.

Host: Xu Yi

Boundary: the pinnacle of the third rate

Internal Strength: Four years (13 years/limit)

Internal strength: Huashan basic internal strength (fifth level)


Visualizing Thoughts: The Eight-Level Memory Palace

Huashan Swordsmanship LV·4 (9500/10000)!
"Huashan Sword Art" proficiency skyrocketed!

Directly from the initial stage of entering LV·4 Xiaocheng, it skyrocketed to almost LV·[-] Dacheng!
As far as "Huashan Sword Art" is concerned, Xu Yi is even stronger than Linghu Chong now!
Although he failed to break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and entered the LV·5 Dacheng, the gain of nine thousand proficiency was enough to make Xu Yi ecstatic.

You know, the combination of Lu Dayou, Gao Genming, Shi Daizi and Liang Fa just brought him 1000 two hundred sword skills proficiency.

Linghu Chong provided him with a full nine thousand sword proficiency by himself.

"Sure enough, you are indeed a swordsman genius who can practice "Dugu Nine Swords"!"

A person's accumulation of swordsmanship is almost ten times that of the other four juniors, completely worthy of his title of swordsman genius.

"Unfortunately, his current swordsmanship is still almost meaningless. If the plot officially starts, or even the period when he learns "Dugu Nine Swords"..."

Xu Yi thought greedily.

If he was facing Linghu Chong of those two periods today, not to mention raising his "Huashan Sword Art" to a perfect level, but at least one sword art master would definitely not be able to escape!

It's a pity that he traveled a little too early. He really had to wait two or three years before the plot officially started. Xu Yi felt that even if he was not invincible in this world, he probably wouldn't be much worse.

At that time, he probably didn't think much of the Dacheng "Huashan Sword Art".

Of course, that was Xu Yi two or three years later, and he is still very attractive now!

"It's only [-] proficiency levels short, do you want to find a few more people to 'discuss' and let my swordsmanship officially enter the stage of mastery?"

Xu Yi thought about the possibility of this matter.

Now that Linghu Chong, Liang Fa, Shi Daizi, Gao Genming, and Lu Da have all been wiped out by him, the only people he can choose from in the Huashan faction are Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze, Lao Denuo, Yue Lingshan and some of the outer disciples were gone.

As an outer disciple of the Huashan School, although the treatment is definitely not as high as that of the inner disciples, even the most basic "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" can only be passed on to the first three levels, and the latter six levels need to be redeemed after meritorious deeds are established.

However, they were still able to teach the most basic Huashan swordsmanship, the "Huashan swordsmanship", and they got all the thirteen styles of "Huashan swordsmanship".

In other words, apart from the inner disciples of the Huashan School, they also practiced the "Huashan Sword Art".

"Outer disciples are eliminated first!"

Xu Yi was the first to exclude these outer disciples.

Leaving aside the hassle of finding these outer disciples to compete with swords, let's talk about the level of swordsmanship of these outer disciples. It really is that even Xu Yi four months ago may not be able to appreciate it!
You know, at that time, Xu Yi had just reached the level of proficiency in "Huashan Sword Art", and even he didn't like it. One can imagine how bad the sword skills of these outer disciples were.

It's not that there are good ones, "Huashan Sword Art" is easy to learn but difficult to master, but in the first three levels, entry, proficiency, and proficiency, as long as you spend enough time, you can reach them one by one.

Among the outer disciples of the Huashan School, there must be someone who has practiced "Huashan Sword Art" to the level of proficiency or even proficiency.

But it is a pity that all these outer disciples were sent out.

The outer door, the outer door.

Disciples outside the sect are outer disciples.

The purpose of the existence of these outer disciples is to help the Huashan School deal with various external matters.

As for the outer disciples who are still in the Huashan School, most of them are newly recruited, their strength is not up to the standard, and their swordsmanship is basically at the introductory stage.

Although it is possible for anyone to practice "Huashan Sword Art" to comprehend a unique aspect, and it is possible to bring Xu Yi a harvest, but that harvest...
Xu Yi felt that it might not be as fast as his own cultivation!
For the same reason, Yue Lingshan's swordsmanship level is too low. For Xu Yi, who has almost reached the mastery of swordsmanship, even if he absorbs all of them, it is estimated that there is no way to increase his swordsmanship proficiency by [-] points.

It is not easy to have twenty or thirty o'clock.

Xu Yi even estimated that he might only gain ten points of swordsmanship proficiency in the end.

"Lao Denuo? His swordsmanship is not bad, and he is proficient at the level of swordsmanship! The most important thing is that he is a master of martial arts. Before he practiced "Huashan Swordsmanship", he had already practiced other martial arts. His "Huashan Sword Art" is probably very different from other disciples!"

Xu Yi reckoned that if he really had a 'combat' with Laodenuo, he would at least gain more than [-] sword proficiency, and even with luck, it would not be impossible to directly obtain [-] sword proficiency!

It's a pity that the other party has already gone out to handle errands, and he doesn't know when he will come back.

Even if he comes back, in his capacity...
Xu Yi still didn't want to get in touch for the time being.

So now there are only two people left.

Yue Buqun, Ningzhong is.

(End of this chapter)

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