Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 56: Great Achievement!

Chapter 56: Great Achievement! (seeking tickets)

"Memory Palace!"

"Collect happy memories!"

"Collect sad memories!"

"Collect Troubled Memories!"

Xu Yi switched back to a relaxed state and began to recollect various emotional memories.

After collecting all the emotional memories, he switched to the mental state again.

"Start collecting psychic energy!"

At first, he was a little worried about the incompatibility of these different emotions, but then he found himself thinking too much, and they all became pure spiritual energy.

As for the fact that Xu Yi obviously couldn't observe the psychic energy, why did he know that they were all pure psychic energy... Feeling!Asking is the feeling of the soul!
Although he couldn't see or touch it, he could still feel something, especially when Xu Yi was in a state of mind, he was more sensitive and keen.

After absorbing about 80.00% of the emotional memory, Xu Yi had a feeling.

"I can use the state of mind!"

This is a wonderful feeling that cannot be described, as if there is a voice telling him that he has accumulated enough spiritual energy and can open it up!

If Xu Yi is in a normal state at this moment, or even in other states, he may have fallen into epiphany now, just like when he turned on the serious state before, he involuntarily stimulated this spiritual energy to enter In a state of enlightenment.

But Xu Yi, who was in a state of mind now, found that he seemed to be able to control it.

"An epiphany state of free control?"

"That's great!"

Xu Yi was very happy.

The epiphany that can be freely controlled and the epiphany that cannot be freely controlled have completely different values!

Uncontrollable epiphany, who knows what your epiphany is?
The last time Xu Yi was lucky, he happened to be practicing swords when he had an epiphany, so he finally gained more than 5000 sword proficiency.

If he's driving next time he has an epiphany...


It seems not impossible.


"All in all, it's better to control this epiphany in my own hands!"

Xu Yi thought for a while, and instead of opening the epiphany immediately, he absorbed the remaining 20.00% as well.

Anyway, the remaining psychic energy is impossible for him to start the second epiphany, so it's better to directly strengthen it and see how it works after strengthening!
After collecting all the psychic energy, Xu Yi began to choose the object of his epiphany.

""Huashan Sword Art"!"

""Huashan Long Fist"!"

""Cloud Zongbu"!"

Xu Yi first listed his options.

"Huashan Basic Internal Strength" should also be able to achieve epiphany, but what is the direction of epiphany? Is it directly improving internal strength?Or increase understanding?He doesn't even know.

If it's the former, it's okay, even if it can only increase the internal strength for a year or half a year.

But if it was the latter, Xu Yi didn't think it was necessary. He had already comprehended "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" to a very high level with his seriousness, even Yue Buqun couldn't compare to him.

Although I dare not say that he has completely comprehended "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", but at least in terms of cultivation, he no longer needs to comprehend any more.

So if the direction of epiphany is to increase the comprehension of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", then he is really at a loss!
And Xu Yi, after careful consideration, felt that if he chose "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", the possibility of increasing his comprehension would be the greatest!

"The essence of internal force is actually energy! It is the energy that warriors ingest and transform from various foods every day! Directly increase internal force for half a year, or even a year?"

"I'm afraid it may not be possible to suck me dry!"

After all, according to the law of conservation of energy, all energy cannot appear out of thin air, it must be converted from other energies!

Xu Yi didn't have these 'other energies', even if there was an option to increase his internal strength in the epiphany, the final outcome would probably be to play himself to death.

The option of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" was directly excluded.

The only choices left to Xu Yi were "Huashan Sword Art", "Huashan Changquan" and "Yun Zongbu".

After pondering for a moment.

Xu Yi also excluded "Huashan Sword Art".

""Huashan Sword Art" has now reached the stage of Dacheng, and it needs [-] proficiency points to upgrade. Although the spiritual energy gathered by my epiphany this time is more than last time, it is not much more. If this epiphany If it’s used in this, I’m afraid it won’t make a big difference.”

In fact, after the "Huashan Sword Art" reached great success, Xu Yi had already decided to let the "Huashan Sword Art" go for the time being after he saw the huge amount of proficiency required behind it.

no way!
I can't move!
Forty-five thousand proficiency, even if Xu Yi practiced "Huashan Sword Art" for fifteen hours a day, it would take nearly two thousand days, nearly five or six years!
"Anyway, the Dacheng-level "Huashan Sword Art" is enough now, let's wait for the opportunity and use the method of 'comparison' to improve!"

If "Huashan Sword Art" is removed, what is left is "Huashan Changquan" and "Yun Zongbu".


Or light work?

Needless to say!
"I choose Yun Zongbu!"

Walking in the rivers and lakes, light work is not good, you can't escape even if you run for your life!
In Xu Yi's mind, the three major martial arts are ranked in the order of swordsmanship, lightness kung fu, and boxing.

Now that swordsmanship has been ruled out, the remaining two choices must be lightness skills!

Cloud Zongbu LV·3 (125/1000).

This is the "Cloud Zongbu" before I didn't choose, and I just stepped into the proficiency level not long ago.

And after Xu Yi chose "Yun Zongbu" as the object of his epiphany, he also jumped into the courtyard in real space and started the daily practice of "Yun Zongbu".

It's just that it's different from the usual daily practice, this time the daily practice, the proficiency growth rate is a bit scary!

Usually, like swordsmanship, you can gain a little proficiency by practicing for more than half an hour.

But now, under the blessing of the epiphany state, the proficiency increases by as many as dozens of points every second!

In less than half a minute, the proficiency of "Yun Zongbu" skyrocketed by nearly [-], and then the system panel paused slightly.

Cloud Zongbu LV·4 (0/3000)!
"Yun Zongbu" has been upgraded from the beginner level of LV·3 to the level of mastery of LV·4 in one fell swoop!
And all of this took less than half a minute.

This is just the beginning.

The improvement of "Yun Zongbu" did not slow down because of the upgrade to Xiaocheng, on the contrary, it was faintly faster, and only after 1 minute, the system panel paused again.

Cloud Zongbu LV·5 (0/5000)!
"Cloud Zongbu" is a great success!
In less than a minute and a half, he was promoted to two levels.

What's even more frightening is that up to this moment, Xu Yi's epiphany has not been lifted!

(End of this chapter)

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