Chapter 61 Farewell
"Go down the mountain?"

"Yes, the end of the new year is approaching. Disciple thinks about his parents who are at home, and thinks that he has not been home for a year and a half. He misses him a lot, so he wants to go home and visit."

"It's rare for you to be so filial, go! You've been approved as a teacher! There's nothing you need to do on the mountain. You have stayed on the mountain for more than a year, and your relatives must miss you very much. You will come back in a month." That's right."

"Thank you master!"

Xu Yi bowed and said.

So, simply, the problem is solved.

It may be more troublesome for other inner disciples to go down the mountain, but he lives in Huayin County, which can be said to be at the foot of Huashan Mountain, and his wealth is clean. As long as he has a good reason, Yue Buqun will basically not get stuck.

Yue Buqun gave a few more instructions.

"Although you have gone down the mountain, you still can't let go of your daily homework! You should know that cultivation is like studying. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you waste a day, it may take three days to find it; if you waste a month, half a year of hard work It may be invalid! Remember to remember!"

"Thank you, master, for your teaching! This disciple must keep it in mind! The daily practice will never be missed!"

"Well, go! Say hello to your parents for the teacher!"

Yue Buqun nodded, he was still very relieved about Xu Yi, he just wanted to mention it a little bit, after all Xu Yi was famous for his self-discipline and hard work.

If the target is Linghu Chong... it takes half a day to make a bottom line!
"The disciple must bring the master's greetings with him! If the master has no other orders, then the disciple will go back and prepare first, and go down the mountain in three days."


"Disciple retire!"

Xu Yi bowed and saluted, then turned around and was about to leave.

Just got halfway there.

"and many more!"

"Master, do you have any instructions?"

Xu Yi turned around and said with some doubts.

"During this time, your second senior brother needs to buy new year's goods, and he has to go down the mountain, you..."

Yue Buqun paused, glanced at Xu Yi, and shook his head slightly in his heart.

"If you meet them when you go down the mountain, you can communicate with each other."

"Disciple understands."


"The disciple retire."

The corridor outside the hall.

Xu Yi frowned slightly.

"At the end, the master suddenly mentioned what Lao Denuo meant?"

He felt a little puzzled, and there were several thoughts in his mind, but he didn't have an accurate answer.

After thinking about it, Xu Yi, who was going back to his yard, turned around and went in another direction.

"Are you going down the mountain?"

Linghu Chong was taken aback for a moment, and then an involuntary burst of joy welled up in his heart.

Xu Yi has gone down the mountain, so he and his junior sister...
"Yes, the end of the new year is approaching, and my younger brother Siji has not returned home for a year and a half, so I want to go home and visit. Master has agreed to let me go back to the mountain in a month."

"A month."

A regretful expression appeared on Linghu Chong's face.

Why not a little longer?

But he soon realized that something was wrong with his reaction, and quickly made amends.

"Little brother, I didn't mean that, I meant..."

"Eldest brother, don't worry, the younger brother didn't think too much! The first reason for the senior brother's visit is to tell the elder brother what I am about to go down the mountain, and the second is to ask the elder brother what he needs? I will bring it to you when I return to the mountain." .”

"Oh, that's it, haha, I actually don't need anything... Well, of course, if it doesn't bother me, it's fine if the younger brother can bring me some wine! Well, it's best to bring it secretly !"

"...I see, don't worry, big brother! I'll bring you wine, well, secretly!"

After leaving Linghu Chong's house, Xu Yi walked towards Lao Denuo's house.

"Little brother? Why did you come to me suddenly? Could it be that you want to 'discuss' with me?"

When Laudenuo saw Xu Yi, his eyes were obviously surprised, and then he said it as if he was joking or serious.

Xu Yi said with a smile when he heard this.

"Second senior brother was joking. With my strength, how dare I compete with you? I came here because I was about to go down the mountain, so I came here to talk to second senior brother."

"Are you going down the mountain?"

Laudenuo's expression was shocked, and he almost couldn't hold back his expression. Obviously, the news had a big impact on him.

But he is also an old undercover man, so he quickly controlled his emotions and asked.

"Why are you going down the mountain suddenly? Did something happen at home?"

"That's not true. It's just that I haven't been home for a year and a half. I miss my parents at home. Just now that the prison is closed this year, I want to go home. I asked the master not long ago, and the master has already agreed."

"So it is."

Laudno nodded in amazement.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few words and said goodbye to each other.

Looking at the back of Xu Yi leaving, Lao Denuo's eyes flickered.

It seems that the plan prepared before needs to be slightly changed!

Out of Laudno's house.

Xu Yi frowned immediately.

"Laudno's reaction is not quite right!"

When he heard that he was going down the mountain, Laudno's expression was so wrong!That doesn't look like a normal expression!

Especially when such an expression appeared on the face of Lao Denuo, a 'senior undercover agent', it was even more problematic.

"Also, he didn't even ask about "Qinglian Neigong" just now!"

In the past few months, Xu Yi and Lao Denuo have also met several times, and the other party asked about "Qinglian Neigong" almost every time. Although he fudged it every time, he never refused Pass.

But this time, the other party didn't mention "Qinglian Neigong" at all.

"It seems that my going down the mountain this time will not be as smooth as I imagined!"

After bidding farewell to Laudenau.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yi visited the third senior brother Liang Fa, the fourth senior brother Shi Daizi, and the fifth senior brother Gao Genming in order. These five people were quite enthusiastic about his visit.

Although it is definitely not very close, it has reached the level that normal brothers and sisters should exist. The faint repulsion caused by Linghu Chong has completely disappeared after that 'discussion'.

In this regard, Xu Yi also acted more friendly, maybe a friend in adversity sees the truth, the Huashan faction in the low valley, among the inner disciples, except for Lao Denuo, the relationship is actually good, and there is not so much filth Dirty exists.

Therefore, Xu Yi still approves of this fellowship.

Even for Lu Dayou, Xu Yi didn't have much disgust.

From the perspective of the other party, he hoped that the junior sister and senior brother would be together, but there was nothing wrong with that.

And besides Lu Dayou taunted him when he broke through 'failure', he never did anything excessive - he is a child with a heart, and he does things entirely according to his preferences and emotions.

Compromising with a child?

It seemed that Xu Yi was a little too petty.

Of course, if it is a bear child...
Just a few bites!
 PY is a book, "The Heavens Seek the Tao from Wuxia", interested friends can go and read it

(End of this chapter)

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