Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 64 The Xu Family in Huayin County!

Chapter 64 The Xu Family in Huayin County! (seeking tickets)
"Father! Mother! I'm back!"

Xu Yi looked at his parents all his life with a smile on his face.

That middle-aged beautiful woman is naturally his mother in this life, the main wife and mistress of the Xu family, Xu Liu's family.

And the middle-aged rich man who was beaten was his father in this life, the head of the Xu family, Xu Chun.

"My poor Yi'er! Look at you, how thin you have been after going up the mountain for so long?"

Xu Liushi took his hand, looked left and right, tears suddenly fell down uncontrollably.

Xu Yi had no choice but to comfort him.

"Mother, I'm not thin! I'm strong! You see, this body is full of muscles! And I've grown taller, you see."

Compared with a year and a half ago, he has not lost weight at all.

Three meals a day, each meal is an average of one tael of silver, and there is also a very nutritious medicinal diet, how can it be possible to lose weight?

Before turning on the golden finger, it can even be said that his daily nutrition is actually superfluous. Even from a nutritional point of view, he eats better than what he eats at home.

Although Xu's family is a big landlord's family, they can eat ordinary meat as they like, but compared with the precious medicinal diet treasured by Huashan School, these meats are not good in terms of comprehensive nutrition, except that they grow fat faster!
After turning on the golden finger, although his consumption has become greater, he has also changed from three meals a day to four meals a day!

It can be said that during the past year and a half, Xu Yi ate very well, and his whole body was also very strong.

But all mothers are the same... The "thinness" in her eyes and the thinness in your eyes are obviously not the same concept.

Xu Yi knew very well that in such a situation, it would be impossible to follow his mother's way of thinking, the only way to do it was to break this way of thinking, and his way of breaking this way of thinking was also very simple.


Xu Yi stretched out his hand and made a gesture.

Abundant nutrition and the strong absorption ability brought about by martial arts make him develop far faster than normal peers. He is only 14 years old now, and he can barely be considered 15 years old after a year. At this time, his height has exceeded He reached 1.7 meters five and moved towards a height of 1.8 meters.

If it weren't for that still slightly immature face, no one would think it strange to say that he is an adult.

It has to be said that Xu Yi's topic transfer was very successful.

"It really is!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Liushi burst into laughter instantly, patted Xu Yi on the shoulder and said.

"I haven't seen you for more than a year. Your height not only surpasses your mother, but also surpasses your useless father!"

Xu Chun had black lines on his face.

Just talk when you talk, how can you get involved in him in a good way?
Is he short?They are more than 1.7 meters!
In this era, this height is already very tall!

"Okay, now that you're all back, don't stand at the gate, go in quickly!"

Xu Chun kept a sullen face, maintaining the majesty of his father.

Although he also misses his son very much, it is obviously impossible for him to be as close as Xu Liushi.

And as a father, how could he not have his own majesty?
"What are you doing? What's wrong with me talking to my son?"

Xu Liushi glared angrily, which directly shattered most of Xu Chun's strict father image.

Fortunately, Xu Yi stepped forward in time to smooth things over.

"Okay, mother, I just came back from the mountain, and I feel a little tired, let's go in early."

"Yi'er tired? Then go back and have a rest! It's all your fault for your useless father, who told him to send someone to pick you up, but he didn't listen, making you tired! My poor son !"

As he spoke, Xu Liushi wanted to wipe away his tears again.

Xu Chun was stunned, co-authoring, I must be the one who gets hurt in the end, right?

"Mother, think about it too much. I'm actually not very tired. I've already become a warrior. That bit of mountain road is nothing to me... By the way, mother, there are food preparations at home." Is it? I'm a little hungry."

Xu Yi once again used the great method of changing the subject.

"Yes, yes! I heard that you came back, and Mother has already ordered the kitchen to cook your favorite braised carp and clear stewed bone soup... It should be still hot now! I'll get them ready to serve right away!"

Mrs. Xu Liu held Xu Yi's hand and walked towards Xu's house. Behind him was Xu Chun with a depressed face, and behind him were two rows of maidservants, servants and nurses with as many as 30 people.

A group of people walked in mightily.

First, they walked through a large courtyard, and then walked through several long corridors. After walking for several minutes, the group finally reached the main room of the restaurant.

Some servants had already rushed to the kitchen ahead of time and ordered the people there to bring out the prepared dishes, so when they came here, there was already a large table full of food on the table.

Xu Chun sat in the main seat, and Xu Liushi sat on his right. Originally, according to the rules, Xu Yi should sit on Xu Chun's left, but Xu Liushi forcibly pulled him beside her for the sake of her own son.

What can Xu Chun say about this?
That's a daughter-in-law that I can't control!

I could only say something helplessly.

"Let's eat!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, he hadn't moved his chopsticks yet.

"Son, come on, this is your favorite braised carp, how would you like to try it? There are also Sixi meatballs, this..."

Xu Chun:······

forget it!
He ate directly and silently by himself.

This was a family banquet, or to be more precise, it was a private family banquet for Xu Yi, Xu Chun and Xu Liushi, and they didn't need to care too much about the rules.

Although the Xu family is a big landlord family based in Huayin County for hundreds of years, in terms of inheritance history, they have been here longer than the Huashan faction.

After hundreds of years of development, the Xu family used to prosper, and at its peak, there were even hundreds of people. However, after several twists and turns, especially after being affected by the previous turmoil of the Huashan faction, the current Xu family has grown in size. Cut down to a very small spot.

A main family, now only Xu Yi and Xu Chun are left.

There are still some people on the side of the branch family, but they are basically not very successful.

It can be said that a turmoil in Huashan caused too much loss to the Xu family!

Although the industry has not been greatly affected, the problem of withered blood is often more deadly!

It was precisely because of this reason that Xu Chun was so reluctant to let Xu Yi enter the Huashan School to practice martial arts, and even now he still has not changed his original thinking.

He only agreed to let Xu Yi go up the mountain because he really couldn't hold Xu Yi back.

At the same time, he also thought that learning martial arts is so hard, as long as Xu Yi really understands how difficult it is, he will probably give up.

After drinking and eating.

Xu Chun decided to bring up the old matter again.

(End of this chapter)

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