Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 66 Sorry!I'm hanging up!

Chapter 66 Sorry!I'm hanging up! (seeking tickets)

"Sorry, I'm hanging up!"

Sometimes, the situation in the world is beyond your imagination.

Xu Yi himself didn't expect that he would suddenly activate the cheat.

Although after opening the cheat, it is very easy for him to take the imperial examination path - a normal state plus a photographic memory is enough to hang all the students.

As long as Xu Yi is willing to study for two or three years, it might not be a problem to come back with a champion!

However, if the same amount of time was spent on martial arts training, Xu Yi would at least be able to train a very strong man.

In the normal historical world, the status of a champion is indeed very high, but in this world of martial arts, the status and strength of an extremely strong man cannot be compared with that of an ordinary champion.

Perhaps the extremely strong will be afraid of a champion, but what he fears is definitely not the champion itself, but the Ming Dynasty behind this champion!
If this extremely strong man is going all out, he can think of a way to assassinate this number one scholar at any time.

In other words, even in the Ming Dynasty, it is not so easy to kill an extremely strong man, one must use real background.

From such an analysis, at least in this world, an extremely strong person is more honorable than a number one scholar.

As for the view of ordinary people and even the vast majority of warriors, a number one scholar is more honorable, which involves the control of public opinion by the Ming Dynasty and scholars.

As a modern person, Xu Yi was not influenced by these public opinions, and only proceeded from the actual situation, and came to the conclusion that the extremely strong is better.

No. [-] scholar and extremely strong man.

Compare the two and choose one.

Xu Yi must choose to be an extremely strong man.

"My father's thoughts like this must have been influenced by the public opinion of the court and scholars! As everyone knows, only the power in your own hands is the real power!"

People are easily influenced individuals. Without a complete cognitive system, everyone says this. You have grown up in such an environment since you were a child. It is impossible not to think about it this way.

Warriors can't do it?
His Ming Dynasty successfully rebelled with the help of the Ming Cult!
To put it bluntly, the Ming Dynasty was worried that some forces in the world would rebel against him, so it came up with this set of public opinion.

Xu Yi knew that it was not easy to convince his father, so he directly sorted out this set of remarks and said them out.

Xu Chun was taken aback for a while, especially after hearing the family history of the old Zhu family in the Ming Dynasty, he was so frightened that he looked straight at the doors and windows, fearing that someone would hear these words and sue them all. The crime of copying and beheading!
After finally listening to it, it took Xu Chun a while to wake up. He wanted to take a sip of tea to calm down, but found that his hand holding the cup was shaking.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course! I've read these from the records of the Huashan faction. The Huashan faction once had a lot of ties to Mingjiao, and was even a member of the anti-Yuan righteous people. Naturally, I know these histories very well!"

Xu Yi directly moved the Huashan faction out to strengthen his persuasive power.After thinking about it, he felt that this was not enough, so he moved the Sun Moon Demon Cult out again.

"Godfather Sun Moon Demon, do you know?"

"I know, this is the most powerful evil force in the Jianghu. The first turmoil of the Huashan School back then, which was regarded as the beginning of the decline of the Huashan School, was caused by the Sun Moon Demon Sect."

After all, the Xu family had a lot to do with the Huashan sect, so it was impossible for Xu Chun not to know about the Sun Moon Demon Cult.

"The predecessor of the Sun Moon Demon Cult is the Ming Cult!"


Xu Chun was shocked.

"The predecessor of the Sun Moon Demon Cult was actually the Ming Cult?!"

He just heard from his own son that the old Zhu family in the Ming Dynasty was able to rise up and finally seize the world, it was entirely due to the power of the Mingjiao!
The old Zhu's family took advantage of the power of other people's Mingjiao to seize the world, so it should be rewarded out of emotion and reason, and it should be regarded as the state religion of Ming Dynasty.

But now this force that was supposed to be the state religion of Ming Dynasty has become the number one demon sect of Ming Dynasty? !
Xu Yi was not surprised at all.

"The sun and the moon are bright, and it is not surprising that the predecessor of the Sun Moon Demon Sect was the Ming Sect. And Zhu Yuanzhang's character, father, think about the early Ming Dynasty..."

"Be careful!"

Xu Chun hastily opened his mouth to stop it.

That is the founding ancestor of the Ming Dynasty!
Is it someone who can speak casually?

Xu Yi shrugged and said.

"Anyway, that's the thing. Although the Ming Dynasty used a lot of power to clean up the traces of its own ascendancy when it was first established, there are always some forces with a long history that have records in this regard."

Seeing Xu Yi with a nonchalant expression, Xu Chun couldn't help frowning.

With such an unscrupulous personality, it seems that he is not suitable for being in the officialdom!
He couldn't help but waver at the moment when he wanted Xu Yi to use the imperial examination to enter the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty.

But after all, this was the path he had envisioned for a long time that was most suitable for the Xu family, and Xu Chun did not intend to give up just like this.

"Yi'er, I understand what you said, and I also understand what you want to express. If the power of the Jianghu reaches its peak, it should not be underestimated! But the question now is, does the Huashan faction still have that chance?"


Xu Yi's eyes were a little surprised, he felt that he had to look at his father with admiration.

This question goes straight to the core!

That's right, there is nothing wrong with the set of words he said before. In this world of martial arts, the potential that warriors can have is huge, and it can even be developed to the limit, and it is not impossible to change dynasties.

But the question is, does the current Huashan faction still have the chance to reach the top of the world?
If it was the Huashan faction at its peak, there might still be a little bit of hope, but now there are only three or two Huashan factions with big cats and kittens left?

No matter how you look at it, there is no hope!
Xu Yi wouldn't be surprised if Xu Chun asked him this question after he went back and carefully reviewed the game, but now that Xu Chun has just experienced such a big stimulus, he can still figure out the most important thing in such a short period of time. The problem is really surprising.

"Should it be said that he is the man who single-handedly saved the Xu family from the brink of genocide?"

Xu Yi sighed in his heart.

This kind of keen sense of touch is simply another kind of cheating ability!

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Chun was only in his 20s when he first took over the mess of the Xu family, and his ability to make such a decisive decision in such a dangerous situation is really amazing.

If it weren't for the fact that this world was too closely related to warriors, he felt that his father would be able to bring the Xu family back together with his keenness and decisiveness alone.

Unfortunately, this is a warrior's world.

 Old rules, add more tomorrow!Please follow up!

(End of this chapter)

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