Chapter 68 Attack!

Under the dark night.

Several men in black are doing the final task confirmation.

"Remember! After killing the target of the mission, you have to kill the whole family of Xu's family! Pretending to be a robber and robbing the house, are you clear?"

"It's all clear!"

"very good······"


A loud drink suddenly sounded.

"Not good! It was discovered!"

"It's Xu Yi!"

"Do it now! Kill him!"

The knife lights up, piercing the darkness.

The man in black, who found himself exposed, had a fierce look in his eyes, his breath exploded, and he rushed towards Xu Yi.

Feeling the aura of these men in black, Xu Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

"One second-rate peak warrior! Two second-rate late-stage warriors! The remaining six men in black are also second-rate early-to-mid-stage warriors. There are nine second-rate warriors in total!"

This lineup can even assassinate a first-class warrior!

How can he be so easy and deserving of being sent to kill with such a lineup?

"Look at the sword!"

Xu Yi let out a loud drink.

The people in black subconsciously looked at the sword in his hand.

next second.

"Ah! My eyes!"

"I can't see anything!"

"Ahh! It's lime powder!"

That's right, it was the lime powder that was introduced in Chapter 1, and it was not really used until now.

Even with Xu Yi's current strength, the assassination lineup composed of nine second-rate warriors could capsize if he is not careful. In order to increase his chances of winning, he naturally added a small trick of 'a little bit' to himself.

And the final result was far beyond Xu Yi's expectation.

All the nine men in black were recruited!

That's right, Xu Yi's sprinkling of lime powder directly blinded all nine people.

This is of course not a coincidence. In fact, this is the result of Xu Yi's serious state and repeated verification many times in the memory palace at a very fast speed.

"Conscientious state plus memory palace, it seems that this combination has more room to be tapped!"

"However, this time there should be some elements of luck. These men in black have obviously relaxed their vigilance towards me. If they had paid a little attention just now, I would not have achieved such good results."

Although he has made many calculations in the memory palace, in theory, as long as he sprinkles so much lime powder at that time, at that angle and with that force, it is indeed possible to blind nine men in black at the same time. But this possibility is only theoretical. In actual situations, all kinds of accidents may happen.

As long as there is a little bit of situation, it may cause the final result to be greatly reduced.

Xu Yi, who has never been arrogant, naturally attributed this result to luck. If this kind of thing happens again, the success rate is estimated to be less than [-]%.

"But now that I have succeeded, then..."


Xu Yi drew his sword.

His sword was extremely fast, he stabbed out, and before anyone could react, he was already dead.

Linghu Chong, who had practiced "Dugu Nine Swords", was able to achieve eight kills with one sword. The current Xu Yi couldn't compare to him, but it was still very difficult to achieve three kills with one sword.

Especially now that these nine people have all been poisoned with lime powder and look like blind people, it is even easier.

Xu Yi slashed to the right, and the three men in black died, and then slashed to the left, and three more men in black died, leaving only the three men in black in the middle, who were also the most powerful three. A man in black!
They seemed to have noticed something, and gradually forced themselves to calm down, trying to turn defeat into victory.

"He is just a third-rate warrior who has just opened up a meridian, and his strength is not worth mentioning! As long as we calm down, even if we are blind, we can completely kill him!"

call out!call out!call out!
Three swords across the sky.


Three arms with knives flew up and broke away from their bodies.

The severe pain in the body told them how outrageous their thoughts just now were.

Xu Yi kicked them alone, and fell to the ground with their serious injuries.


The blood stained the black scarves on their faces red.

It wasn't until this time that they realized it clearly.

Xu Yi is not a third-rate warrior who has just opened up a meridian at all, not even a third-rate warrior!
As far as the strength they felt just now, that powerful aura of internal force can only be erupted by warriors above the second rate!

Laudno hurt me!

If they had known that Xu Yi had such strength, they would never have been so reckless just now. As long as they pay attention a little bit, the ending now may be very different.

"Say! Who are you?"

Standing two steps away, Xu Yi asked them in a cold voice.

The people in black just looked at him coldly without saying a word.

"Heh! If you don't tell me, I can guess that Zuo Lengchan of the Songshan School sent you here, right?"

The moment they heard the name 'Songshan School Zuo Lengchan', obvious panic flashed in the eyes of the three men in black.

How did he know?

"Hmph! Don't compare us with those rubbish from the Songshan Sect. So what if I tell you, we are members of the Sun Moon God Sect! If you are sensible, let us go quickly, otherwise, my Sun Moon God Sect will definitely destroy your entire Huashan Sect. Pie Tapping!"

Xu Yi didn't pay any attention to the man in black's apparent diversion of his gaze. From the reactions of the three men in black just now, he already knew the answer.

"I didn't expect to be a member of the Songshan School!"

Xu Yi was a little surprised. Although he had glimpsed some clues from Lao Denuo's reaction when he was on the mountain, he never expected that the other party would let someone come to kill him, and there were nine second-rate warriors!
In today's arena, second-rate warriors are not bad at all, and even in many cities, the strongest are only second-rate warriors.

Even if the Songshan School has a big family and a big business now, it is not an easy task to send nine second-rate warriors at once. Only when the matter is important to a certain extent can it be done.

At least Xu Yi felt that, based on what he had shown so far, it should not be worthwhile for the Songshan School to do this at all.

"There should be something else that I haven't noticed!"

While thinking in his heart, Xu Yi asked directly.

"Why are you trying to kill me?"

The people in black ignored his question, and just kept clamoring to let them go immediately, otherwise they would destroy Huashan School Yunyun.

Xu Yi frowned slightly.

He is really not very good at such things as pressing...
"It seems that I have to try a method I thought of before."

He took out a jade pendant with a red line on it. He held the red line tightly so that the jade pendant was hanging in the air and exerted a slight force to make the jade pendant swing from side to side like a pendulum clock.

"Look at it, look at it..."

(End of this chapter)

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