Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 72 Laudenau: I've been exposed long ago?

Chapter 72 Laudenau: I've been exposed long ago?

"This voice...is you? Junior brother?!"

Laudno was shocked, and even couldn't control the expression on his entire face.

How could it be Xu Yi? !
In the moment of the confrontation just now, he clearly felt that the opponent's internal strength was stronger than his, at least he was also a second-rate mid-term martial artist. Xu Yi has such a strong strength?

Laudenau did not believe this result at all.

'But this voice...'

He is so familiar with this voice, and even some of the more detailed little habits, he is very clear.Even if he is a good ventriloquist, it is hard to say that he will not find his flaws, because he is also a good ventriloquist himself.

But in the voice just now, he couldn't hear the slightest flaw.

Although it may be very incomprehensible, this person may really be - his little junior brother!

But how is this possible?
How could he have such a powerful strength?
'Could it be that he has already started practicing "Qinglian Neigong"?No!wrong! "Qinglian Neigong" can indeed greatly increase the speed of cultivation, but no matter how much it is improved, it is impossible to suddenly skyrocket from the early stage of the third rate to the middle stage of the second rate! '

From the early stage of the third-rate to the mid-stage of the second-rate, there is at least a six-year gap in internal strength. Even if Lao Denuo Xu Yi has secretly practiced "Qinglian Neigong" from the day he handed it over to the other party, it will not be a problem. It is possible to make up for the internal strength of these six years.

No matter how much "Qinglian Neigong" can increase the speed of cultivation, it can only increase by one or two times, and it has only been six months since he handed "Qinglian Neigong" to Xu Yi.

Six months to increase internal strength for six years?
What a joke!
There is no such person in this world!
Laudenuo once again wavered in his thoughts, thinking that the person in front of him who was in the dark and couldn't see his face clearly could not be Xu Yi, but someone pretended to be Xu Yi's voice to deceive him.

And this person was not only extremely good at ventriloquism, but also very familiar with Xu Yi's voice, and knew every little habit clearly, so he was able to hide it from him.

Lao Denuo is more inclined that this person is Yue Buqun, who meets the above two conditions at the same time, and also has the "Huashan Sword Art" of the Dacheng level. In the entire Huashan area, who else can there be except Yue Buqun?

'I've seen it all! '

'Yue Buqun must be trying to trick me through Xu Yi! '

next moment.

Xu Yi stepped out of the darkness, and under the moonlight outside the window, that handsome and immature face appeared in front of Lao Denuo.

"how can that be?!"

Laudno exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

"It's really you?!"

"Second senior brother seems a little surprised to see me?"

Xu Yi said with a half-smile.

"Uh, of course, I must be surprised to see my junior brother suddenly appearing here! And I am even more surprised that you suddenly attacked me, junior brother! Did you have some misunderstanding? Let me tell you... ·”

Laudno was a little incoherent at first, but then he quickly became clear, as if he wanted to explain something through some things.

But Xu Yi didn't give him much room to explain, and interrupted him directly.

"Second Senior Brother, I have already appeared here, so you should also know that those words are meaningless."

"Little brother, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you have heard some rumors? Let me tell you, this Jianghu is full of intrigues. You haven't walked around in the Jianghu, so you may not be very clear, but you must remember Wait, you must not believe what someone says! You know, we are brothers in the same sect! The relationship between us is much closer than those people!"

Laudnor was surprised at first, then earnestly persuaded, and finally came a set of sincere feelings.

After a series of performances, there was not a single flaw in the process. If Xu Yi hadn't clearly known who the other party was, he would have hesitated to say it.

"Second senior brother, your news was told by the master."

Xu Yi directly spat out a big melon.


Laudno stood still, and said with a dazed expression.

"The master told you? What do you mean, little brother?"

"It means that your identity as an undercover agent of the Songshan faction has long been discovered!"

Xu Yi spoke very plainly, but these words were like thunder to Laudenuo's ears.

"My identity as an undercover agent has long been discovered? How can this be..."

He subconsciously wanted to refute, but he inadvertently recalled the details of himself after joining the Huashan School in his mind, and some things could not stand scrutiny.

He didn't think about that before, or he deliberately avoided this possibility.

Now, under Xu Yi's words, when he thought back, Lao Denuo found that there were indeed too many details that showed that Yue Buqun had already discovered his identity as an undercover agent.

Yue Buqun didn't say anything, he just wanted to use the power of him and the Songshan faction to achieve his own goals.

It's just ridiculous that he didn't realize it all the time, and was played by the other party from the beginning to the end.

Laudenau, who realized all of this, shut himself up in an instant.

After a long time.

He just spoke.

"So the plan this time was also designed by you and Yue Buqun?"

"Well, the plan officially started when I saw that pigeon."

Xu Yi said casually, the truth is naturally not the case. Although he sensed that something was wrong with Lao Denuo when he was on the mountain, he only thought that Lao Denuo himself was going to attack him at that time. So many helpers have been found.

However, Gui did not expect that this did not prevent him from making deliberations based on the existing information.

Halfway up the mountain, he saw the small bamboo tube tied to the pigeon's leg and knew it was a carrier pigeon, but he didn't take it seriously at that time.

The Huashan faction itself also raises a lot of pigeons, which are used to communicate with outer disciples from all over the world. It can be said that it is quite normal to see pigeons here.

The only thing that is more suspicious is that the time when the pigeon descended the mountain happened to be at the same time as him, but this is not a big problem.

He really connected it all together, and it was only when he sorted out the whole incident on the way here after killing those men in black that he finally got what he has now.

In fact, regarding the carrier pigeon, Xu Yi was still a little unsure whether he was with Lao Denuo, and he only said it to defraud Lao Denuo, but judging from the performance of the other party, he seemed to be right!

Xu Yi remained calm, looked at the dazed Lao Denuo, and said casually.

"Second Senior Brother, I have answered so many questions for you, how about you answer me one too?"

"go ahead."

"Just because of that "Qinglian Neigong", is it worth it?"


Laudno's face suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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