Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 89 Medical Books and Medical Skills

Chapter 89 Medical Books and Medical Skills (seeking tickets)

In the end, shopkeeper Chen didn't ask Xu Yi for another price.

'Take it as a gift service! '

'After all, it is a big customer who gave 600 taels of silver, isn't it? '

Shopkeeper Chen comforted himself in this way.

At the same time, he also felt that this should be just a whim of Young Master Xu's, and he asked casually. After a while, he lost his interest, so naturally he would not ask again.

after an hour.

Shopkeeper Chen hesitated a little.

"Master Xu, why don't we go here first? There are ten furnaces of Shiquan Dabu pills being refined over there, I think we should still..."

"Didn't you just say that all the medicine has been put in, and then you just need to watch the fire? Now there is nothing wrong with the fire, I don't think we need it at all. Shopkeeper Chen, don't worry, my guards will help us Watch, if anything goes wrong, they'll let us know."

"······Oh well."

"Then let's continue? Shopkeeper Chen, you just said honeysuckle..."

three hours later.

Shopkeeper Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

"Master Xu, we've been talking about this for three hours now, you know, as this Bai'ankang Pharmacy..."


"Ahem! I want to say that our Bai'ankang Pharmacy has a lot of talented people. Even without me as the shopkeeper, they can handle things very well!"

"That's good, I'm still worried that I'll delay you guys!"

"How could it be, Young Master Xu is really joking! As long as Young Master Xu is willing, I can stay here as long as you want, Young Master Xu, you are the biggest guest of our pharmacy!"

Shopkeeper Chen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

six hours later.

Shopkeeper Chen's face turned pale.

"Master Xu, it's getting late, should we..."

"That's right! It's time to eat! Come on, hurry up and prepare a good meal on the table! Today I'm going to eat and chat with Shopkeeper Chen!"

As he said that, Xu Yi turned his head to look at shopkeeper Chen.

"Shopkeeper Chen, I don't know if I have the honor to have a meal with you?"

"...Master Xu, this is my honor!"

Shopkeeper Chen was 'moved' to the point of tears.

Twelve hours later.

Shopkeeper Chen was haggard and trembling.

"Master Xu, it's already early morning, should we go our separate ways..."

"I didn't expect it to be so early in the morning. It seems that the communication with shopkeeper Chen made me very forgetful! I haven't felt like this for a long time. Today I have to talk with shopkeeper Chen at night until dawn!"

"Talking at night with candles? Until dawn?"

Shopkeeper Chen was so frightened that his face paled.

Can't talk, can't talk!
"Master Xu, I think we should go our separate ways..."

"What? Is shopkeeper Chen looking down on me? Do you think I'm unworthy?"

"No, no, no! I just want to say, Young Master Xu, you have already learned about hundreds of medicinal materials in our pharmacy, and now there is nothing to talk about. Why don't we..."

Shopkeeper Chen was interrupted by Xu Yi before he finished speaking.

"We're done talking about medicinal materials, so we can talk about medical skills! I'm also very interested in this medical skill!"

"Talking about medical skills?"

Shopkeeper Chen's mouth twitched, and then he said cautiously.

"Master Xu, my medical skills are relatively average, but I have a few doctors in Bai'ankang, and their medical skills are much better than mine. How about I let them come and talk to you?"

Although these doctors are the treasures of the pharmacy, but at this time, he can only die as a fellow daoist.

Xu Yi waved his hand.

"They are not as good as you, so I feel more comfortable chatting with Shopkeeper Chen!"


What he needs now is really not those professional doctors. Maybe in a certain aspect of medical skills, these doctors are indeed better than shopkeeper Chen, even much stronger, but in terms of comprehensive medical knowledge, shopkeeper Chen is much better .

Xu Yi is now at a stage of 'good at reading, but not seeking to understand'. He only wants to learn more about medical knowledge, rather than go deep into it.

Not to mention, even if he wanted to go deep, those doctors would not agree!

The guy who eats by himself doesn't even know how to teach it to his apprentice, so how could he tell him?
So after all the calculations, only shopkeeper Chen is the most suitable!
Seeing Xu Yi's 'you must' look, shopkeeper Chen's whole body went numb.

He knew that the thousand and six hundred taels of silver were not easy to earn!
Their Bai'ankang Pharmacy usually does not necessarily have such a large profit in a year. How easy is it to get so much money at once?
It's a pity that now that the money is in his hands, he can't even regret it.

'no!We must think of a way!I am an old man with old arms and legs, if I really want to chat until dawn, I am afraid that half of my life will be lost! '

Shopkeeper Chen gritted his teeth.

"If Young Master Xu is interested in medical skills, I still have a few medical books, which you can borrow or give to Young Master Xu!"

"Medical book?"

Xu Yi hesitated slightly.

He is quite interested in medical books.

"But there are only a few books, probably not enough for me to see the dawn."

"A dozen! There are a total of more than a dozen medical books!"

Shopkeeper Chen saw the hope and said quickly.

"That's fine."

Xu Yi reluctantly said.

"Master Xu, I'll bring you the medical book right away."

Shopkeeper Chen left the pharmacy as if fleeing for his life. After a while, he took the medical books and left again as if fleeing for his life.

"Why run so fast? I won't eat you."

Xu Yi shook his head, feeling that the trust between people was gone.

At most, he just exchanged with him the questions in the medical book, is it necessary?
Forget it.

read a book!read a book!
"Turn on the twelve times normal state!"

It's just reading a few medical books, there is no need to activate a high state, twelve times the normal state is enough.

Xu Yi flipped through the medical books in his hand. The dozen or so medical books given by shopkeeper Chen were, how should I put them, they were ordinary as expected!

If you want to say that they have no value, it is definitely impossible, but if you want to say how much they are worth, then it is even more impossible.

To put it simply, these dozens of medical books are the simplest and most common medical books. After reading them, you can have a simple and direct understanding of the most basic medical skills, nothing more.

But for Xu Yi, this was enough.

For the time being, he doesn't have much energy to spend on this aspect, as long as he can have a simple understanding.

There are more than a dozen medical books, each of which is only a few thousand words. After turning on the [-] times normal state, Xu Yi only spent less than six hours reading them all.

He already has a superficial understanding of medical skills, and he dare not say much. He can already treat ordinary bruises, headaches and colds.

Xu Yi thought that was the end of it, but to his surprise, his 'system' had an extra skill column!

(End of this chapter)

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