Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 95 Seven Heroes Town?

Chapter 95 Seven Heroes Town? (two in one)

"Seven Heroes Town?"

Xu Yi looked at the place name in front of him with a strange expression.

This wouldn't be the Seven Heroes Town in his memory, would it?
"Forget it, let's go in and have a look!"

He rode a horse and slowly entered the small town.

It was already night at this time, and there was no one to be seen in the town, so Xu Yi followed the only main road in the town and kept heading in.

Not long after, a familiar yet unfamiliar building appeared in front of his eyes.

"Tongfu Inn."

Xu Yi looked at the slightly old plaque, and the expression on his face became even weirder.

Seven Heroes Town, Tongfu Inn.

If these two names appear at the same time, if there is no problem, this should be "Wulin Biography".

"So this is not just the world of "Swordsman", but also "Wulin Biography"? Is this a comprehensive world of martial arts?"

Xu Yi just had this idea in his mind, but he thought about it again soon.

"Although Yue Buqun did appear in the plot of "Wulin Biography", but that Yue Buqun is like a funny character, who would start a game by himself, and then give up the position of leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect to him in order to make money. Mo Xiaobei, this brat!"

This plot is simply absurd to the extreme.

That is the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains!
If you really want to make money, with this name, how much money do you want to make?

More importantly, the most important thing for the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains is his reputation!

Why was Zuo Lengchan able to recruit so many underworld masters?
In addition to his own strength, a large part of the reason is because of the title of "Leader of the Five Sacred Mountains"!
The two consecutive bloody battles with the Sun Moon Demon Sect caused heavy losses to the Five Sacred Sword Sect, but it also really established the reputation of the Five Sacred Sword Sect. The figure of the leader.

Although later, because of Dongfang Bubai's sudden birth, he won the number one throne in the world with absolute strength, which caused the reputation of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains to decline, but that is almost equivalent to the existence of Shaolin abbot and Wudang head.

In the entire rivers and lakes, the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains is basically equivalent to the most top-notch existence.

Just for that little money, give up such a name?

That's just plain funny!
Moreover, the force value of "Wulin Biography" is not low, just a mere acupoint acupuncture is an innate level ability or trick.

To achieve this, not to mention being an innately strong person, at least one must be a top expert who has mastered the strange scriptures.

In "Wulin Biography", there are quite a few such top masters, there are nearly ten of them at random, such as Gongsun Oolong, Bai Sanniang, Guo Juxia, several elders of the Sunflower School, and so on.

There are also people whose strength cannot be determined at all, such as Huahua old man and immoral Taoist who are suspected to be innately strong.

At present, there are only a handful of known top masters in the world, and if you add all these masters, it will double in minutes!

Not to mention, there are suspected innate strong people in it.

This has not been seen in Jianghu for hundreds of years!
"Only in terms of top-level combat power, this "Wulin Biography" is even more powerful than the entire "Swordsman"!"

When Xu Yi thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

A top combat power not only represents himself, but also represents the forces behind him, inheritance and other things.

The most obvious example, the old man who painted pictures, why did he appear in Tongfu Inn?Just for those pork knuckles?
The existence of a suspected innate strongman, just for a few pork knuckles, gave away a swordsmanship that was at least first-class level, and maybe even an extreme level?


There may indeed be such a hermit in this world who plays games in the world and bestows opportunities at random, but why did this opportunity fall on Mo Xiaobei?
Xu Yi was more inclined to another possibility than the benefits offered by the hermit.

This is the actual ancestor of the Hengshan School. Seeing the decline of the Hengshan School, he ran out to help out!

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome!"

Xu Yi frowned slightly.

Not only did Zuo Lengchan fall in love with the Five Sacred Sword Sect, he also fell in love with it!
After an integration, it can directly become an alliance of superpowers. Who wouldn't be envious?
That is to say, his current strength is still weak, and when he becomes stronger, he will definitely embark on a similar path.

Originally, Xu Yi thought that Zuo Lengchan was the biggest obstacle on his way. At most, he would add Fangzheng, the abbot of Shaolin, and Qingxu, the head of Wudang, but now it seems that the problem he wants to solve may be far more than he thought. many!

"However, we can't draw a conclusion right now. After all, it's just a TV series, and it must be different from the real world."

Let’s not talk about Yue Buqun here, although the name was changed to Yue Songtao in the TV series, but it was just to avoid copyright disputes, Yue Songtao is Yue Buqun!
And Yue Buqun in this world would never do such a thing.

In addition, the bandit commander Chu Liuxiang was also mentioned in the TV series... Xu Yike had never heard of this character.

What's even more outrageous is that there is also a plot of time and space travel in the TV series, which is in line with modern society!Some people have traveled here directly from modern times, and it has become a tourist project.

What the hell, if these things really exist, how high is the energy level of this world?
At most people travel abroad, but you have directly evolved to form a group to travel through time and space!

If these are true, Xu Yi feels that the power of this world may be even more outrageous than the Marvel world!
Although the Marvel world can also travel through time and space, it has not been able to achieve the level of "tourism for all".

"It's... unlikely, right?"

Xu Yi looked at the Tongfu Inn in front of him, and for a moment he didn't dare to set foot in it, as if there was a deep feeling reminding him that it was very dangerous inside!very dangerous!
But in the next second, this feeling completely disappeared.


Xu Yi's eyes moved slightly.

"Turn on the comfortable state!"

"Memory Palace!"

"Mobilize all the memories just now!"

Several orders were issued in succession.

Xu Yi has reappeared in the mysterious space.

Know the sea.

His soul is consulting the memory just now.

Xu Yi carefully checked it continuously, but did not find any problems.

"Did I really scare myself?"

He hesitated for a moment, thinking that maybe he really scared himself.

However, he hesitated for a while, and did not unlock the free state, but kept on in this state.

Although there is no increase in the state of ease, it is very special and can hardly be affected by any special effects - when Xu Yi watched and practiced "Qinglian Neigong" before, he used this state of ease to not be affected in any way.

Otherwise, ordinary people practiced this "Qinglian Neigong" and felt the pleasure of upgrading from the soul, how could they bear it?
I have been crazily absorbing my own negative memories for cultivation without thinking about it!
This is also the reason why once you practice "Qinglian Neigong", you can never turn back.

Evolution is the most basic instinct of life. Whether it is physical evolution or soul evolution, once similar things happen, your life instinct will automatically send out a signal of pleasure, making your whole body enter a certain pleasure.

The higher the degree of evolution and the faster the evolution speed, the greater the pleasure will be!
This kind of pleasure is comparable to the low-level pleasures such as eating delicious food and enjoying beauties, and it is much more advanced!

Many people will be immersed in martial arts, and even become a martial idiot directly. It is also because his body has evolved during this process, and from this evolution he has obtained pleasure far beyond what ordinary people can enjoy. It will gradually be so.

Because his body and even his soul are telling him that this is the best way!

"Qinglian Neigong" absorbs negative memories and elevates the soul extremely fast, which can be called extremely fast pleasure, few people in this world can resist it.

Xu Yi also opened up the state of freedom, and entered a special state similar to 'no thoughts, no thoughts'. In addition, the true spirit is hidden in the mysterious space, and all feedback from the outside world, including his body and soul, is greatly reduced. Only if it is reduced, it will not be affected in any way.

"The state of ease can even block the pleasure brought by the rapid evolution of the soul. If there is any problem with Tongfu Inn, it shouldn't affect me."

Although Xu Yi felt that he was scaring himself just now, he did not rule out the possibility that he was really affected by some kind of influence.

'If I remember correctly, in a certain episode, the shopkeeper Tong was the ninth generation lord of the Qijue Palace in Diancang Mountain, who mastered the existence of the soul-shifting method! '

Although that episode was a bit weird, more like some kind of fantasy, similar to time travel, but what if?
Xu Yi is not even sure about time and space travel, let alone the soul-shifting method.

"Why does the more I think about it, the more I feel that this Tongfu Inn is very dangerous? What should I do if I don't want to go in? Wait! I won't be affected again, right?"

In the mysterious space, Xu Yi felt a little hesitant.

Under the dark moonlight, on the quiet street, only one inn, Tongfu Inn, still has lights.

But what is a little strange is that there is no sound coming from the Tongfu Inn, which is clearly lit, as if it is a strange house.

"Wulin Biography" is clearly a comedy!

In his previous life, he was quite happy to watch, why did he suddenly become weird when he came here?
It doesn't make sense!
Xu Yi was just ten steps away from the Tongfu Inn, with a calm face, no one could see the fluctuations in his heart.

But he stayed away from these ten steps for more than ten minutes without taking a step forward.

at the same time.

Inside the Tongfu Inn.

A group of people were hiding behind the cash register, jostling each other.

"Zhantang, go and have a look, is that person outside gone?"

A beautiful woman who still has her charm spoke to the waiting hall beside her.

This waiter looks quite handsome, it can be regarded as a college grassroots level, but this body has a bad temperament, timid, looks like a thief.

The man called 'Zhan Tang' glanced at the woman with the bigger mouth next to him.

"Guo Furong! Go and have a look!"

"Why let me go?"

Guo Furong leaned on a broom and stared.

"The shopkeeper obviously asked you to watch it! Why did you let me watch it?"

"Hehe! Why do you have to watch it? These people are all here to look for you. Why do you ask you to watch it?"

Zhantang sneered.

Guo Furong was short of breath when she heard the words, but she still spoke firmly.

"Then I didn't let them come to me! They want to come to me by themselves, so what's the matter with me? It's not my fault!"

"It's not your fault? If you hadn't been so cheap in the arena that day, would the current problem have arisen? You said you, a woman was competing in martial arts to recruit relatives, why did you go up to join in the fun?"

Zhan Tang was very dissatisfied and said, the silver that was about to be obtained was lost just because of this unlucky child, how annoying!
"Then you can't blame me!"

Guo Furong said aggrievedly.

"Didn't I have good intentions at that time, I just wanted to go on stage and play two hands, who knew you... Then Yang Huilan actually entangled me, and she wanted to marry me wholeheartedly. I didn't have to do that Well! You also saw that at the time, I tried so many methods but couldn't get rid of her, and finally... Who knew she would do something like that in the future!"

"You still have the nerve to say, if you didn't want to show off at the time, would you have done this? That woman Yang Huilan practiced a widow's knife, and she was so ruthless that she even chopped off her husband! You made her lose such a big person, Can she not take revenge on you?"

"I didn't think of that either! It's all Yang Huilan's fault! If you kill the bandit, you kill the bandit! Why are you blaming me? This woman is too vicious!"

"You're not allowed to say that about Whelan!"

The fat cook on the side got angry and looked at Guo Furong angrily.

But it ushered in the unanimous anger of Zhantang and Guo Furong.

"Go aside!"

"A coward who doesn't even dare to say that he likes him has no right to stand up!"

"Exactly! If it weren't for you, this matter would not have developed into what it is now, and you have to pay at least half of the responsibility!"

"I'm not a coward!"

"You're not a coward, then you can prove it to us!"

"How to prove it? Tell me, I will prove it to you today, I, Li Dazui, am definitely not a coward!"

"Okay! You want to prove that you are not a coward, then go and see if the people outside have left!"

"Go and go!"

Li Dazui's expression froze, and he wanted to repent, but under the gaze of a group of people, he gritted his teeth and walked out of the cash register with his head held high.

Just when everyone, Guo Furong and Zhantang's aggressive tactics worked, Li Dazui, who had just walked out two steps, ran back at a faster speed.

"I think, this kind of thing can't prove whether I have the seed, so let's forget it."

"go with!"

Everyone looked at Li Dazui with contempt.

Li Dazui lowered his head and said nothing, anyway, as long as I pretend not to hear, then I don't know anything.

"what sound?"

Bai Zhantang, who had extremely sensitive ears, suddenly heard some strange noises. When he pricked up his ears, his expression changed drastically.

"Not good! It's the soul chasing bee!"

(End of this chapter)

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