Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 100 All eyes are on!Journey into space!

Chapter 100 All eyes are on!Journey into space!
Hear this.

The rest of the high-level Eagle Sauce members, with gloomy faces, fell silent without saying a word.


Hehe, it's useless to launch military exercises.

They still have a fart way!

In the conference room, the atmosphere froze.

The senior executives of Zhongying Sauce gritted their teeth and held their breath.

The impotent rage has begun!

But no matter how angry they are, they can't stop Ye Fei's manned moon landing plan!

As time goes by.

The time for Ye Fei's manned moon landing plan is getting closer and closer!

The day before the manned moon landing program came.

Inside the Shenying Aerospace One launch base.

Ye Fei led the staff to check the spaceship, space suit... and other equipment.

After careful and careful inspection, it was determined that all the equipment was fine.

Ye Fei exhaled lightly, and murmured: "Everything is ready now, I only owe Dongfeng! Tomorrow is my first day in the universe!"

Think about it, and a little excited!
Ye Fei looked at Chu Hanshuang and Shen Yunqiu at the side, and said with a smile: "Secretary Chu, Assistant Shen, take a good rest tonight and recharge your spirits! Prepare for tomorrow's work in the best condition!"

"Good boss!"

The two quickly responded, feeling very excited in their hearts!

After bidding farewell to the two, Ye Fei made a statement on his social account and hurried to rest.

[The manned moon landing plan will start tomorrow. 】

Once this statement was issued, it immediately attracted the attention of all netizens!
The succinct words made the whole Internet boil up!

All the netizens who saw this statement were all excited!
Looking forward to it:
"Damn it! Tomorrow, manned missions to the moon will begin! The day is finally here! What a chicken jelly!"

"Haha~ The anchor never disappoints! Even if Eagle Sauce scares people, it won't shake the anchor's determination at all!"

"Hey, I just can't figure it out, why is Ying Jiang so persistent and doesn't want the anchor to go to the moon?!"

"Who can figure it out! What kind of military exercises are they still doing, and they haven't given up yet! I'm really speechless!"

"Could it be that they are really afraid that the anchor will conduct military experiments on the moon?"


Netizens were so excited that discussions started in full swing.

As he talked, he talked about Ying Jiang's operation like a snake spirit disease.

But after discussing and discussing, they still don't understand, what is the purpose of Yingjiang doing that!
Amidst the discussions among netizens, time passed slowly.

at last.

The night fades away and the sun rises.

The time came to the second day.

It is also the day when Ye Fei will land on the moon!
at this time.

In the space launch base.

Wang Feihao led a group of soldiers to guard the space launch base closely.

And Ye Fei, with Chu Hanshuang, boarded the spaceship!
This time, Ye Fei and Chu Han will go to the moon!

As for Shen Yunqiu, he stayed at the ground base and was responsible for other tasks.

in the spaceship.

Chu Han's eyes were bright, and his excited hands were tightly clenched together, the palms were sweating!

He said with emotion: "The sea of ​​stars, this is the dream of many people. I am so lucky to be able to see it in person!"

She couldn't control the excitement in her heart when she thought that she would be able to enter space soon!
But in her heart, it was inevitable and a little scared.

She was afraid that she would die in the vast universe.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Ye Fei saw her fear and comforted her.

Chu Han turned his head to look at Ye Fei.

Seeing his calm expression, it was as if they were going to the supermarket instead of outer space, and he was still so calm.

Immediately, confidence doubled!

The flustered heart also settled down.

"Well, boss, I see!"

Chu Hanshuang took a deep breath and calmed down completely.


The two put on the flight suits in the cabin and sat down on the seats.

After Ye Fei communicated with the ground console for a while.

The countdown to the launch of the spacecraft begins.

"10, 9, 8..."

"3, 2, 1."



The countdown is over.

An earth-shattering roar sounded!

Inside the aerospace base, all the staff looked excited.

The spaceship lifted off in an instant!

Straight into the sky!

Then, all the way through the atmosphere like a broken bamboo!


at the same time.

When Ye Fei's spacecraft entered orbit.


The headlines of all the websites are occupied by the same entry - manned landing on the moon!
at this moment.

Whether it is Xia Guo, Ying Jiang, or other countries, they are all paying close attention to Ye Fei's manned moon landing event!
As another manned moon landing program after the Apollo moon landing.

At this moment, the hearts and minds of everyone in the world are tied to Ye Fei!
It's real and highly anticipated!

"My friends, at this moment, the anchor should already be in the sky, right?!"

"My home is in Yangcheng, and I just heard a loud noise! ​​It must be the sound of launching a spaceship! The anchor is definitely in the sky!"

"I'm so excited! I hope the anchor can successfully land on the moon! Then our country of Xia will be the second country in the world to land on the moon!"

"Hey! I really want to see with my own eyes, the scene of landing on the moon!"

"Want to see +1!"


Netizens in China look excited and are very excited in their hearts!
They all sincerely wish Ye Fei from the bottom of their hearts, and hope that he can successfully land on the moon!

There are also many people who regret not being able to see the scene of landing on the moon with their own eyes.

But right now.

Just when netizens were praying for Ye Fei.

Some experts poured cold water on the netizens on the Internet!

"Don't be too happy!"

"The difficulty of manned landing on the moon is higher than you imagined!"

"In a vacuum state, it is very difficult to control the power of the spacecraft!"

"As long as there is a slight mistake, it may cause the spacecraft to yaw, or even solve the problem!"

"By then, not to mention successfully landing on the moon, it's not bad to be alive!"


Domestic netizens frowned at the words of those experts.

I was worried.

But the netizens in Yingjiang Country sneered and gloated.

Very pessimistic about the success of the moon landing program!
"Hehe, you guys think landing on the moon is that easy?!"

"You will definitely fail!"

"It's best to fail! Then you won't be able to conduct military research secretly!"


The netizens of Yingjiang Country, and the high-level executives of Yingjiang Country, are all looking forward to the failure of Ye Fei's plan!
This vicious appearance made domestic netizens extremely angry!
Just when they were about to spit on the eagle saucers.

This time!

Someone noticed something!

"Damn it?! There's movement in the host's live broadcast room?!"

(End of this chapter)

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