Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 109 Successful Chapter Family!Exoskeleton armor? !

Chapter 109 Return home successfully!Exoskeleton armor? !
The return capsule fell from a high altitude to the ground, and the landing place was the Condor Space Launch Base!

After the return capsule fell for a while, Ye Fei asked Chu Hanshuang to open the parachute.

The speed of the return capsule suddenly slowed down.

at the same time.

Just when all the audience were worried about Ye Fei, and the high-level executives of Yingjiang Country were gloating.

I see.

Inside the Shenying Space Launch Base, an open space has already been vacated. There is a conspicuous sign on the open space to guide the direction of the return capsule.

Ye Fei's return capsule landed towards the open space of the launch base.

After descending to a certain height, it directly used jet deceleration again and landed slowly.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became nervous.

He subconsciously held his breath and stared at the live broadcast without blinking.

No wonder they are so worried.

The world's military industry and technology are relatively backward.

After many countries launched probes into outer space, many of those probes crashed when they returned!

Among them, Damao Country and Yingjiang Country are the most!
It's all because the technology is not developed enough to master the technology of safe landing!
It is so difficult for the probe to land, one can imagine how difficult it is for the return capsule of the manned spacecraft to land safely!
That is, if there is a slight mistake, the cabin will be destroyed and people will die!
It can be said that every astronaut going to the universe is an adventure walking on the verge of death!
Every astronaut is a hero of mankind!
Most people hope that the hero can survive safely!
The audience in the live broadcast room were incomparably the same, Ye Fei was able to land safely!
Under the tense gaze of countless people.

Ye Fei's return capsule descended unswervingly towards the marked point, and then descended again.

The distance between the return capsule and the ground is getting closer and closer.

at last.

The return capsule landed firmly on the ground like a helicopter landing!
Successful landing!
Seeing this situation, the audience of Xia Kingdom breathed a sigh of relief!

Xia Guo's military department, aerospace department... and other departments have finally let go of their hearts!
next moment.

Everyone in the entire Xia Kingdom was full of joy.

Shocking cheers erupted!

"Back! They are back safely!"

"The space hero is home! Great!"

"He is our hero! Welcome home the hero!"

"His name will be remembered by the whole world!"


Everyone in the Xia Kingdom blushed with excitement, and a bright light burst out from their eyes.

Spread the news and tell your friends and relatives.

For a moment, excited cheers echoed throughout the Xia Kingdom!
The shouts shook the sky and never subsided for a long time!
All the crooked nuts are silent.

Their faces were complicated, with a bit of emotion, as well as envy and hatred!

"It's shocking! He actually landed safely!"

"Xia Guo's technology is already so strong!"

"It's not Xia Guo's technological strength, but the Shenying Military Factory's technological strength!"

"Hey, to be honest, I'm very jealous! Why isn't the person in charge of the Shenying Military Factory from our country?! If he is from our country, the one who is envied by the whole world now is our country!"


High-level officials in many countries are just jealous!

My heart feels sour like eating a lemon!

This moment, today.

Ye Fei, and Shenying Military Factory, and the name of Xia Guo.

To be remembered all over the world!

Even if the progress of all human beings is used as a chronicle, Ye Fei's name will be engraved on it!
The name will go down in history!

Be regarded as a hero by future generations!
Only the high-level people in Yingjiang Country, with their smiles frozen on their faces, were very annoyed!

After the return capsule has landed safely.

The hatch is open.

Two figures in spacesuits came out from inside.

They are Ye Fei and Chu Hanshuang.

From the weightless outer space, back to the solid earth.

Chu Hanshuang exhaled lightly, this down-to-earth feeling completely relaxed his mood.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Ye Fei and Chu Hanshuang walking out like this, and their excited expressions froze for a moment.

They all widened their eyes and looked confused.

"How did they come out like this?!"

"This, isn't this right?!"

"How can they come out by themselves?! This is unscientific!"

"Could it be that the anchors are also fake? They didn't go to heaven?"


The audience has small heads and big doubts.

Well known.

After a person enters space, because of the loss of gravity, the muscles will relax.

Therefore, after returning to the ground, due to gravity, you may not even be able to stand up!
Ye Fei and Chu Hanshuang were able to walk out by themselves!
This is very unscientific!
Let everyone can't understand!
There are even some people who doubt whether this time the heaven is also fake...

However, they all watched the process of landing on the moon!

It can't be fake!

"What the hell is going on?! Why can the anchors stand up and walk?!"

All the audience scratched their heads frantically.

This anchor, don't be a superman!
Just when they were puzzled by it.

Suddenly saw.

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and pressed a button on the spacesuit he was wearing.


The space suit turned out to be modular and fell off.

And what's under the spacesuit.

Let all the audience in the live broadcast room be dumbfounded!
I see.

As the spacesuit comes off, what's revealed.

It's one thing—exoskeleton auxiliary armor!

Obviously, Ye Fei and Chu Hanshuang were able to stand up and walk independently.

All because of wearing exoskeleton auxiliary armor!
"Fuck! F*ck!"

"Am I dazzled?! How did I see the host wearing exoskeleton armor?!"

"My God! How can this thing be made with modern technology?!"

"Doesn't exoskeleton armor only exist in science fiction movies! I didn't expect that I could see it in reality! Who would dare to believe this!"


The amount of barrage in the live broadcast instantly exploded!
Everyone exploded!

They looked shocked and couldn't believe it.

Especially for some sci-fi fans, it is even more difficult to say anything excited!
In so many film and television works and games, there is never a lack of exoskeleton armor!

Who hasn't dreamed of owning an exoskeleton armor of their own!

They've only seen exoskeleton armor in fantasy works.

This is the first time to see real exoskeleton armor in reality!

Looking at the exoskeleton armor on Ye Fei, it is cool and handsome, with a strong beauty of power and beauty of technology.

Everyone's eyes are full of surprise!

It’s too shocking!

Just like a dream!
Now that the anchor has developed it, doesn't that mean that he may also be able to wear this kind of black technology product? !

Thinking of this, everyone is extremely excited!
Ye Fei also knows how much impact his exoskeleton armor will have on people.

He faced the camera and said with a smile: "The spacesuit is too bulky. In order to be more flexible in space, I specially developed this called exoskeleton auxiliary armor."

(End of this chapter)

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