Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 127 Code Open Source!Check out the work in progress!

Chapter 127 Code Open Source!Check out the work in progress!

The water friends in the live broadcast room felt that Ye Fei's explanation was not strong enough!
a time.

The reviews of Ye Fei on the Internet have taken a turn for the worse!

The arms dealer's label was firmly stuck to Ye Fei again!
Ye Fei took a deep breath, his face full of depression.

Reluctantly said: "That's really not what I did!"

"Besides, if someone uses artificial intelligence software to find a system loophole on Yingjiang's side, they can also use artificial intelligence software to fix the loophole!"

"Tell me, guys, in this case, if I do those things, wouldn't I be full?! It's completely unnecessary!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help being stunned when they heard this, their faces suddenly changed.

"I think what the anchor said makes sense."

"Indeed! Since you can use the host's software to find the loophole, you can also use the software to fix it!"

"In this way, the host really didn't do this thing?!"

"I think we still have to see Yingjiang Country first, and see if it can successfully repair the system loopholes!"


The water friends started talking.

Discussing whether they really wronged Ye Fei.

At the same time, he also paid attention to the movement on Ying Jiang's side.

at the same time.

Eagle sauce over there.

They also reacted, and quickly used artificial intelligence software to successfully repair the loopholes in the defense system.

Then Blake posted another piece of news.

"Although we used artificial intelligence software to successfully repair the system loopholes."

"But! This artificial intelligence software developed by the person in charge of Shenying Military Factory is a kidnapping of the world's network systems!"

"He wants all the network systems in the world to buy his artificial intelligence!"

"This is a dictator's method!"

"We should boycott!"


In the video, Blake said boldly.

It can be said that he spared no effort to pour dirty water on Ye Fei!
Don't miss any chance to slander Ye Fei!
After this video was released, it was quickly discovered by Ye Fei and the water friends in his live broadcast room.

Seeing Blake's dog-like appearance, the water friends rolled their eyes and were speechless!
"Ah, yes, yes! Are you right?!"

"God kidnapped the whole world's network system!"

"Isn't this purely an act of scolding your mother after putting down the bowl?! You guys have fixed the system loopholes, so why not talk about it!"

"But one thing to say, anchor, do you really want to kidnap the whole world's Internet like Blake said?!"

"Ah?! Isn't this a monopoly?!"


The water friends raged at Ying Jiang's shameless behavior.

One side questioned.

Ye Fei shook his head helplessly, and said seriously to the camera: "Everyone, you are thinking too much! Our Condor Company absolutely has no intention of monopolizing the market!"


See water friends do not believe his words.

Ye Fei frowned, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He must restore himself, as well as the image of the condor!
After a while, he made up his mind.

He was very serious, and said to the water friends: "To show my sincerity, and to let everyone understand that our Shenying is a conscientious private enterprise! I decided..."

"Open source the code of artificial intelligence!"

The sonorous and powerful words showed Ye Fei's determination!
The water friends in the live broadcast room were all surprised when they heard this!
Shocked: "Fuck?! Really?! Are you going to open source the code of artificial intelligence?!"

Open source code refers to making the source code of the software available to the public!

Let everyone use the source code, and use your imagination to match other software!
AI software is undoubtedly the best software in the world!
Make its source code available to everyone.

This is undoubtedly a great thing for the software industry!

"The anchor can do such a behavior, sincerity is really great!"

"It seems that we really blamed the anchor!"


The water friends started talking in a hurry.

Everyone felt Ye Fei's sincerity!

I also feel that this action can definitely prove the other party's innocence!
Seeing the change of tone of the water friends, Ye Fei smiled with satisfaction.

In this way, it is not in vain for him to make this decision!


At this moment!

Just when Ye Fei was delighted by this.

There are bigwigs in the Internet industry, with admiration on their faces, and crackling barrage in the live broadcast room.

"I admire you!"

"The anchor's trick is really high!"


As soon as this barrage comes out.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were at a loss and very puzzled.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Why is the anchor so tall?"


Bigwigs in the Internet industry, when someone asked, they patiently explained.

"After the code is open source, all our software matching and derivative systems..."

"All must be created on top of the host's source code!"

"In this way, software development all over the world will depend on the anchor's artificial intelligence!"

"If you want to get rid of this situation, you need an equally excellent system!"

"But everyone knows that the anchor's artificial intelligence is an epoch-making product and the best product in the world!"

"In a short period of time, it is impossible to be surpassed at all!"

"That's why Ying Jiang said that the artificial intelligence of the anchor has kidnapped the global network!"

"In fact, the anchor's artificial intelligence can indeed achieve monopoly behavior!"


The explanations of the Internet giants are clear and clear.

Let the water friends in the live broadcast room understand it!

"Fuck?! It's terrifying to think about it!"

"Anchor, your abacus beads all jumped on my face!"

"We are still too naive! The anchor is playing a big game of chess!"


The water friends exclaimed.

In an instant, they all understood Ye Fei's real plan!

Ye Fei: "..."

He covered his face with one hand, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, what..."

With a light cough, he pretended to be indifferent and said: "This is how open source code is! Why play big chess? It's all nonsense! You can't always think of me as bad!"

"Okay, I still have something to do, so I'll download it first!"


Ye Fei was a little tired of explaining.

Come directly to the wave of light speed downcast!
Stay away from this right and wrong place!
All the water friends looked at the live broadcast room with a black screen.

Very speechless!

Boy, is this slipping again? !
"Hmph, he must have slipped away because he didn't know how to quibble!"

"+1! We have to resist monopoly! Resist artificial intelligence!"

"That's right!"


On the Internet, some people began to clamor to boycott artificial intelligence.

But secretly, he dislikes being upright!
Everyone is very happy, using Ye Fei's open source code to create new software.

Just two words: really fragrant!
Ye Fei glanced at the comments on the Internet with his mobile phone, and also saw those boycotting remarks.

Very helpless!

"Oh, forget it, I'm tired, don't worry about it, just leave it like this!"

Ye Fei sighed.

I took back my phone and decided not to worry about those bad things.

"I haven't seen my secretary and assistant for a long time."

muttered something.

Ye Fei walked slowly towards the research room.

I plan to inspect the work progress of my employees!
(End of this chapter)

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