Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 129 Yangmou!The turkey sells badly!

Chapter 129 Yangmou!The turkey sells badly!
With sharp eyes, Ye Fei said in a cold voice.

Want to sanction him?

very good!

Then he will raise the price!
No matter how much tariffs are collected, he will directly increase the price of the product by ten times!
"Four hundred percent price increase?!"

Zhang Beiguang and Chu Hanshuang were both stunned.

A look of surprise.

"Boss, will the turkey pay for the increase so much?"

"I feel, a little hanging!"


Ye Fei smiled slightly, and said confidently: "Now that the Turkey Country is going to be rebuilt, our Shenying's intelligent mechanical troops are the most suitable products for post-disaster reconstruction."

"And in the whole world, only our Condor has those products."

"So, the right to negotiate is in our hands."

"It doesn't matter if they don't accept the price."

"Big deal, we don't sell them."


A cold light flashed in Ye Fei's eyes, and he sneered, "Turkey did those shameless things to suppress us and help Yingjiang from the side, so I can't blame me for attacking them."

"Back then, Yingjiang and others in the West cultivated traitors and entrapped our enterprises."

"Through traitors, when they export iron ore to us, the price increases by more than 300 percent."

"In just a few years, nearly one trillion of our funds have been searched!"

"Let countless people suffer from it!"

"The impact it caused is still there today!"

Speaking of this.

Chu Hanshuang and Zhang Beiguang both frowned, feeling very upset!
Ye Fei went on to say: "In this case, then I will treat him in the same way!"

"In the West, they need to train traitors to do those things. We can do it directly with Yangmou!"

"Iron ore, you can choose other things instead."

"But our Shenying products are unique in the world!"

"No one, no company can replace it!"

"If you want to buy our Shenying products, you can only buy them at a high price!"

Zhang Beiguang was stunned and couldn't help but nodded.


Their products are unique in the world!

If turkeys want to buy their products, they can only be taken advantage of and pay high prices!
Let them Condor, earn a lot of money!
This is a proper conspiracy!
There was a thoughtful look in Chu Han's eyes.

She looked at Ye Fei and questioned: "Boss, we have raised the price so much, the turkey may be purchased by someone else! If this is the case, won't our plan come to naught, and there will be no use for it?"

Ye Fei glanced at her approvingly, very satisfied that she could think of this.


Questions that employees can think of, how could he, the boss, not think of them? !
Ye Fei curled his lips, smiled calmly, and said, "Then let them buy it on behalf of them. As long as the turkey finds someone to buy it on their behalf, the agent will make them cry to death."

Chu Han frowned, a little confused, and asked with a puzzled look: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Zhang Beiguang also asked: "Boss, why is this? Why does the turkey cry to death when it is bought by someone else?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Well...you will know after this incident happens."

Listen to this answer.

Chu Hanshuang and Zhang Beiguang were helpless.

Don't say it, really don't say it!
What you said is the same as if you didn't say it!
Ye Fei pretended not to see their resentful expressions, he looked at Chu Hanshuang, and ordered: "Okay, let's not talk about this, the little secretary will send my words, the turkey has issued a sanctions announcement, we You can’t help but answer no.”

"Good boss."

Chu Han double-answered.


On Shenying's official social account and Ye Fei's personal account, a message was announced at the same time.

[In view of Turkey's decision to levy 40.00% on our Condor products.From now on, the prices of products exported to Turkey by our Condor Company will increase by [-]%. 】


This response came out.

It was quickly discovered by netizens.

Responding to the announcement went straight to the hot search!
Hot all over the net!

It caused an uproar!
Netizens were outraged when they found out about this incident!
They all scolded the turkey shamelessly!
"I'll wipe it! The turkey real Nima doesn't want any face!"

"It's in vain that I donated money to them before! If I had known that they charged so much tariffs as the Condor, I would have donated a dime!"

"What the hell! Spit out all the money to labor and management! They turkey, they are sanctioning our company!"

"If the arms dealer hadn't made the announcement, I wouldn't even know about it! Damn, the arms dealer did a great job!"

"In the face of that kind of ungrateful thing, the price should be raised, and the price should be raised severely! Haha!"


Netizens are cursing.

The manipulation of turkeys is disgusting!

at the same time.

This announcement quickly spread abroad.

The whole world is in an uproar!
the other side.

The country of Turkey, which was ravaged by tornadoes, was in a mess.

There are ruins everywhere.

Officials in Turkey Country were in a hurry, busy with post-disaster reconstruction work.

With Condor products, they rebuild quickly.

"With Condor products, the rebuilding went so smoothly!"

"It's just these products, the quantity is still not enough! I have to buy another batch of products and put them into use!"

"Buy a little more this time! We have collected more tariffs from them, and we can save a lot of money when buying Shenying products!"


The top executives of the Turkey Country smiled, and felt that the decision to impose more tariffs on the Condor was extremely correct!
A group of people discussed for a while.

They all agree and buy Condor products again!

Just as they were in high spirits, they were about to buy Condor's products.

But I learned that the price of Shenying products has increased by [-]%!
This news is like a bolt from the blue!
The high-level executives of the Turkey Country, the smiles disappeared all of a sudden, and they were dumbfounded!

The price increased by [-]%, and the price went up all at once!

According to their country, the quantity of the product they need now, and the price of the product.

Their turkey country's finances simply cannot afford the money needed for post-disaster reconstruction!

After losing the help of Shenying's intelligent mechanical products, the post-disaster reconstruction speed of the Turkey Country dropped immediately!

Countless people in the disaster-stricken Turkey country saw that the speed of reconstruction after the disaster had slowed down, and they were anxious and angry!
Cursed at the top of the Turkey country!
The whole country is full of complaints!
The top executives of Turkey Country are also in a hurry!
Everyone is in a state of desperation!
All live in Bengbu!
Directly in the international media, crying father and mother, began to sell miserably!
Turkey Country: The Condor Military Factory is too much!Knowing that our turkey country is in urgent need of their products, we are carrying out post-disaster reconstruction work!But they deliberately raised the price of the product, making our Turkey country's finances unaffordable!They did it on purpose!Right now in our country of Turkey, people are dying all the time!Please give us some help so that we, Turkey Country, can get through this difficult time!

As soon as the news came out that Turkey Country was selling badly.

The many media of Eagle Sauce are like a dog who smells shit, and it comes when it smells it!

(End of this chapter)

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