Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 144 Another Path, Energy Chamber Framework

Chapter 144 Another Path, Energy Chamber Framework


Ye Fei's high-tech technology is unique in the global field.

How many people were not optimistic about Ye Fei at the beginning, but didn't these artificial intelligence and future technologies also be conceived and born in Ye Fei's hands?

Space stations in the universe can be built, so why not cities in the sky?
In the live broadcast room on the official website, everyone expressed disdain for those who make trouble for no reason.

"If you can't do it yourself, don't say Brother Fei can't do it either."

"Since the plane can get the blueprints out, it can definitely be built. I'm afraid this person can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

"The magnetic levitation power system is already in the preliminary stage, Fei Ge is naturally capable of building it, we all believe in it!"

The voices of support on the Internet were seen by Chu Hanshuang.

He quickly told Ye Fei the news through earphones.

"Mr. Ye, we now have a very high support rate across the Internet."

"Everyone believes you have the ability to build this idea."

"It's been said on the Internet that this man can't eat grapes and that the grapes are sour! We don't need to pay attention to this troublemaker at all, let him go."

Ye Fei quit.

You fucked up your face and ran to my territory to mess around!
I won't let you clean up all the bottoms today, so my surname is not Ye!

Ye Fei went on to say: "How can an ant like you who sits and watches the sky know the lofty ambition of our Shenying company?"

"If you have a question, just speak up."

"But if you have no problems and are still looking for our problems here, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The elite man stood where he was.

He probably didn't expect Ye Fei to refute him at this time.

You must know that this time the press conference gathered business elites from all walks of life in Xia Kingdom.

Their Condor Company also broadcast live on their official website.

Originally thought they would calm down and let him go.

Then round up the drama with a lame excuse.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei took the initiative to take over this battle.

Ear back.

Chu Hanshuang did not expect Ye Fei's offensive to be so fierce.

he reminded.

"Mr. Ye, I'm broadcasting live. If there are too many mistakes, we have no room for maneuver."

"I will check this person's background and then block him."

Ye Fei took off his ears directly.

He already got the information he wanted.

What Chu Hanshuang said next was meaningless at all.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was excited about Ye Fei's counterattack.

"Good fly brother!"

"See what this gentle scum can say."

A war without gunpowder is about to start.

As for the elite man, he came prepared this time.


"Can your plan, which is full of loopholes, stand up to my questioning?"

"Do you still remember the question Mr. Zhao from the energy company asked you just now?"

"You said that you are building such a huge solar power station in outer space, you are trying to monopolize the entire energy industry!"

"How do you let Mr. Zhao and the older generation who have made outstanding contributions to the infrastructure construction of our Xia Kingdom survive?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes focused on Mr. Zhao.

This time he was in a hurry.

Can't wait to find a hole to dig in.

Ye Fei took a look at them, and immediately understood that this elite man was making excuses.

Old Zhao should have no alliance with him.

"Which company are you from? If you have any doubts, don't involve me!"

Mr. Zhao hurriedly distanced himself from him.

But when the other party revealed his identity, everyone present was surprised.

"I am the representative of the Guangfa Foundation!"

"I wanted to see what kind of forward-looking investment this press conference would have, but I didn't expect it! I actually met this liar who can only tell stories!"

Those present fell silent after hearing the name.

The Guangfa Consortium is a well-known leader in the investment industry, and many companies expect to get their investment in their AB round.

Mr. Zhao couldn't afford to offend both sides, so he simply stopped talking.

Several representatives of the Guangfa Consortium are still waiting for Ye Fei's reply.

He looked like he was standing and watching a good show.

With just one sentence from Ye Fei, they directly broke their defenses.

"Recently, I want to form a chamber of commerce related to the energy industry. The main purpose of the chamber of commerce is to focus on clean energy and saving carbon emissions."

"Old Zhao, you are a senior in the energy industry, can I ask you to help me sign this line? I will share my technology in the chamber of commerce."

Mr. Zhao's eyes widened when he heard this!

Mr. Zhao's energy company takes nuclear energy and thermal energy as its main business!
Needless to say, thermal power generation is a traditional old industry. As the power generation technology of the last century, it is already out of date.

Heavy pollution and strict control.

This is why Mr. Zhao wants to do nuclear power generation, but!Nuclear power generation has a huge downside!

That is nuclear waste.

These high and low-level radioactive wastes have always been a huge problem for their local area.

For this matter, how many times a month will he be asked to drink tea!

Not to mention that if there is an accident, their company will be destroyed, and they may even face a prison lawsuit.

Old Zhao got up slowly, and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Really?"

"Mr. Ye, in front of so many people today, are you going to disclose your solar technology in outer space?"

Ye Fei nodded with a smile.

"Old Zhao, once I say something, it's hard to follow!"

Old Zhao was ecstatic!

At the beginning of his energy company transformation, he considered solar technology.

But solar technology is too demanding for climate seasons!It is more difficult to stabilize than nuclear energy, not to mention that the cost of research and development and site selection is as high as several hundred million.

In the end, the plan was terminated due to lack of investment.

Now that Ye Fei directly provides technology, energy companies like them only need to be responsible for construction and operation, which is a good thing for win-win cooperation.

"Okay! Mr. Ye, as long as you trust me, I will take the lead in this chamber of commerce!"

All of a sudden there was thunderous applause from the entire venue.

Everyone is happy about the fantastic linkage between Ye Fei and the energy boss this time.

This ushered in a new beginning for Xia Guo's energy industry.

Ye Fei knew it in his heart.

The cooperation this time seems to be a technology released by myself, and it seems to be at a disadvantage.

But this is also an inevitable move for him as a pioneer of a new era.

Wait until the air city is opened once.

The tone is that Condor will be setting up an energy technology branch at that time, and then recruit talents.

It's better to let all these industries out.

Since then, he has won people's hearts, at least he will not be envied by others because of technological monopoly, and will eventually be stumbled by others.

Secondly, Ye Fei can also establish a positive image for his company.

"This representative! What else do you have to say?
(End of this chapter)

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