Chapter 153 A cheat-like privilege! .

Inside the Condor Building.

The first batch of superconducting materials in the factory has entered the acceptance stage.

Ye Fei is intensively checking the data sent back.

If there is no problem with the accepted superconductor materials, then this technology can be mass-produced.

in front of the computer.


Ye Fei didn't dare to neglect the familiar video call invitation.

A leader above is inviting Ye Fei into the video conference.

"Good leadership."


The leaders seemed to have some opinion on Ye Fei, they asked slightly accusingly.

"A few days ago, I heard that Yingjiang's Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce came to inspect the company. You fought a good battle, which made the Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce lose face."

"But don't do this kind of thing again in the future. It won't help to argue with them."


The leadership's golden mean is still analyzed from the perspective of the big picture. Although Ye Fei understood this truth in his heart, Charlie had already put his nose in the face at that time, and he couldn't bear it again and again.

"I see."

"I must do things according to the requirements of the leader."

Ye Fei's attitude was very sincere, leaving these leaders with nothing to say.

"Then let me ask you what I told you before, and let you suspend the project of the maglev train. Why are you starting mass production in this direction again?"

"Are these superconductor materials used to build cities in the air?"

The leader naturally hopes that Ye Fei can speed up the progress. The moment the air city is born, it will declare our unshakable technological status in the international market.

Ye Fei originally thought that this matter would not alarm the leaders, but he did not expect that they would still come to hold them accountable.

"Leader, with all due respect, the construction of the maglev train is an inevitable process. Now how many eyes are on Shenying Company, I am worried that if the sky city project is too publicized, it may cause unnecessary trouble."

Ever since Ye Fei expressed his concerns, the leader has also been silent.

In other words, Shenying Company is an ordinary private enterprise to the outside world. So many eyes are on them, which makes them worry about people who covet these technologies.

"The construction of the maglev train is just a cover."

After hearing the news, the leader was relieved.

However, the leaders are also aware that, now that they are staring at the case of the sky city plan, so many of them need to give some practical support.

"Then we will fully cooperate with your worries and concerns. If foreign capital does this kind of thing again, you can report it to us, and we will naturally have a way to deal with it."

Ye Fei is not worried that these external capital can interfere with the normal operation of Shenying Company.

He was just worried about the reputation in the international reviews.

"Our Shenying company still has this strength and foundation. No matter how rampant external capital is, it is impossible to shake our foundation."

"The biggest headache for me now is the international social platform."

"The superconductor material has been produced, and the next step is the stage of experimental data."

"But now the reviews on the Internet are all one-sided."

After the leader heard this, he said hello to the person in charge of communication without saying a word.

"Don't worry, we have no right to interfere with the situation abroad..."

"However, you can decide the direction of domestic public opinion."

Ye Fei was shocked when he heard it.

This is a great privilege.

The leader continued to explain the control of domestic social media.

"Starting from certain news and news and major news networks, all unfavorable remarks about the city in the air will be removed from the shelves, and those accounts that repeatedly post slanderous and rumored remarks will be investigated as potential threats."

"If something similar happens next time, report the information directly to the agency in charge of communication."

"His background authority is the greatest."

"Then I will open a green channel for you, and then you can directly connect with Lao Chen."

This remark was an understatement, but Ye Fei was taken aback for a while.

What is Lao Chen's identity, why doesn't he know.

To Ye Fei, the privilege of mastering speech is simply a cheat-like existence.


"I'll go find Lao Chen in private later."

They've got the answers they want and they're done with the meeting.

Ye Fei is still in the joy of mastering public opinion.

He quickly contacted the assistant inside.

"Find a few trustworthy old employees, and we will re-establish the media business department."

With the support above, domestic public opinion will no longer be a threat.

As long as the external forces do not take the initiative to provoke Ye Fei, he can turn a blind eye and concentrate on his own research.

The country of Xia was quiet, which made Ying Jiang, who was jumping, very anxious.

They raised huge doubts about the environmental protection of superconductor materials. Logically speaking, Xia Guo would have already caused waves if he heard this discussion.

But it has been four or five days, and there is still no movement on Ye Fei's side.

After countless news headlines were released, they disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was quickly overshadowed by other financial news and social news.

The people in Yingjiang realized that this was not an easy matter.

They intend to find another way.

Mr. Madeleine contacted members of the International Environmental Group.

Send them a very dodgy paper with the title of the paper on excessive carbon emissions from superconductor materials.

In the paper, Eagle Sauce made an illusion of their design data for the huge sky city, and used this imaginary data to conclude that the sky city of Shenying will inevitably become an environmental hazard in the future.

After reading the paper, the international environmental protection organization also had a decision in mind.

However, just relying on a paper without real evidence cannot become evidence.

Finally, the international environmental protection organization replied an email to Yingjiang.

"Thanks to Eagle Sauce Scientific Research Institute for attaching great importance to the global environment. The assumptions you put forward are so loud that there is no substantive evidence. If the material data released by Shenying Company contains the environmental hazards you mentioned, then we can respond make a verdict."

"The amount of excess carbon emissions in superconductors is too imaginable, and the actual data of consumables for the liquid nitrogen cooling system required for superconductors needs to be disclosed by Shenying to be considered evidence."

Ying Jiang's scientific research, after receiving this reply message, is almost about to be air-fried.

"We have already made the data formula and derivation results so clear that the global environmental protection organizations will not be a group of vegetarians."

"Do you think this environmental organization has any connection with Shenying?"

"Impossible! The environmental protection organization is under the management of the WHO. Even if the Condor Company has great capabilities, it is impossible to interfere with the WHO."

(End of this chapter)

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