Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 156 Catch a turtle in the urn!Pre-press conference

Chapter 156 Catch a turtle in the urn!Pre-press conference
Only then did Fusang's ugly face appear.

It turned out that the countermeasure they discussed with Yingjiang early in the morning was to use the theme of environmental protection to suppress Shenying's superconducting materials.

The leader of Yingjiang is very satisfied with this public opinion offensive.

Many media departments use Fusang as an example to criticize Shenying's "shameless behavior".

It wasn't long before Ye Fei uploaded the data materials on the official website, but he didn't expect that there would be a crusade from many countries.

As for the WHO, since Ye Fei had handed over qualified data reports before, they had no reason to get involved in this matter.

So he pretended to be deaf and dumb, as if he didn't care about anything.

It really fits his claim of being a neutral unit.

Verbal criticism from abroad did not have much impact on Ye Fei's local production.

But this kind of thing continued to ferment every day, and Ye Fei felt upset watching it.

Originally, according to the routine, Ying Jiang should talk to him.

But what he didn't expect was that this crusade seemed to be completely a public opinion war.

Eagle Sauce didn't move at all from the beginning to the end

It's really a bit difficult to accept this time.

Condor's image in the world soon changed from a high-tech company to a heavily polluting technology military factory.

After the daily live broadcast that day, Ye Fei came to the conference room of the media business department.

"After monitoring for so long, have you thought of any countermeasures?"

Old Zhao lowered his head, really not knowing how to answer this question.

"What did Lao Chen say?"

From the media business department, you and the backstage staff said: "Old Chen said that the current domestic situation is still very good. Although we have been described as such on the Internet, everyone who understands knows that this matter has nothing to do with us. "

"We have handed over a qualified data sheet. As for their desire for superconducting materials, it must be up to us to expose it. I'm afraid it's not very good."

Ye Fei was like a bright mirror in his heart, he knew that Ying Jiang made such a fuss because he was afraid of Ye Fei's aerial city plan.

Now that they have spread rumors and become a fortress in the sky, it is conceivable that the western powers are afraid of Xia's future technology.

Ye Fei thought about it and asked a question that no one dared to think about.

"If I say that we ignore them until the sky city is developed, will it affect our production efficiency?"

Old Zhao paused.

"In the current form, it will not be affected. Our materials do not rely on imports, and the local supply is still sufficient."

"It's just that we are worried that they will have another move."

"Either kill the danger in the bud, then we have to act now."

Ye Fei didn't want to make a big fuss, and he didn't want to step into Yingjiang's trap.

"But now there is no news from Yingjiang's side. It is obviously waiting for us to fall into the trap."

Old Zhao also nodded.

"Based on the past examples of the international news market, there is about an [-]% chance that this is the case."

Just when everyone in the media business department was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do next.

Good news came from the laboratory.

The locomotive and rails of the maglev train have passed the first-stage experiment.

This also means that the maglev train can be put into use.

After Ye Fei heard the news, he quickly contacted the local planning bureau.

Under the intensive arrangement, the meeting started quickly.

They also quickly determined the station route in the current city.

This time, the person in charge of transportation and the person in charge of land jointly participated in the pilot work of the first batch of maglev trains.

"Currently, we are giving priority to solving the traffic congestion in the main urban area, and tentatively designate [-] stations as our Line [-]."

"The maglev train will be built on the elevated. In order to start the pilot work as soon as possible, I will notify the people in the urban planning department so that they can get the approval for the fence of the lot as soon as possible."

Their job is to cooperate with Ye Fei's maglev train and put it into use as soon as possible.

The cooperation between the two parties was very pleasant and fast.

After reaching a two-way cooperation, Ye Fei made his additional request.

"The current production speed of the maglev train is sufficient to meet the demand, and the construction of the station will take about three months."

"The three-month ground-breaking will definitely attract the attention of the public, so instead of hiding it at that time, it is better to hold a maglev train presentation on the day the site breaks ground."

"I don't know what you think?"

They express their understanding here.

"This is a good thing, and it also makes the public feel a little bit down. After all, you have said so many times about the construction of the maglev train, and you have to keep up with the progress."

With the consent of these leaders, the press conference was carried out in full swing in the main city.

The pedestrian street in the main city changed quickly, with a resounding signboard.

The largest transit station for maglev trains!

Everyone was pleasantly surprised after seeing the news.

He quickly ran to Ye Fei's social media and started asking about the situation.

For a while, Ye Fei and maglev train were the top two keywords, ranking first and second on the hot search list.

"Has Fei Ge's maglev train been built yet? So fast!"

"I didn't expect that the first pilot city would be our city!"

"When will it be put into use? We can't wait to feel it."

"Fei Ge is mighty!"


Countless people are speculating about the planned route of the maglev train this time.

Some experts even came out to predict which urban areas the maglev train route will cross this time.

But people in other cities are jealous.

"Then what about our capital city, when can we start?"

"Magic capital! We are the hardest-hit area of ​​traffic paralysis!"

"Brother Fei is eccentric! It's not fair!"

"I'm not a fan of Brother Fei anymore."


"Where is Brother Fei's next city? We can't wait!"

Now that the momentum has been built in the main urban area, people in the media business department are predicting that this time the live broadcast will exceed the historical number of people.

Ye Fei was very satisfied with this.

But what he wants to know more is the trend abroad.

"Old Zhao, you said that we use the press conference of the maglev train as a motivator, can Yingjiang's people be recruited?"

Old Zhao grinned and said.

"Don't worry, this trick will definitely work! I figured that Yingjiang's previous straight ball attack was useless to us, so I made a roundabout tactic."

"However, their small thoughts will break through in the end. After all, it's they who can't sit still, and it's not us who can't sit still."

Ye Fei thought about it, and it was the same reason.

"As expected of an old Jianghu, I'm sorry, these people in the international market have their own way."

It turned out that Lao Zhao was the mastermind of this plan.

(End of this chapter)

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