Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 170 We can't surpass your technology.

Chapter 170 We can't surpass your technology.

The environmental protection ambassador lived up to expectations, and when everyone was too busy, he quietly withdrew.

He came to an iron gate.

Looking at the dark fingerprint recognition system at the door, he wanted to go up to try it, but found that the fingerprint system had no power.

As he turned the doorknob, he found that the door was actually open.

This is indeed a deserted laboratory.

But the environmental protection ambassador did not give up, she wanted to find some useful information in these laboratories.

He tried one by one, and naturally he would not go into those rooms that had been abandoned.

Until two technicians came out of the computer room.

"Hurry up! This is the most core data in our central laboratory, put it in and get it out quickly."

After the environmental protection ambassador heard it, he immediately became interested.

Seeing that two technicians were holding their work cards, they opened the door of the computer room.

At this time, the staff inside suddenly urged.

"Engineer, why do I think there is something wrong with this data? It doesn't match the original code in the computer room."

I saw the old employee said impatiently.

"Oh, you can't even do such a small thing well."

"I'll take a look."

The engineer walked in.

Then at the moment when the gate was about to close, the environmental protection ambassador ran in quickly.

Servers were everywhere in the computer room. Under the dim light, the environmental protection ambassador found a place to hide.

After several rounds of debugging, the engineers and the people in the technical department finally got the job at hand done.

The representative of Fusang country couldn't wait for the environmental protection ambassador for a long time, so he was also anxious.

Mr. Liu is still telling you about the interesting things that happened in the laboratory.

As soon as he turned around, he found the representative of Fusang Kingdom who was burning with anxiety.

at this time.

Mr. Liu heard a voice in his ears.

"The environmental protection ambassador has already taken the bait, you continue to delay the time." Ye Fei said.

Xiao Liu is always someone to talk to.

He quickly changed the subject and began to talk about the manufacturing history of this huge sphere.

In the engine room.

The environmental protection ambassador began to look for what he wanted in the computer room.

He took a pinhole camera and took pictures of the entire computer room.

But the rows in the computer room are full of codes.

Each server is marked with 08 at the beginning.

This made him also have a hard time.

Just then his cell phone rang.

beep beep.

This startled him, and he quickly took out his phone.

As a result, it fell to the ground with a bang.


His boss' voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Very good, have you sneaked into Shenying's internal computer room now?"

"Hurry up and insert what I taught you into their system."

"That way I can steal their data."

The environmental protection ambassador was in a bit of trouble at this time, he looked around for a while.

"Such a large computer room must be monitored. If I apologize openly, will they arrest me?"

Ye Fei, who was monitoring in the background at this time, almost couldn't laugh out loud watching this scene.

"You also know that there is surveillance here?!"

"It's really convincing. What kind of society is it now? A sophisticated laboratory like mine must be full of surveillance."

"Are you really so courageous that you don't care about anything?"

But it's not time to close the line yet.

Ye Fei wants to see how far you can go.

However, the environmental ambassador had a quarrel with the other party on the phone.

Ye Fei listened a little, but didn't quite understand the Niaoyu dialect.

He asked Lao Zhao on the side to help with the translation.

Old Zhao also listened to the general idea.

"It feels like this person is from the west coast, and the accent is really a bit heavy."

"However, according to what they said, the environmental protection ambassador seems to have been threatened, and the other party knows that the environmental protection ambassador is in a bad situation, but they still want to force him to do this."

After hearing this, Ye Fei made up his mind.

"It seems that the two of them are not on the same front."

"And I deduce that the person behind it doesn't look like Madeleine."

"Let the people in the security department get ready, I'm going to collect the net next."

After the environmental protection ambassador took a small USB flash drive and inserted it into the server interface.

The siren sounded from the computer room.

Red lights flickered everywhere.

This scares the environmental ambassador quite a bit.

Immediately, people from the security department rushed into the computer room and surrounded the environmental protection ambassador.

"Old Zhao, tell Mr. Liu later so that he can go to the next floor."

Old Zhao nodded.

Ye Fei came to the computer room calmly.

The environmental protection ambassador is really hard to argue with. He wants to disassociate himself from the relationship, but he has no way to quibble with the witnesses and material evidence.

When Ye Fei came, the environmental protection ambassador really couldn't even raise his head.

What's more, this time it's a live broadcast.

I am afraid that my ugly appearance has been seen by people all over the world.

"No matter what you have, go to the security department and talk about it."

They followed the fire exit behind the computer room to the office of the security department.

In the little dark room.

The environmental protection ambassador was body-searched with a pinhole camera and all equipment on his body was handed over.

The environmental ambassador sat there with his back bent.

Ye Fei sat opposite him.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

The environmental protection ambassador glanced at Ye Fei, but remained silent.

Ye Fei was a little anxious.

"If you confess now, maybe I can let you live. If you continue to delay time with me, then I will really be rude."

The environmental ambassador smiled helplessly.

"Is there any difference?"

"I've been captured by you, and everything has been photographed. Do you think I have the face to go back?"

"I want to finish everything with you."

Ye Fei said.

"I saw you sneaking around early in the morning, so I told Mr. Liu not to broadcast your situation live."

"And when the alarm was raised in the computer room, I asked Mr. Liu to cover it. Now no one knows that you were caught by me."

"Whether you want your reputation or not is entirely up to you."

Hearing that none of this had been exposed, the environmental protection ambassador was also stunned.

He didn't understand whether Yi Fei was helping him or what he wanted to do?
"Why are you doing this?"

"Could it be that you want to protect me?"

Ye Fei sneered.

"Protect you?"

"That's right, but you have to be worth something, otherwise why should I protect you?"

After hearing what Ye Fei said, the environmental protection ambassador let out a long sigh.

"I'm actually... actually sent by Ying-chan's Aerospace Development Institute."

After Ye Fei heard it, he instantly understood the twists and turns here.

"Are you Yingchan still so brooding about the space station?"

However, the environmental protection ambassador said something explosive.

"It's not to worry about it, but we found your technology, we can't surpass it at all."

(End of this chapter)

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