Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 183 Overcoming Technical Difficulties!A bright future is waiting for us.

Chapter 183 Overcoming Technical Difficulties!A bright future is waiting for us.

The normal operation of blockchain technology brought this unwarranted disaster to an end.

No matter what slander the international media wants to use, there is no way to shake Lin Yan at all.

The pointless battle of words has drawn a stronghold again and again.

But Ye Fei did not sit idle, and started the research and development of the lunar base non-stop.

At present, the maglev power system is still in the bottleneck period.

Ye Fei's current plan is to put the maglev train into use first.

See if there will be any problems with superconductor materials in daily use.

He is more worried about the risks of technology than the large-scale sky city plan.

Ever since, the research and development of superconductor materials has temporarily come to an end.

Ye Fei picked up the space station he had been working on before.

Now is the time to take the space elevator to the next step!

In the laboratory, Ye Fei and his space technology team spent a lot of time conducting research.They are trying to solve the problem of how to create a sustainable ecosystem on the moon so that humans can live there.

This problem is not easy to solve, because the environment on the surface of the moon is very different from that on the earth, and there are many technical difficulties to be overcome to establish an ecosystem there.

If we want to survive on the moon now, the first problem we need to overcome is the life support system!

"In order to survive on the moon, humans need a complex life support system covering oxygen supply, water supply, food supply, waste disposal, etc. This requires a series of technologies, including water circulation, air circulation, food production and waste disposal Wait for the technology." The technician said.

"This system is already used in our space station, what we need to do is to expand the range!" Ye Fei said.

"Actually, my biggest concern now is the energy supply system. There is no power grid on the moon, so humans need a reliable energy supply system to meet the energy needs of life support systems and other facilities. This may include solar panels and other renewable energy sources. energy technology."

"It's not that solar panels cannot be used, but if I want to support the electricity needs of a hundred people's daily life, I personally prefer nuclear energy!"

At this time, Chu Hanshuang said: "It may be very difficult to realize nuclear energy on the moon. After all, the experimental environment will be subverted!"

The engineer said: "The only thing we can solve now is to use solar panels for transition first, wait until the basic operation is realized on the moon, then build a large laboratory, and then develop a nuclear power plant."

"Solving the problem of lunar habitation through nuclear power plants."

This step-by-step approach can indeed be carried out very well.

"Okay! Then do it like this."

Well, take a routine experimental footprint as a precedent.

After many experiments and tests by Ye Fei and the technicians in the laboratory, Ye Fei and his team finally solved this problem.

They developed a simulation that would allow humans to build a sustainable ecosystem on the Moon.

This is a huge achievement that Ye Fei and his team are very proud of.

Ye Fei and his team have built a complete ecosystem on the moon, which is a huge achievement.

In the lab, they encouraged each other and celebrated their successes.

"Great, we did it!" Ye Fei said happily.

"Yeah, that's an incredible achievement!" The lab staff reveled in their success.

"It required the efforts and convergence of the whole team. Together we achieved this great result!" Ye Fei added.

"Yes, our team is really amazing! We are all proud to be part of this project." The staff said one after another.

"Our work is really important. We provide a sustainable ecosystem for human exploration of space," Ye Fei said.

"This is our contribution and our honor." The staff responded in unison.

"We should move on and explore more areas of space. We have a lot of work to do, but we will definitely be able to do it!" Ye Fei encouraged his team.

"Yes, we will definitely do it!" The staff responded in unison.

In the laboratory, cheers and celebrations continued to sound.This is a memorable moment, and the team will continue to innovate and explore to create a better future.

The success of the simulation experiment in the laboratory also marks that Ye Fei's future plans have entered a new stage.

Now Ye Fei has announced that he will broadcast a live preview of the lunar base next Friday night. This news immediately aroused heated discussions and expectations from the majority of netizens.

"It's so cool! I must watch this live preview!" a netizen wrote excitedly on social media.

"I want to see it too! Brother Fei will definitely bring us some surprises!" said another netizen.

Many netizens are full of expectations and curiosity about this live broadcast trailer.They hope to learn more about the lunar base through Ye Fei's live broadcast preview, including the construction progress of the base, future plans, scientific research and so on.

"I wonder how long it will take for the construction of the moon base to be completed?" asked one netizen.

"I'm curious about what scientific experiments can be carried out in the moon base?" Another netizen asked.

"I want to see more of the construction process of the moon base, such as the construction of modules and the launch of spaceships." Another netizen said.

Netizens' questions and expectations related to all aspects of the lunar base.They look forward to learning more information and the future development direction of the moon base through Ye Fei's live broadcast preview.

"I hope Ye Fei can share some scientific knowledge in the live broadcast preview, so that we can better understand the environment and characteristics of the moon." A netizen said.

"I'm also looking forward to seeing the application of some future technologies, such as robots, intelligent control systems, etc." said another netizen.

Netizens' expectations show that they are full of enthusiasm and curiosity for science and future development.They hope to learn more about technological progress and future prospects through Ye Fei's live broadcast preview.

"I look forward to seeing Ye Fei share their experiences and insights with other scientists and engineers," said one netizen.

"I want to know some of the stories behind it, such as the creative and design process of the moon base." Another netizen said.

The expectations of netizens are not only about technology and future issues, but also human factors.They hope to better understand the story and humanistic feelings behind the moon base through Ye Fei's live broadcast preview.

Netizens are full of anticipation and curiosity about Ye Fei's live broadcast preview of the moon base.They hope to learn more about the lunar base through this notice, including the construction progress of the base, future plans, scientific research and so on.They also look forward to seeing more technological progress and future prospects.

(End of this chapter)

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