Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 186: Gang Jing is online!shit the truth comes out

Chapter 186: Gang Jing is online!shit the truth comes out

The simulated animation has been walked through.

Now it is time to demonstrate the operability of this technology in the real sense in the laboratory!
Ye Fei stood in the live broadcast room, in front of a huge simulator, showing the circulation system of the moon base.He tapped the keyboard lightly, adjusting various parameters.

"First, let's take a look at the structure of this system." Ye Fei pointed to the image on the screen, "This is a complex system composed of multiple modules, including energy, air, water and waste treatment modules."

"How do these modules interact?" the netizen asked.

"Good question." Ye Fei smiled, "We can use simulation experiments to understand the working principles of these modules. For example, we can simulate the operation of an energy module to see how it generates energy and transmits it to other modules."

Ye Fei started to operate the simulator, adjusted the parameters of each module to the best state, and then pressed the start button.With the start-up sound of the simulator, there was a faint electronic atmosphere in the whole laboratory.

"Now, please pay attention to observe." Ye Fei said.

As his voice fell, the energy module in the simulator began to operate, generating waves of electricity.With the generation of electric energy, the air module, water module and waste treatment module also start to move and cooperate with each other to form a complete circulation system.

"This is the circulation system of the lunar base." Ye Fei said, "Through this system, we can realize various needs in the base, including energy supply, fresh air, water resource utilization and waste disposal."

"It's amazing!" Someone exclaimed.

"Boss Ye Fei, you are too powerful." Another person also praised.

"Actually, this is just a simple simulation experiment." Ye Fei smiled modestly, "But I hope everyone can see the power of technology and its contribution to mankind."

After Ye Fei explained the circulatory system simulation experiment of the lunar base in the live broadcast room, everyone marveled at his superb technology.

"Brother Fei, you are amazing!" A viewer wrote in the barrage.

"Yeah, it's really amazing!" Another audience also praised.

Ye Fei replied with a smile: "Thank you for your compliments. In fact, this is just a small achievement of our team."

"Then what is your team's next plan?" Another audience member asked curiously.

"Our next step is to further optimize this model to make it more realistic and reliable. In addition, we will also explore the establishment of more cosmic ecosystems to lay the foundation for future space exploration." Ye Fei explained.

"Sounds great! I also want to make a contribution to the future of mankind." A viewer wrote excitedly.

"That's right! Each of us has this responsibility." Ye Fei praised, "Now, if you have any questions, you are welcome to ask them."

An audience member asked: "Phineas! How did the circulatory system simulation experiment work?"

"This question is very good!" Ye Fei replied with a smile, "We have used computer simulation technology to simulate the flow of various materials, energy and information in the lunar base by building a set of complex models. In this way, We can verify whether our theory and design are correct through simulation experiments."

"So it sounds very advanced and complicated." The audience praised.

"Indeed, this is also the result of our team's years of hard work and exploration." Ye Fei said with emotion.

With Ye Fei's explanation and audience's questions, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more and more enthusiastic.Under the leadership of Ye Fei, everyone explored the mysteries of science and technology together and felt the charm of science.

In the live broadcast room, people were praising Ye Fei's superb technology and his simulation experiments.

But at this moment, a netizen named "The Truth Comes Out" questioned: "Ye Fei's simulation experiment has no way to come true, isn't this a hoax?"

Dare to speak nonsense in Fei Ge's live broadcast room!You're probably tired of living!

"What do you know? How could Brother Fei's technology be a scam? He has never failed in this!"

"What did you say? It's absolute science!" Another netizen responded dissatisfied.

At this time, another netizen joined the discussion.

"I think this netizen is right. We can't trust these so-called scientists. After all, science needs to be verified by experiments."

There are still rational supporters in Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

they said.

"However, have you ever considered that this problem may be caused by your own lack of understanding of science?"

"I think this is the result of years of hard work and exploration by Ye Fei and his team. They are definitely real scientists!" one netizen said angrily.

But the voices of controversy did not stop.

"However, the truth is revealed. Netizens have raised a very critical issue, and we cannot take it lightly." A netizen insisted on his position.

"How can you say that? This is the result of Ye Fei and his team after layers of verification and testing, and it should not be underestimated!" Netizens criticized.

"I think there is something wrong with Ye Fei's simulation experiment. This is my opinion."

"I'm just telling the truth, if you can't accept it, then that's your problem." The netizen defended the truth.

"You can't belittle other people's efforts and achievements just because you don't trust them!" Ye Fei's supporters emphasized.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became tense and uneasy, and people on both sides began to quarrel.

Some people support Ye Fei and his team, thinking they are real scientists, while others think it is just a hoax.

"You are all too extreme. Of course Ye Fei and his team are scientists, but the questions raised by netizens cannot be ignored." Netizens tried to mediate.

"I agree, we can't trust science too much, we must maintain a critical eye." The netizen agreed.

"If the truth comes out and netizens still have questions, we can invite him to visit our laboratory and let him see our experimental process and results with his own eyes." Ye Fei proposed.

"But what if the truth comes out that the netizen is not in your city?" the netizen asked.

"Then we can provide detailed information and materials to let him know that our experiment is true and reliable." Ye Fei explained.

You, Fei Ge, have all ended up in person!What else can you say?

When the truth came out, maybe Ye Feihu didn't expect Ye Feihu to reply him personally.

"The truth is revealed, netizen, do you have anything else to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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