Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 193 Unexpectedly Smooth!This is the perfect partnership!

Chapter 193 Unexpectedly Smooth!This is the perfect partnership!

In Pakistan Railway, an innovative project called maglev train is facing great challenges.

This technology invented by Ye Fei was once regarded as a new generation of technology to promote the development of urban transportation.

Under the leadership of Xia Guo, Ye Fei took the lead in putting the maglev train in their city into use.

Seeing that the project that everything is in good condition has now been launched, the resurgence of the Pakistani Railway cannot sit still.

They also quickly started the project.

However, before this plan was implemented, it was obstructed and sabotaged by the Fusang State, which led to safety problems in the Pakistan Railway Maglev train project, and the founder Ye Fei was also troubled because of his involvement in it.

Fuso has always been one of the leaders in railway technology. A few decades ago, a series of trams such as the Shinkansen have become the world's leader in railway technology.

Their skills and experience cannot be ignored in this field.

However, as Ye Fei began to set foot in this field, the status and advantages of Fusang Kingdom were gradually challenged.

Therefore, against this background, Fusang State began to use various means to obstruct the progress of the Pakistani maglev train project.

Specifically, the Fusang State has adopted a series of dirty means to interfere with the development of the Pakistan Railway maglev train project.

Starting from the technical level, they attacked and destroyed the technical solutions of the Pakistan Railway State, resulting in some important technical problems that could not be properly resolved.

At the same time, Fusang State also adopted some non-technical means to obstruct the maglev train project of Pakistan Railway State, including some unfair competition behaviors and bribery.

These acts of obstruction and sabotage have led to a series of safety problems in the Pakistani maglev train project.

Due to the attack and destruction of the technical solution, some key components in the project have malfunctions and defects, thus affecting the operation and safety of the entire project.

Many people began to question the technical level and capabilities of the Pakistani Railway State, and even began to doubt the technology of the maglev train itself.

As for Ye Fei, he was also troubled by being involved in this project.

As the founder of the maglev train technology, he has been committed to promoting the development and application of this technology.

However, due to the safety issues of the Pakistan Railway Maglev train project, he was also involved and faced a series of doubts and challenges.

Under such circumstances, the Pakistan Railway's maglev train project had to move forward without support and resources.

This not only makes the progress of the project slow, but also brings safety problems to stations, tracks, vehicles, etc.

Soon after it was put into use, serious problems such as vehicle loss of control and track collapse occurred.

Although the accident did not cause casualties, it made the public question the technology and Ye Fei's technical behavior.

"Recently, there has been a problem with the technology of the Pakistani Railway's maglev train. I heard that many people have begun to question Ye Fei's technical capabilities."

"Yeah, both the Batieguo official and Ye Fei are being questioned by the public. Many people think that although Ye Fei, the founder, has some powerful ideas, his technical ability and experience are not enough."

"Actually, I don't think this incident can be completely attributed to Ye Fei. As long as it is in the field of science and technology, there will inevitably be accidents and problems."

"But this problem is not a small problem. The maglev train project of the Pakistan Railway State was forced to suspend, but the maglev train project of Xiaguo went smoothly."

Just when the people of the Pakistan Railways were disappointed with the maglev train technology.

Fusang Kingdom's dirty tricks have reached a fever pitch at this time!

They even shamelessly want to put their Shinkansen on the agenda!
"In fact, Fuso has always been one of the leaders in tram technology, and their technology and experience cannot be ignored in this field."

"There is really no need to listen to Ye Fei's maglev train!"

Although it is said so, who wants to pay attention to such remarks.

Within a short while, the comments on the Internet about the Fusang State Tram disappeared.

"Then what should Pakistan Railways do? The current situation looks very bad."

"Pakistan Railways and Ye Fei will definitely make every effort to solve this problem. They will re-examine their technical solutions and re-evaluate the risks and feasibility of the entire project. And I believe that at this difficult time, Pakistan Railways The people of the country will unite together to overcome this difficulty."

The people of the Pakistan Railways did not show a great reaction to this technological crisis, but they were quite optimistic.They believed that Pakistan Railways officials and Ye Fei would find a way to overcome this difficulty and restart the project.

"I believe that Ye Fei will solve this problem as soon as possible, and let the maglev train project of the Pakistani Railway State take off again." A Pakistani Railway State resident said.

"We cannot lose our trust in Ye Fei because of this issue. He is a very good technology leader, and we should support him." Another Pakistani citizen added.

Pakistani Railway State officials have also adopted a series of measures to alleviate public concerns and restore market confidence.

First of all, they set up a special investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation on the technical problems of the maglev train and worked out a series of improvement plans.

Secondly, they strengthened their cooperation with Ye Fei and his team to solve technical problems together.

Finally, they publicize the country's scientific and technological strength and technological progress through various channels in order to enhance the public's confidence in the scientific and technological field of Pakistan Railway.

These measures appear to be working.With the support of the public and the efforts of the government, the Pakistan Railways maglev train project has finally restarted.This time, Ye Fei and his team were more cautious and paid more attention to technical details to ensure that the previous problems were completely resolved.The project was eventually successfully completed and became a major success story in the entire technology field.

The optimism of the people of the Pakistan Railway State and the official decisive measures, on the one hand, reflect the culture and beliefs of the Pakistan Railway State, and on the other hand, they also reflect the innovation and risks in the field of science and technology.In the field of science and technology, technical problems and difficulties are inevitable, but as long as we face them bravely and actively solve them, we will surely achieve success.

Ye Fei originally wanted to use crisis public relations to solve the matter, but Pakistani Railway officials cooperated so much that Pakistani Railway officials also came forward to mediate.

Then he naturally has no objection.

But when everything was going well, the representative of Batiefang asked Ye Fei such a question.

"Mr. Ye, I know that there were challenges in our previous cooperation, and I was prepared from the very beginning."

"But I have a question and I don't know if I should say it."

"I said!" Ye Fei said.

"Will someone on your team sabotage?"

(End of this chapter)

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