Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 197 Borrowing strength to fight!All I want is heat!

Chapter 197 Borrowing strength to fight!All I want is heat!

After lengthy negotiations and exchanges, Turkey Country and Fusang Country finally ended their previous grievances and reached a cooperation agreement.

This agreement not only includes the economic and trade cooperation between the two sides, but also requires the two sides to carry out technical and cultural exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and friendship.

When Fusang and Turkey fell into a crisis due to resource and border disputes, everyone in the Condor Company knew that this was inevitable.

But now, the two countries have actually reconciled, and the crisis public relations team needs to understand the tricks that may exist.

The public relations team quickly contacted Ye Fei.They told them that they had learned all the details of the settlement agreement between the two countries, and firmly believed that this settlement was a premeditated one!There may be a problem here.

Ye Fei didn't fully believe it at the time, he needed more evidence.

Ye Fei said that he needs more information to understand the whole picture of this matter.

The public relations team collected a lot of interview videos, in which the Fusang State Finance Minister assured reporters that he was ready for further cooperation with the Turkey State.

Next, the reporter interviewed the chief diplomat of Turkey Country.

He said the new partnership was sincere and would bring real benefits to their people.

The reporter also noticed that although they had had tense relations before, the atmosphere between the two countries has become very friendly now.

After these interviews, Ye Fei came to believe that this settlement might be real.

He kept the people on the public relations team improving.

"It seems that there must be something to fuel the flames!"

"You continue to pay attention to the news of these two parties. I guess their cooperation will not last long."

Ye Fei didn't want to gloat, but he was worried that if there was another moth here, then there would be a disaster on his side as well!

So no matter what, he has to hold the door!
However, the good news is.

After Ye Fei's preliminary experiments on lunar glass were over, he displayed the prototype of the lunar glass on Shenying's official website for the first time, which immediately sparked extensive discussions.

Ye Fei saw everyone's messages on his social platform, and asked relevant details one after another.

He quickly responded to everyone's messages and answered questions that many people were interested in.Someone asked if lunar glass had already been made on the moon.

Ye Fei's answer was: "We are working with some space exploration companies to test whether there is enough oxygen on the surface of the moon to make our glass. We are also conducting a series of tests to determine whether making moon glass in a microgravity environment feasible."

In addition, someone also asked what purpose the moon glass will be used for. Ye Fei replied: "We have cooperated with some architectural companies and designers to study how to use moon glass to provide a new material for architecture and design on earth. .We believe this technology will open up worlds of architecture and design that we may never have imagined."

Of course, there is no shortage of doubts about lunar glass technology.Some see the technology as impractical and unnecessary, while others fear it could pose a threat to international security if it were leaked into competition between nations.

In this regard, Ye Fei said: "All new technologies will face doubts and challenges. We believe that once the technology of making lunar glass is fully mastered, it will help advance the development of architecture and design, and provide more opportunities for space exploration. There are many solutions. And in terms of national security, we will take precautions to ensure that technology does not fall into the wrong hands or powers.”

Regarding Ye Fei's answer, most people said they would continue to pay attention to the progress of lunar glass, and expressed their appreciation for Shenying's research.Right now, this amazing technology is still in the research stage, but it is highly anticipated that the beauty of lunar glass will be admirable under domes in the not-too-distant future.

But!Some are happy and some are sad!

After Ying Jiang knew about this, she was envious and jealous!Lunar Glass' official website causes a stir
Recently, the official website of Lunar Glass published an article about Lunar Glass, which attracted the attention of a large number of netizens.However, this article also caused dissatisfaction and attacks from some people, especially Yingjiang, who was very excited about it.

In some media reports, Ying Jiang began to slander the moon glass in public opinion, and published an article on his official website titled "Rumors are the true nature of moon glass".

The article claimed that the production process of lunar glass violated the principles of ecology and environmental protection, caused a certain degree of pollution to the environment, and continued to raise certain doubts.

In this article, Yingjiang intends to reduce the popularity and reputation of lunar glass in the market by questioning the quality and production process of lunar glass.The article also described Ye Fei as a dishonest businessman, claiming that he deliberately concealed many problems in the production process of the moon glass and tried to deceive consumers.

In Yingjiang’s news headline, he wrote: “Ye Fei’s moon glass is just a publicity stunt and actually has no scientific value.”

In this news, Yingjiang kept attacking Ye Fei's moon glass, claiming that this invention not only has no practical value, but is even completely unreliable.He also hinted that Ye Fei joined some kind of ulterior organization that was using his reputation to market a sandbox game.

The article was widely reposted and commented on social media and news sites.

Many were unhappy with Eagle Sauce's attacks, noting that they were trying to stigmatize Moonglass and harm its competitiveness in the market.

And Ye Fei himself also issued a statement on the moon glass, strongly opposing the so-called propaganda and attacks of Yingjiang, and said that the production process of the moon glass followed the highest ecological and environmental protection standards, and all the moon glass has been passed Tested and analyzed by certified professionals.

Ye Fei also emphasized the value and contribution of lunar glass, pointing out that this new type of material can not only solve many problems on the earth, but also provide broader and far-reaching development prospects for space exploration and development.

Naturally, the slander by the news media did not end so easily, and Ye Fei also knew that these routines had been played time and time again.

Just taking advantage of Yingjiang's media to help him stir up popularity, Ye Fei posted a live broadcast preview on his social media.

So it was ignited by the double firepower of slander and abuse and Ye Fei's own fan enthusiasm.

The popularity of Ye Fei's live broadcast preview has reached the top of the hot search list within the first 10 minutes of release.

Take a look at the various sections on the platform.

No sector can achieve such popularity as Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at his number one name on the hot search list and showed a smug smile.

"That's exactly what I wanted!"

(End of this chapter)

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