Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 21 Start your show!The target is him?

Chapter 21 Start your show!The target is him?

Ye Fei held his forehead, his face full of melancholy.

Seeing this, he finally knew why those netizens were so crazy about Aite him!

It's a headache!

Now he doesn't know how to face netizens, how to explain to netizens!

Video continues.

The spokesperson of Yingjiang's face was livid.

Before the appearance of the Shenying-[-] UAV, their Eagle Sauce dealt with Ike, as easy as killing a chicken.

But since the appearance of that terrifying drone, Ying Jiang has suffered one after another and lost face in front of the whole world!

This made him, and all the high-level Eagle Sauce, full of hatred for Ye Fei!

"The drones from Shenying Military Factory are undoubtedly weapons of war!"

"The mini drone will detect the enemy's situation, and then the Shenying-[-] drone will conduct air strikes."

"They form a perfect coordination relationship with each other!"

The spokesperson of Yingjiang said in a disgusted tone:

"It can be seen that these two drones were deliberately produced by the Shenying Military Factory!"

"We have sufficient reasons to suspect that the person in charge of the Condor Military Factory intends to provoke wars all over the world, and then rewrite the world pattern!"

"Such villains must be resisted!"


The spokesperson of Yingjiang made no secret of his hatred for Ye Fei.

But the words say so.

Eagle Sauce did the exact opposite of what they said.

Because it has been unable to develop a high-tech weapon that can be compared with the Shenying-[-] UAV.

The top management of Yingjiang was extremely angry.

In desperation, he had no choice but to secretly buy the Shenying No. [-] drone and study it day and night.

Trying to crack the core technology of the Shenying No. [-] UAV!



Ye Fei was furious when he heard what Yingjiang's press spokesman said.

Fork the video directly!

"After this wave, my reputation will be destroyed and there will be no dregs left!"

"Let Yingjiang's people slander me again, and I won't be able to cleanse myself by jumping into the Yellow River!"

You have to explain it quickly!
thought here.

He quickly posted a message on the scarf.

"This is slander! What weapon of war?! I'm just an ordinary toy factory owner! Ying Jiang is slandering our national enterprise! Don't be fooled by them!"

As soon as the dynamic is sent out.

In just a moment, countless comments appeared in the comment area.

It's not that they don't have eyes. Those drones kill so horribly that their scalps feel numb.

That's not a war machine, what is a war machine? !

All the netizens think that Ye Fei's mouth is blunt and he's just trying to argue!

Seeing these comments, Ye Fei's mentality exploded, and his whole body was about to crack!
Very upset!

"You don't even believe me, do you?"

"Okay! Wait for me to start the live broadcast tomorrow!"

"I'll show you the correct way to use the Shenying drone!"

Directly sent a post, telling netizens that he was going to broadcast live.

Netizens watched Ye Fei's new development and commented one after another.

"Haha I laughed so hard, this is too good at pretending?!"

"I think he is so hypocritical! There is no truth in his mouth, and he has lied to us many times!"

"Pretending to be like that, it would be a waste of your acting skills if you don't act!"

"Oscar owes you a statuette!"


The comment area was full of ridicule.

Ye Fei glanced at the comment section, his face full of depression.

Angrily, he slapped his phone on the table.

"Out of sight out of mind!"

Ye Fei took a long breath.

There was a calm look on his handsome face.

Thinking about the clarification of the live broadcast.


at the same time.

The matter of Ying Jiang and Ike is an international event.

Nature also attracts people's attention.

A base in the Xia Kingdom.

The big bosses headed by Qin Changfeng saw the performance of the mini version of the Shenying No. [-] drone on the battlefield.

Especially pleasantly surprised.

Qin Changfeng waved his hand and gave the order without hesitation: "Send someone to contact Ye Fei immediately! We must order the mini version of the Shenying No. [-] drone!"

This decision was unanimously approved by others.

The performance of the Shenying-[-] UAV mini version on the battlefield is simply outrageous!
Such a high-tech weapon must be equipped for oneself!

And Da Mao.

The same idea!

The performance of the mini version made all the high-level executives shine.

At the same time, a decision to buy is made.

"We can't miss the new product of Shenying Military Factory!"

"I think that the identity of the person who went to discuss cooperation with the Shenying Military Factory this time should have a certain weight! They must also have excellent social skills!"

"Yes, this is the only way to show our sincerity!"


Da Mao discussed the identity of the person who was sent out.

After a long time, the candidate was finally decided.

Just when they all acted on the mini version of the Shenying One drone.

Time passed quietly.

The next day.

Shenying Toy Factory, in the office.

Ye Fei left the Shenying Toy Factory, took his new product, and drove out alone.

After a while.

The car stopped on the outskirts of the city.

After Ye Fei got out of the car, he started today's live broadcast as scheduled.

"Yo? The anchor actually started broadcasting?"

"Do you really want to show us how to use the drone? Is this necessary?!"

"I'm convinced, it's all like this, how dare you argue?!"

"Please start your show!"


As soon as Ye Fei started broadcasting, he was discovered by netizens who eat melons.

And swarmed into Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

With the mentality of watching a good show, I look forward to Ye Fei making a fool of himself.

Ye Fei looked at the bullet screen, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said righteously: "Why is it unnecessary? Businessman, reputation is very important, right?!"

He must prove his innocence!
To the water friends in the live broadcast room, he showed the drone in his hand, indicating that he was serious.

"Not much to say, next, the anchor, I will show you the correct usage of civilian drones!"


Ye Fei put the mini drone on the ground.

I moved my fingers and found the feeling.

Get ready to show off your drone skills.

Turn on the remote control of the drone.

Ye Fei controlled the drone and slowly raised it.


But at this moment, Ye Fei controlled the moment when the drone was about to take off.

There was a screeching sound of brakes.

A low-key black car stopped beside him with a sudden brake.

Ye Fei looked towards the vehicle, very surprised.

It was obvious that the opponent's target was him!

Just when he was suspicious about it.

The door is open.

Two crooked nuts got out of the car.

And quickly walked towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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