Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 226 Headache!Eagle sauce's maglev train was born!

Chapter 226 Headache!Eagle sauce's maglev train was born!
After Yingjiang's laboratory successfully conquered the technology of superconductor materials, they released it immediately!

The news shocked the tech world.

"I heard that Eagle Sauce has conquered Shenying's superconductor technology. Is it true?"

"It should be true. I read a few news reports, and it seems that scientists from Yingjiang Country have indeed invented a brand new superconductor, replacing Shenying's original technology."

"This is too awesome. Condor is one of the largest superconductor manufacturers in the world, and their technology has always been considered the most advanced."

"Speaking of it, the superconductor technology of the Condor Company has always been leading the world, and now it has been conquered by the Eagle Sauce Country. This is indeed a big challenge."

However, after making this major breakthrough, researchers in Eagle Sauce found that they could not use one of the key patents.

This patent is held by Ye Fei, another tech tycoon, which troubles the researchers in Yingjiang very much.

In order to fight for the right to use this patent, the scientific research staff of Yingjiang Country decided to seek help from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The video connection asked Ye Fei to take out the right to use the patent.They hope that Ye Fei can help them resolve this problem.

Madeleine contacted Ye Fei as soon as she heard the news.

"Hello, Mr. Ye Fei. I'm a researcher in the Yingjiangguo Laboratory. We have recently conquered the technology of superconductor materials, but we have encountered a very difficult problem. We need to use one of the patents, but this patent is rejected by you held."

"Ah, I see. You want to use my patent rights, right?" Ye Fei said.

“Yes, we need this patent to keep our research going. We can pay you to use it and guarantee that your patent will not be infringed.”

"Sorry, I can't promise you guys. I take my patent very seriously and I don't want it to fall into anyone I don't trust."

“However, we need this patent to complete our research. If we cannot use it, our efforts will be in vain!”

"I can understand your concerns. However, this is my right to protect myself. If you have a better solution, we can discuss it together. But it is impossible for me to give up my patent rights."

“Okay, thanks for your reply. We will continue to work hard to find other solutions.”

Madeleine knew that it was impossible for Ye Fei to make a breakthrough.

She has always understood Ye Fei's temperament.

But now they have to think of other ways.

The scientific research personnel of Shenying Company are having a meeting in Ye Fei's office, and they are busy discussing this shocking news.The Eagle Sauce country broke through the superconductor material and lost their technological advantage.Ye Fei sat at one end of the conference table, facing this group of enthusiastic young researchers.

"Mr. Ye, what should we do?" A researcher asked anxiously. “We have worked hard to develop this technology for so long, but we still lost to Yingjiang, which makes us very disappointed.”

"Yes, we are indeed in a predicament." Ye Fei pondered for a while, then continued, "But I believe that any predicament can be overcome."

“So what to do?” asked another researcher.

"First of all, we need to figure out why our superconductor material was breached by the Ying Jiang country. We need to analyze their attack methods and technical means, find out the loopholes, and fix them. This is the most important step." Ye Fei said.

"However, this requires our more in-depth technical research and innovation, and it takes more time and energy." A researcher said distressedly.

"Yes, but this is also the price we have to pay." Ye Fei replied softly. "We also need to strengthen and improve our scientific research management and experimental technology, and better protect our technology and resource security."

"So do we have any feasible plans?" asked another researcher.

"I suggest that we set up a dedicated R&D team composed of the best researchers in our company to concentrate on research on superconductor materials," Ye Fei said.

"You mean to cancel the research and development of other projects, specifically to conquer superconductor materials?" asked another researcher.

"Yes, exactly." Ye Fei nodded. "We must find innovations in this field before we can make breakthroughs, otherwise we will lose our competitive advantage in the market."

"Okay, we will do our best." After listening to Ye Fei's analysis and suggestions, the researchers regained some confidence.They decided to use Ye Fei's suggestion to continue working hard to overcome the research and development of superconductor materials.

Everyone in the Condor Company is busy with this matter.

Yingjiang's overcoming technology can be described as a heavy hammer for Ye Fei!
Unexpectedly, his "moat" was conquered in this way!

And one wave is not flat, another wave rises again!
Yingjiang's maglev train is actually open to traffic!
Recently, the maglev train in Yingjiang country was officially opened, and this news is hotly discussed throughout the country.

Eagle Sauce's media is also reporting.

The reporter introduced at the station: "As a new type of high-speed railway transportation, the maglev train not only has high speed and high accuracy, but also has significantly improved safety performance."

"It will bring great changes to the transportation industry in the country, and will also become a part of the development of maglev train technology in the world."

"The excellent performance characteristics of the maglev train have attracted the attention of the public in many countries. It is understood that the total length of the first passenger-carrying section of the maglev train is 150 kilometers, and it will take less than an hour from the capital to the metropolis. It is a milestone in the transportation history of Yingjiang country. This is also a huge breakthrough for the development of national transportation for our Yingjiang people."

With the opening of the maglev train, the media also carried out extensive reports on this incident.

Some media called it "the transportation weapon of the new era", and pointed out that the rapid development of maglev technology will drive the transformation of the entire transportation industry.Some media pointed out that the long duration of this project proves that Eagle Sauce is a country that pursues technological innovation.

With the attention of people from all walks of life, the opening of the maglev train has undoubtedly become a project that can bring more business opportunities and hopes. It will bring an increasingly perfect transportation network to Yingjiang's transportation business, and will also bring great benefits to the country and the people. Bring more convenient and efficient life and work experience.

"It can be foreseen that the opening of the maglev train is only the starting point for the development of the transportation industry in Yingjiang. The idea is more deeply rooted in people’s hearts.”

"We believe that in a country like Eagle Sauce, which pursues independent innovation and technological progress, the development of the transportation industry will surely show broader prospects and more brilliant results."

Ye Fei looked at the report and started to fight!

"They dare to come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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