Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 230 Madeleine actually apologized!What a surprise.

Chapter 230 Madeleine actually apologized!What a surprise.

Ye Fei knew that there was no point in continuing to explore this question.

It is impossible for Ye Fei to ask Madeleine to make a superconductor on the spot in the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, Ye Fei took out a research report on the superconductor material of Eagle Sauce Company, which was obtained from an institution in Batieguo.

Ye Fei said to the audience: "Today we have a very important document to share with you. It involves the integrity of an important company in our country." Ye Fei then began to analyze the content of the report.

Madeleine couldn't sit still after seeing this scene.

She yelled at Ye Fei's live video: "Ye Fei, stop! These are all fake! This is Batieguo slandering our company! Batieguo has always been against Yingjiang, they want to slander us company reputation!"

After hearing Madeleine's words, Ye Fei thought for a while, and then said: "If this is a trap set by Pakistan Tieguo, why would they come up with such a nonsense? We have never heard of Yingjiang's I think everyone really wants to know the truth about the bad influence of the Pakistan Railway State."

"It's all fake!" Madeleine said firmly. "We are not ready to announce this technology. We are already investigating this matter and are ready to take legal action against the rumormongers."

"If it is really a rumor, you can publish all the facts to prove your innocence." Ye Fei said, "If you have any evidence to prove that this is framed, then show it to us."

"All the evidence is in our hands," Madeleine said. "We are investigating further. This report is nonsense. We can address this formally, not on social media. These baseless remarks."

"We will continue to pay attention to this incident, and if there is any further news, we will post it on our platform as soon as possible." Ye Fei said, "We hope that the Eagle Sauce Company can clearly answer these questions, rather than relying on verbal arguments. Prevaricate us."

Ye Fei said this because he didn't want to tear himself apart with Ying Jiang's official in the live broadcast room.

He has a lot of ways to make you Yingjiang lose face!
In the live broadcast room, the barrage scrolled rapidly, and netizens were frantically discussing Yingjiang's superconductor material technology.

"Madeleine, you are a fake, your superconductor material technology is obviously copied from Ye Fei."

"That's right, don't you have evidence that you developed it yourself?"

"We need to see the evidence. If you really didn't plagiarize, can you come up with a research report?"

Madeleine felt very angry after listening to the comments and demands of netizens.

"I didn't make a fake, this is my research result," Madeleine replied angrily, "I spent a lot of time and money to develop this superconductor material. If you have evidence that I copied Ye Fei, please take it." come out."

After finishing speaking, Madeleine said to Ye Fei: "Didn't I think that this is the quality of your netizens in Xia Kingdom?"

"Madeleine, I know you love your country, but in my stream, we want to have meaningful interactions, not fight and attack other viewers here. Can you try to express your opinion in a different way , so that everyone can communicate in a friendly manner?" Ye Fei said.

However, Madeleine didn't pay too much attention to Ye Fei's opinion, she still vented her emotions loudly in the live broadcast room: "I just want to let these Xia people know that we will not be pressured and bullied by them!"

Ye Fei felt a headache, are you an idiot?
Actually broke the defense in his live broadcast room!

Ye Fei almost died laughing.

However, Ye Fei still showed the demeanor of a big country.

"My live broadcast room was originally intended to allow people of different cultures and viewpoints to have friendly exchanges, not to express positions and prejudices. He, I know, Madeleine, you have your own reasons and emotional drives, but this It doesn't mean you can vent and incite here."

Ye Fei reminded again: "I understand your emotions, but we should not attack and criticize others here. Doing so will only lead to disputes and bickering, which is not conducive to good communication and understanding. Every Xia Guo netizen here is Educated individuals with their own minds and dignity, if you want them to understand what you think, you need to use rational thinking and language, not attacks and name-calling."

Madeleine understood Ye Fei's opinion, and she also realized that what she just said seemed a bit too much.

She is the representative of Yingjiang, how can she say such a thing.

Now I can only apologize.

Otherwise, this image may not be salvageable.

She was silent for a while, then said, "Well, I understand what you said. I did get a little too excited, sorry."

"It's okay, Madeleine, we are all human, and sometimes we get emotional or speak inappropriately. We need to understand and tolerate each other in order to have more meaningful communication." Ye Fei smiled, "This is why I established this The original intention of the live broadcast room is to promote cross-cultural and cross-border communication and understanding. What do you think of this idea?"

Ye Fei's demeanor directly convinced the netizens in the live broadcast room.

This is what a broad-minded person should look like.

It's like your Madeleine, with long hair but short knowledge.

"Thank you for your understanding, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, "That's great. In my live broadcast room, every viewer is welcome and respected. I hope we can learn, explore and share together, step by step towards a more friendly , stable and harmonious world.”

But Ye Fei knew that Madeleine couldn't help herself when she said this.

I'm afraid this is some kind of public relations strategy!
What Madeleine said was high-sounding, but Ye Fei didn't buy it.

Especially when a few goofs suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

What you say is disgusting!
"I support Madeleine, she really knows she was wrong. Her apology is very sincere, and it also shows that she wants to correct her mistakes. I think she is a good example for people to understand that they have the courage to admit their mistakes and do it. Make timely corrections."

"I think what Madeleine did is unforgivable. Her words and actions have hurt a lot of people, and an apology will not change that fact. I don't believe in this so-called 'change'. She is a hypocrite, just Trying to improve her image."

It seems that there are still sober people in the live broadcast room.

But those of you who can tell at a glance that they are other people who want to lick Yingjiang, it is too blatant to say such things in Ye Fei's live broadcast room!
It's as if no one knows your motives.

The scolding battle in the live broadcast room continued.

(End of this chapter)

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