Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 234 Hope Star Experimental Base

Chapter 234 Hope Star Experimental Base

Another laboratory is assigned to research and development of propulsion systems.

Although there are only three words of technical department hanging on the door.

But this lab is not easy

This laboratory will develop various types of propulsion systems such as gas and chemical propulsion, ion propulsion, etc., and compare the performance, capacity, fuel consumption, etc. of different propulsion systems, and finally select the most suitable solution for the system.

"This is where you, Li Cheng, are in charge of the power system."

"Presumably with your magnetic power major, you can better develop suitable technologies."

Li Cheng took over this task, but you must know that this is a big task that Ye Fei entrusted to him!
"Yes! I will definitely finish it!"

In Ye Fei's plan, the third laboratory is responsible for the research and development of aerospace equipment and instruments.The lab will work on developing measurement and monitoring equipment, communications systems and several other critical instruments to ensure the safety and accuracy of the spacecraft.

This is the back office.

The former technicians, background maintenance, and data supervisors are all here.

In addition, Ye Fei also set up a data processing laboratory.

This laboratory will be responsible for collecting and analyzing data logs of each test system, as well as managing all data in space missions, and assisting in performance improvement through continuous analysis of data.

The reason why the sorting data is separated out is also because the data of the spacecraft is complex.

It needs a special person to prepare and deliver it to Ye Fei.

Only then can Ye Fei come up with a rectification plan.

Finally, Ye Fei also built a comprehensive laboratory.This laboratory will integrate all parts of the entire project, coordinate the work between different laboratories, and ensure that all components can be coordinated with each other normally to achieve the final goal.

Commonly known as the logistics department.

These five laboratories are an important part of the whole.By assigning different laboratories, Ye Fei manages the interests and needs of each laboratory, and coordinates and solves possible collaboration problems among staff.

Under Ye Fei's arrangement, the close cooperation among these laboratories enabled the successful implementation of this spacecraft project.

Everything unfolded as it should.

Everyone completes tasks in their own jobs.

Looking at such a huge experimental base, Ye Fei felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Now the shell of Condor is perfect.

The image in the hearts of the people has also been determined.

Outside the company, there are factories specializing in the production of all high-tech materials such as superconductors.

Now the Hope Star Base has been completed.

The next step is to develop a spaceship and travel among the stars!

But the spacecraft experiment entered the first bottleneck not long after it started.

At this time, Ye Fei and Li Cheng were arguing fiercely in the second laboratory of Hope Star Experimental Base.

"Your plan will definitely not work!" Li Cheng's voice echoed loudly in the laboratory. “We have done extensive research proving that nuclear propulsion systems are a much more efficient and stable option. Your proposed magnetic propulsion system is simply not feasible!”

"I don't agree with your opinion!" Ye Fei replied, "We all know that the advantages of the magnetic power system are very obvious. It can use some simple physical methods to obtain kinetic energy, not as complicated as a nuclear reactor."

"However," Li Cheng interrupted Ye Fei decisively, "it is impossible to generate the corresponding energy to start the spaceship with this method. Do you know that we need a huge amount of energy to be able to travel in space. "

"This is not a correct statement." Ye Fei said, "We can use uranium 226, and the energy it generates can provide considerable power. Moreover, the magnetic power system is very environmentally friendly and will not produce nuclear waste and other harmful substances. Nuclear power system is extremely dangerous to the fragile space environment."

"These are palliatives, not the root cause." Li Cheng added, "We need a long-term solution, not an unsustainable method. If you insist on using the magnetic power system, it will definitely bring us significant difficulty."

"It's not up to you!" Ye Fei replied angrily, "I have done a lot of research on related technologies, and I think this magnetic power system is feasible!"

The voices of the two became higher and higher, and the more they talked, the more intense the atmosphere became tense.

In the lab, other engineers and technicians began to watch the brawl.

"It doesn't matter if I don't say anything! Then what am I doing in your laboratory? I'm full!" Li Cheng was already a little personal when he spoke.

"You are wrong, Li Cheng," Ye Fei said with sharp eyes, "You said that magnetic power is not enough to provide the power needed by the spaceship, but magnetic power is your specialty. Aren't you an expert in magnetic power?"

Li Cheng coughed and quickly suppressed his emotions: "I know that my major is magnetic power, but I also know that the efficiency of magnetic power is not enough for traveling in space. What we need is more efficient power. This That requires the use of nuclear power systems."

"Wait, what kind of logic is this?" Ye Fei retorted immediately, "Don't you think that a certain solution is not good just because you are an expert? Doesn't this mean that you have already rejected other methods without testing?"

Li Cheng suddenly felt a little unhappy, "I'm not denying other methods just because I'm an expert."

"I know that doing scientific research cannot always rely on personal experience, it needs to be verified by data and experiments."

"However, according to my experience and assumptions, magnetic power really cannot meet the power required by the spacecraft."

"This is still your experience and assumption," Ye Fei said with a hint of dissatisfaction on his face, "but I think, since you are already an expert in this field, you should have the spirit of daring to try and take risks. We shouldn't rule it out from the beginning." Certain possibilities. Shouldn't we dare to challenge the limits, this is the essence of scientific research!"

Li Cheng remained silent, a little annoyed in his heart.

What Ye Fei said just now was simply questioning his ability, which made him very unhappy.

He thought he was discussing calmly and rationally, but Ye Fei made trouble out of no reason as if he was doing a gimmick.

"I understand what you mean," Li Cheng softened his tone, trying to dispel the misunderstanding, "but this is not just a simple scientific adventure. We need a responsible attitude to ensure the operation of the spacecraft and the success of space flight."

"I didn't say not to be responsible," Ye Fei was still dissatisfied. "It's just that we should collect various solutions and methods extensively, and conduct experimental verification at the same time. If you exclude certain solutions from the beginning, then you will be let down by yourself in terms of innovation." firmly restrained."

Li Cheng was silent for a moment, and finally chose to back down: "Okay, we can consider your idea."

The two held their own opinions and did not give in to each other. They discussed for a long time.

In the end, Li Cheng saw that Ye Fei didn't believe him, so he agreed to carry out the experiment of the magnetic power system supporting the spacecraft.

(End of this chapter)

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