Chapter 237
A few days later, Li Cheng went directly to the Eagle Sauce Research Institute with a work visa.

Li Cheng walked into the scientific research institute of Yingjiang Country, and he asked them to give an explanation about an anonymous email telling Yingjiang Country that their technology was stolen from Xia Ke Academy.

But the matter seemed to get more complicated after the receptionist told him the session was over.

"I'm sorry, but we can't give you a satisfactory answer," replied the receptionist. "We can't prove the authenticity of this message at this time. That is the content of the anonymous email you said. But we can strongly assure that we have not received any information from the summer." Academy of Sciences steals any technology."

To Li Cheng, this seemed to be an unacceptable answer.

Dr. Cao is a key-level professor of the Xia Ke Academy, and this directly affects the future development of the nuclear energy field. Li Cheng believes that Yingjiang's scientific research institutes must take responsibility.

"I came here to seek the truth. I need an explanation," Li Cheng said firmly, "because this matter is related to the reputation of a professor of our Xia Ke Academy for a lifetime, we cannot tolerate such stealing behavior. If you Without a reasonable explanation, we will have to take legal action."

The receptionist was silent for a moment, watching them worriedly.Finally, she sighed, "Well, I'll see if I can set you up for an interview. But I can't promise they'll be able to solve your problem."

Two hours later, when Li Cheng entered the institution again, he faced a master-level researcher.

Li Cheng was surprised by his first words, "We believe in you, Xia Ke Academy and us have always cooperated very well, and we dare not do anything to hurt you."

Li Cheng produced professional evidence,
He stood in the office of the Eagle Sauce Research Institute, directly facing the researchers and engineers from the Eagle Sauce Country who greeted him.

He smiled at them and said, "I'll end this meeting quickly. But I need to show you the evidence."

He showed everyone a report that clearly showed the details of the illegal use of their Xia Ke Institute's patented technology.The graphs and data evidence interspersed in the document are clear and understandable, and sufficient to support their quality control.

The researchers and engineers in the Eagle Sauce Country began to hesitate.

They always feel that the technology they make is original and does not involve any patents.

However, the data cannot be denied, but they don't want to admit mistakes.

In this case, the meeting has become very delicate.

Li Cheng has been trying to explain to them, but the other party remains indifferent.

In the end, the verification almost reached a deadlock.

Li Cheng's heart was heavy, he didn't know what to do next.His quality-control efforts do not appear to have been successful.

Suddenly, Dr. Lorraine walked into the office.

She is a senior scientist at the Eagle Sauce Research Institute and is considered a genius of the institute.Everyone knows that she has used the technology of the institute to create excellent research.

Dr. Lorraine smiled mysteriously and took out a new report.

Her report used another technology from Charcot, admitting that they did borrow part of the technology from Charcot, and they all abide by industry standards,
The degree to which the patent cannot be touched.

Li Cheng sat on the ground and cursed in his native language.

After being attacked and framed by the Eagle Sauce National Research Institute, he found that he had not recovered justice. Dr. Cao was still a criminal who stole the company's technology, and this stain prevented him from returning to Xia Ke Academy.

This put him in a desperate situation, and at the same time made him start to re-evaluate how to do this matter.

Li Cheng hurriedly returned to Shenying Company.

Ye Fei received the news soon, and he was not surprised by Li Cheng's result.

Li Cheng quickly walked into the Shenying headquarters building and came to Ye Feiying's office.

He took a breath and knocked lightly on the door. "Come in, Chengzi." Ye Feiying's voice came from the office.

Li Cheng opened the door and went in, and saw Ye Feiying reading the newspaper, as if nothing had happened.

Li Cheng was a little upset, but he still controlled his emotions and said: "Yingjiang Kingdom mercilessly rejected my evidence, they are talking nonsense with their eyes open!"

Ye Fei put down the newspaper and listened carefully: "They actually did this?"

"Yes, they did. Their behavior is very unfair, which is what I predicted before. They want to frame the Xia Ke Academy to satisfy their own interests."

Ye Fei was silent for a while, and then asked, "What about Dr. Cao?"

Li Cheng sighed: "I tried to help him get justice, but the official side has been delaying in giving the result. Now the only way is to expose the truth as much as possible and let the public know."

Ye Feiying was silent for a while, and he took a heavy breath: "This is really disappointing news. I know you have worked hard, but it is really shameful that you have not been treated fairly."

"Yes, too shameful for me to bear."

"Okay, Chengzi. I need to do something immediately to protect the interests of our senior scientists. The question now is what actions should we take to deal with the behavior of Yingjiang State."

Li Cheng smiled and said: "I have already thought of some action measures. First, we should win the support of the public and expose the injustice of Jiang Nation. Then, we can seek help from the international community and suppress Jiang Nation as much as possible. .”

Ye Feiying thought for a while, then nodded: "This plan works. We must start to act immediately. The employees and partners of Shenying will support us, and we will win sooner or later."

Li Cheng felt lucky because he knew that he was already on the side of justice.

He also decided to always maintain his courage and determination for the benefit and face of the staff of the Xia Ke Academy.

In order to solve this problem, Ye Fei sent an email to the Yingjiang National Research Institute through the official channel of Shenying Company.

It is pointed out that the technology adopted by Yingjiang National Research Institute overlaps with the patented technology of Xiake Academy, that is, the local negative pressure laser radiation irradiation device.

This fully proves that there are infringements in Yingjiang National Research Institute, and the patented technology of Xia Ke Academy enjoys a high reputation and evaluation in the world.In light of this situation, they are requested to withdraw their use of this technology.

However, Ye Fei did not receive a positive response from the Eagle Sauce National Research Institute.

On the contrary, the agency stated in the email that they did not use the patented technology of Xia Ke Institute at all, but handled matters according to the technology developed by their own research and development.

This answer does not conform to the facts no matter from which point of view.

Ye Fei had no choice but to raise questions to various management departments again, but he has not received compensation or a solution.

Ye Fei was not surprised by this result, Ying Jiang's greed was something he could foresee.

(End of this chapter)

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