Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 241 Old friends cooperate to get twice the result with half the effort.

Chapter 241 Old friends cooperate to get twice the result with half the effort.

Caitlin, after hearing the news, he asked his assistant to show Dr. Cao's documents to himself.

Caitlin Tsai carefully compared the patent data on this document and found that there were indeed similarities.

And similar core data is the key to this patented technology.

Caitlin yelled that it was impossible.

"No way!"

"How is this possible?"

"Your document must be forged."

Dr. Cao snatched the document back from Caitlin's hands.

"I, Cao Rendong, have served as a doctoral professor at the Xiake Academy for more than 20 years! Every document has it. The data I reported at that time, and every file is a paper document submitted by me!"

"If you have doubts, you can question our Xia Ke Academy!"

Caitlin dare not question Xia Ke Academy!This is the largest scientific research institute in Xia Kingdom. They dare to question Shenying Company, but they dare not directly question Xia Ke Academy.

To put it bluntly, if you dare to fight against the Academy of Sciences, you are openly fighting against the Lower Kingdom.

After all, there is still some face to be saved between the official and the official.

"It seems that there is a misunderstanding about this matter. I have to go back to the research institute to ask what's going on."

Kaitlyn, with a guilty conscience, could only run away quickly.

Dr. Cao originally wanted to continue questioning, but was interrupted by Ye Fei.

"Dr. Cao, you don't have to follow."

"This matter will have a result soon, you don't have to worry."

Ye Fei said so, Dr. Cao naturally listened to him.

A few days later, Dr. Cao was busy researching in his scientific research laboratory.

Suddenly, he received a call, and the person on the other end of the phone reported that he was the Minister of Science and Technology of Yingjiang Country, and apologized to Dr. Cao.

"We would like to apologize to you. We know that our medical patent overlaps with your patent. We have withdrawn this technology and respect your uniqueness of technology." The other party said.

Dr. Cao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the other party would apologize to him and replace the technology.

He made a quick inquiry, and the other party confirmed all the details, and expressed their attitude of valuing Dr. Cao's technology.

"Thank you for your apology, this surprised me." Dr. Cao still couldn't believe it after hanging up the phone.

At this moment, his assistant walked into the laboratory, saw Dr. Cao's surprised expression, and asked, "What's the matter, Doctor?"

Dr. Cao excitedly told his assistant the content of the phone call just now, and explained: "There is a problem of overlap between the Yingjiang patent and our patent. They apologized to us in accordance with the law and replaced this technology."

The assistant was also surprised, congratulated Dr. Cao, and said that this was the recognition of Dr. Cao's contribution.

Dr. Cao took a deep breath, filled with emotions.

He understands that this is not only his own victory, but also the victory of all scientific researchers.

Only a trickle can converge into a vast ocean.He decided to continue to work hard in future scientific research work, put in more efforts, and push scientific research to a higher level.

Dr. Cao parked his car at the entrance of Shenying Company and walked in, feeling extremely grateful.All the way from loss to despair, he was led by Ye Fei to find himself again.

Now, he just wanted to come to Ye Fei's office as soon as possible and send his most sincere gratitude.

"Mr. Ye, I'm here." Dr. Cao knocked on the door of Ye Fei's office.

"Come in." Ye Fei responded with a smile.

Dr. Cao decisively opened the door and walked into Ye Fei's office.

"Dr. Cao, you are here." Ye Fei stood up and shook hands with Dr. Cao enthusiastically, "How are you doing, how are you doing recently?"

"Thank you for your concern, I am fine now." Dr. Cao replied with a smile.

Ye Fei once again expressed his help to Dr. Cao, and emphasized: "This is what I should do."

"I know, but I still want to thank you." Dr. Cao looked deeply at Ye Fei, "Your help made me find myself again."

"It's all small things." Ye Fei smiled and waved his hand lightly, "By the way, there is one more thing, I want to send you an invitation."

"What invitation?" Dr. Cao asked curiously.

"We are thinking about the development of spaceships, so I want to cooperate with you." Ye Fei said seriously, "Your technology and ability are very good, and we need your help."

"This question is not difficult, I can help you." Dr. Cao took a deep breath and replied solemnly.

"Great!" Ye Fei said happily, "I look forward to our cooperation. Condor Company needs scientific and technological talents like you, and you will also develop and grow here."

Dr. Cao nodded excitedly: "I am very much looking forward to this cooperation, we will develop a state-of-the-art spacecraft together!"

Dr. Cao is dressed in a white coat, with silver hair, like an old pedant.

His eyes were full of wisdom, and an unsatisfied desire.

Dr. Cao has been engaged in the research of nuclear energy technology for decades, and his theoretical and practical achievements have important reference value in this field to some extent.

When Ye Fei from Shenying Company invited Dr. Cao to be the person in charge of the company's nuclear power system development, Dr. Cao did not hesitate.

He knew that this opportunity was unprecedented for him and one of the most important in his life.

In Condor, Dr. Cao really felt the power of technology.

There are the most advanced equipment, the best engineers and technicians here.

He participated in the design and production of Condor's spacecraft nuclear power system, and determined the important parameters of this complex system to ensure its smooth operation in the space environment.

Li Cheng was also very excited when he heard the news. He knew that Dr. Cao had been concentrating on this scientific research, and he himself had always dreamed of working with Dr. Cao to develop a more advanced power system.

When they were at the Xia Ke Institute, they had created many amazing scientific research results together.

Now, he couldn't be more excited to be able to work with Dr. Cao again.

Working in Shenying's laboratory for the first time, Dr. Cao and Li Cheng showed a seamless cooperation.

Every time their respective ideas can get support and supplements from each other, making the research work progress rapidly.Their cooperation model has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there is no running-in period that is difficult to cooperate with.

It is said that tacit understanding comes from the communication of the soul. Dr. Cao and Li Cheng shared joys and sorrows during the days at the Xia Ke Academy, and exercised trust and tacit understanding.

This team, on the road of scientific and technological innovation, is getting more and more hopeful. They believe that their research results will be recognized by the world and will open a new chapter.

And they are even more in cooperation, intending to achieve an impossible thing.

It is a new power system combining nuclear power and magnetic power.

(End of this chapter)

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