Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 244 Can't Eat Grapes Says Grapes Are Sour

Chapter 244 Can't Eat Grapes Says Grapes Are Sour

Ye Fei was in the live broadcast room of the Shenying, looking at the expectant and excited netizens on the screen, and felt a little emotional in his heart.In his earlier plan, the Condor will open [-] places, so that more people can experience the excitement and beauty of interstellar travel.

However, Ye Fei finally decided to reduce the quota to thirty.

He knew that [-] places were still far away from that wonderful experience, but this was the limit that could be achieved. The Shenying needed careful maintenance and protection, and this was a decision he had to make.

"Dear audience," Ye Fei put away his hesitation in his heart, "I know that everyone loves interstellar travel very much, but the Shenying can only open [-] places. This is to ensure the safety and experience of every tourist. I hope Everyone can understand. We will be open and transparent in the distribution of participation quotas, and will issue formal invitations to everyone.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

"I must go!" some netizens shouted. "I'm going to quit my job!" Another netizen responded enthusiastically.

"This is the dream of my life! I must go on the Shenying!" Some netizens were still unsatisfied with the news, hoping to learn more about the details of this interstellar journey, and wanted to register as soon as possible.

Looking at those eager eyes and dreamy words on the screen, Ye Fei also felt deeply

own responsibilities and missions.

He knows that this is not only their own dream, but also the common aspiration of all mankind.The Shenying will become the hope to continue the future of mankind.

However, he also wanted to tell these netizens that interstellar travel is not a simple journey. It requires a strong body, professional skills and knowledge, and the need to resist the endless darkness and cold.

Thirty places means that only a few people will have the opportunity to truly appreciate the beauty of the interstellar world, and the responsibilities on their shoulders will also be very heavy.

"How many people want to go? Then let us meet the challenge together," Ye Fei smiled, his tone firm and passionate. "Let's keep our eyes on the future and look up at the starry sky. This is the pursuit and dream that we humans really advocate."

In the live broadcast room, netizens were like chilling cicadas who loved interstellar travel. They were looking forward to, looking forward to their names finally appearing on the list of Shenying.

Everyone has the greatest expectations for this interstellar travel.

After the live broadcast, Ye Fei felt very happy and satisfied.

After a month of arduous preparations and rehearsals, he and his team finally launched the reservation channel for the "Star Trek" project and announced the good news in the live broadcast.

As the live broadcast ended, the news spread throughout the Internet like a blockbuster.

In less than an hour, Ye Fei's official website was paralyzed due to too many people signing up for interstellar travel.

Seeing this result, Ye Fei was overjoyed.He knows that this means that the market prospect of the "Star Trek" project is very broad, and the unremitting efforts of him and the team will also receive more recognition and support.

At this time, Ye Fei's cell phone rang, and after answering the answer, he heard Xiao Hu, a technician in the background of the website, sigh: "Crash, crash! It's spectacular."

Ye Fei smiled: "Yes, this result is really amazing."

"Of course I know," Xiao Hu continued, "I just looked at the data after the website crashed, and we have now received more than 20 registration forms."

Ye Fei listened in surprise: "20? So much? It's an unprecedented success."

"Our team has done the job perfectly," Xiao Hu said proudly. "We have achieved earth-shattering results. Even if the official website crashes, we never stop moving forward."

Ye Fei pondered for a moment, then nodded: "You are right, our team is something to be proud of, and I hope we can continue to keep moving forward and create more miracles in the future."

Then, Ye Fei and Xiao Hu continued to discuss their next plan, hoping for the future of the "Star Trek" project.In that split second, it seems like all the hard work has become worthwhile and all the results more fulfilling.

The advent of Shenying shocked the entire scientific and technological world.

As the latest scientific and technological achievement of the Condor Company, the Condor can not only fly through space, but also allow humans to explore farther galaxies.In Xia Kingdom, the advent of the Shenying made the people of Xia Kingdom ecstatic, and believed that they were living at a turning point in history.However, in the Yingjiang country, the advent of the Shenying has aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of the people of the Yingjiang country.

As a result, netizens in the Eagle Sauce Country began to post some jealous words on their social networks.Some people said: "Our technology is also very advanced, why is the Shenying only owned by the Xia State?" Others questioned: "Is it possible that the Shenying Company has some kind of advanced technology, but our country has not yet mastered it?"

However, more netizens mocked the pride and jealousy of Yingjiang people by borrowing a classic proverb from Xia Kingdom: "If you can't eat grapes, say the grapes are sour."

This sentence has been echoed and endorsed by many people.

The high-level leaders of the Eagle Sauce Nation gathered together and were listening to the latest scientific and technological intelligence report.Suddenly, a piece of amazing news aroused their great interest-Ye Fei of Shenying Company developed a spaceship!
"What?!" A high-level executive was taken aback, and then pointed to the information on the conference table and shouted: "This is impossible! How could the Condor Company develop a spaceship? We are still in the stage of rocket launch, how could they Can you be two steps ahead of us?!"

"The gap between this space station was finally closed! Why is there another spaceship now?"

"Have they conquered the power system of this spaceship?"

Another executive sneered after hearing this: "This may be Ye Fei's strategy. He seems to be the leader in this industry."

"Their breakthrough means that our technology gap will become more obvious! We must solve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise we will always lag behind them in the field of space exploration in the future." After finishing these words, the conference room The atmosphere became more and more tense.

However, this discussion also made them realize that technological independence and autonomy are essential to remain competitive.In the long process of catching up with technology, although Eagle Sauce had a certain advantage in the past, driven by Shenying's continuous innovation and research and development, and continuous breakthroughs, all gaps will soon be narrowed or even directly reversed, opening up new world.

In the face of the sudden "Shenying", what kind of competitive advantage can Yingjiang Country bring into play?

This should be a challenge for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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