Chapter 246 Job Fair

Monday's regular meeting.

Ye Fei came to the conference room normally.

After the meeting started, Ye Fei introduced the latest project of the company: the recruitment of accompanying staff for the spacecraft.

"Currently, everyone has seen the enthusiasm of our interstellar travel plan, and now the personnel are beginning to be in place."

"This project is to ensure the safety of the company in the operation of the spacecraft, but also to allow these staff to better enjoy space travel."

"We need an excellent team to ensure the smooth progress of space travel." Ye Fei said, "They need to master certain skills, including spacecraft operation, maintenance and emergency rescue. They need to have strong adaptability and Communication skills, but also a willingness to provide excellent service to travelers.”

After hearing Ye Fei's introduction, other executives expressed their support for the project and began to think about how to recruit excellent staff.

All kinds of ideas and plans are tossing in the conference room. Some people suggest that they can look for them in the talent market, while others suggest that they can organize job fairs and so on.

Then, the executives present began to discuss the company's next practical plan - the route of spaceship interstellar travel.

"Next, we will start discussing further route planning. I would like to ask everyone to express their opinions," Ye Fei said.

Everyone expressed their views one after another, and each had a different opinion.

The first person to speak was the chief engineer of the shipyard. He believed that the shipyard had not yet been upgraded to be suitable for interstellar travel, and passive waiting would have a negative impact on the company's development.He suggested that known space stations should be explored to ensure that the shipyard could be upgraded.

"In my opinion, we should first find a safe and feasible route. Of course, this route also needs to consider the cost issue."

The Minister of Business Development believes that the success of the spacecraft depends on a viable marketing strategy.She suggested that the concept of "maglev train interstellar travel" should be more eye-catching in the market.

"Well, but we also need to provide our passengers with a unique experience." The person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce added, "In my opinion, when choosing a route, we need to consider the beauty and characteristics of the route, so that our guests Can feel the incomparable beauty of the universe.”

"Very good," Ye Fei nodded,
"Going to the moon, while successfully completing the mission, will also be our 'first battle' principle. Then we can continue to explore the galaxy in the short term."

Still, some of those present disagreed.There was an objection from the mechanical department, who believed that space travel has risks of various possibilities and needs to be carefully considered.

He proposed to postpone action for a period of time.

During the discussion, Ye Fei nodded from time to time, listened to everyone's opinions, and continued to provide his own opinions.

In the end, under the discussion of many executives, the company decided to tentatively set the spacecraft's interstellar travel route on the moon, and then gradually move to other planets.

By the end of the meeting, Ye Fei determined that a trip to the moon was the goal to look forward to.This interstellar travel will be a huge step in human history.

Although there are some differences of views and opinions in the process, it is useful to reach a consensus in the end.

Now that the route of action has been set, the next step is the signboard work of the personnel.

Ye Fei posted information about the signboard meeting on the official website.

Not surprisingly, tens of thousands of resumes have been received in less than half a day.

This time the people in the personnel department were frightened.

Companies plan carefully when it comes to their hiring needs.

At the job fair, the company will focus on opening up to experienced talents in the fields of service, machinery, engineering, maintenance, etc. At the same time, it will also pay great attention to talents who are interested in development in the fields of robotics, smart cities, swarm intelligence, and smart medical care.

Its company also has a high degree of strictness in the selection criteria of talents.

According to the company's development strategy and work needs, excellent candidates are required, with relevant work experience and education background, who can speak fluently, and have good communication and teamwork skills.

In order to create a good cultural atmosphere and atmosphere for talent recruitment, the company also arranged exquisite booths at the job fair, set up a professional recruitment team, and opened various application channels to candidates, striving to provide candidates with comprehensive, High-quality service and support.

The personnel department finally screened 100 people to participate in the re-examination of the job fair.

On the day of the job fair, hundreds of outstanding talents from home and abroad arrived at the company headquarters one after another.

The site was clean and tidy, with a warm atmosphere, and everyone was attracted by the company's dazzling technological strength and brand-new development prospects.

The staff of the company's human resources department also provide professional consulting services and recruitment support to the candidates on site, making the candidates feel warm and comfortable.

Ye Fei stepped onto the podium, facing hundreds of spectators.

The theme of the conference is the recruitment of accompanying crews for spacecraft and the exploration of new space routes.This is an important meeting, because Ye Fei plans to open up a new interstellar travel route, bringing people to the world closest to the earth-the moon.

"Welcome to today's job fair," Ye Fei said. “We will be talking about two important topics today: the first is the introduction of the crew and the second is our planned new route. First, we are recruiting the crew for the spacecraft. These people will be with us Let’s travel together and share what this universe has to offer us.”

He paused and swept across the stage. “These jobs include crew, ground crew, scientists, engineers and doctors. We need the best people because it’s going to be a dangerous and exciting journey.”

Then, he began to introduce the new route they planned. "Our destination is the moon, the closest celestial body on the earth. The time of this interstellar travel route will be very short, about three days, but we will face many dangers and challenges. What we need is to have courage and People with perseverance can face the unknown and danger, and they are also the smartest talents.

He looked back at the poster on the big screen, which contained a lot of information about this interstellar journey. "However, I must remind everyone that this is no ordinary trip.

This is a mission aimed at exploring the unknown, and we will have many challenges and unknown risks.

Therefore, what we need are people with courage and perseverance, who can face unknowns and dangers, and are also the smartest talents.

Only in this way can we possibly accomplish this magnificent and fantastic task. "

"If you are interested, you can find the number of the staff next to you. There will be your specific interview location on it. Thank you!" Ye Fei said, and then stepped off the stage.

The entire venue was boiling, and people were talking about it.

They are all eager to be a part of this interstellar journey, and no one has ever been so close to the universe in history.

(End of this chapter)

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