Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 254 The latest live broadcast preview, it's fried.

Chapter 254 The latest live broadcast preview, it's fried.

The black and white lights in the laboratory flashed across everyone's tired faces every night.

In the dead of night, they drew cumbersome formulas on paper and performed careful calculations, as if they were racing against time, trying to complete the research and development tasks in the fastest time.

Ye Fei led the satellite team together with Professor Zhou. After three months of hard work, they finally successfully developed their own satellite system and satellite channel.In this team, everyone brought their professional knowledge and skills into play and made important contributions to this project.

The black and white lights in the laboratory flashed across everyone's tired faces every night.In the dead of night, they drew cumbersome formulas on paper and performed careful calculations, as if they were racing against time, trying to complete the research and development tasks in the fastest time.

The first technical problem they faced was the satellite communication problem.

Traditional satellite communication systems have many problems, including signal delay, bandwidth limitation, etc.

In overcoming this problem, they decided to use microwave communication technology, which can not only increase transmission speed, but also reduce signal delay and bandwidth requirements.

However, the realization of microwave communication technology also faces many challenges, requiring sophisticated design and debugging.

Ye Fei and Professor Zhou also faced the problem of satellite orbit calculation and design.

The orbit design of a satellite not only needs to meet the actual needs, but also needs to consider the interaction between the satellite and other satellites and celestial bodies.They spent a long time optimizing and adjusting the orbit parameters of the satellite, and finally determined a satellite orbit that can meet the needs.

In addition, the R&D team also encountered some software and hardware problems, which need to be improved and upgraded.

They have systematically debugged and improved these problems, and continuously optimized system performance and stability.In the end, they successfully developed a set of excellent performance, stable and reliable satellite system and satellite channel.

In this team, everyone brings their expertise and skills to bear.

Ye Fei and Professor Zhou continued to inspire everyone's creativity and potential, and at the same time provided everyone with the necessary support and help.

In this team, everyone is regarded as equal, everyone learns and communicates with each other, cooperates and struggles, and finally achieves success together.

Throughout the research and development process, there is only a constant collision of tired bodies and minds.

When they passed the last technical difficulty, everyone seemed to be full of energy in an instant. Through the laboratory window, they saw the full moon hanging, as if it belonged to the light of their achievements.

"Finally conquered." Ye Fei put his hands on the back of his head, slightly raised his head to look at the ceiling, he felt a stone fell down in his heart.

"I almost gave up." Professor Zhou sat on the chair and patted Ye Fei on the shoulder, "Fortunately, you insisted, otherwise even I don't think it can be solved."

"You young people are still stubborn!"

"I am an old man who is beyond expectation."

Everyone laughed. At this moment, they vented their stress and exhaustion, and at the same time welcomed the success of this satellite system.

"Now, coordinate the plan, and we will continue to improve and debug after the satellite is successfully launched." Ye Fei picked up the folder and slowly sorted out the materials.

"Yes, to prevent people from maliciously attacking our satellites." Professor Zhou stood up from his chair with a smile on his lips. "We will continue to upgrade our technology and security."

From then on, their satellite channel was no longer desolate after all.

Ye Fei organized an important technical meeting at Shenying Company, and the theme of the meeting was to launch a satellite in the open space of Baima Mountain.

He hopes that through this meeting, the best satellite launch plan can be sorted out, and the successful launch of the satellite can be achieved in the shortest time.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense and full of anticipation.Every technician brings his own ideas and suggestions, discussing, arguing, or thinking silently from time to time.

Ye Fei's ears were full of various voices, some raised the technical difficulties of satellite launch, some talked about the allocation and utilization of resources, and some presented their own experimental results and calculation formulas.

When discussing how to determine the location and time of the satellite launch, Ye Fei decided to express his opinion: "I think we should take into account the weather conditions near the Baima Mountain open space and the stability of the atmosphere. At the same time, we also need to understand the ground equipment The state of the satellite and the launch speed of the satellite ensure that the satellite can enter orbit stably."

After listening to Ye Fei's suggestion, other technicians also began to express their opinions.Everyone discussed with each other, and finally came up with a more complete and reasonable satellite launch plan.

In addition, everyone agrees that completing the satellite launch mission as soon as possible is the most urgent and important task, and the scientific instruments on the satellite will win new breakthroughs and progress for mankind.

At the end of the meeting, Ye Fei concluded: "I am very happy to see that we have come up with such a complete satellite launch plan in such a short period of time.

Our satellites can not only serve the country and the people, but also represent the technical strength and innovation ability of our Shenying company.

I look forward to seeing our satellites successfully launched in the near future! "

Ye Fei returned to the office and opened his social media.

It has been such a long time, for three months, Ye Fei buried himself in his own satellite system.

Look at the 99+ messages on the information bar.

Ye Fei finally released a live broadcast preview on his social platform.

In the similar Condor company poster, a black object is unknown from the shape.

This time made countless netizens curious.

This is the first time Ye Fei has released a live broadcast preview in three months, which has aroused extensive discussions among netizens.

After the live broadcast trailer was released, netizens began to speculate and discuss.

Some people believe that this live broadcast may be about the new technological achievements Ye Fei has recently developed.

They believe that Ye Fei has been exploring technologies in high-tech fields, and this live broadcast may be the latest result of his research and development.

Many netizens are also looking forward to the unveiling of this answer.

Some netizens speculated that Ye Fei might be about to release some major announcements or news.

They believe that Ye Fei is a public figure, and his every move will arouse people's attention and speculation.

After all, Ye Fei did not respond to the official talk about the technical shortcomings of the Eagle Sauce Country for such a long time.

Some netizens believed that this live broadcast may be related to Ye Fei's personal life.

They noticed that Ye Fei has been depressed and depressed recently, and some people even broke the news that Ye Fei has fallen into an emotional trough because of some recent blows.

(End of this chapter)

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