Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 258 Eagle Sauce Country Shocked, Ye Fei Got It Done So Quickly?

Chapter 258 Eagle Sauce Country Shocked, Ye Fei Got It Done So Quickly?
"Very well! The next 34 satellites will continue to be launched according to this method, and we will receive more good news!" Ye Fei said excitedly to the audience.

The screen shows the picture of the rocket slowly rising into the sky, and the satellites will arrive at their destinations, injecting new energy into the development of global communication.In this moment of hope, there is only one word that comes to mind - the future.

On Xia Guo's science and technology forum, everyone was discussing Ye Fei's recent launch of 35 satellites, and many professional leaders also joined the discussion.

"Ye Fei, I have to say, is a genius. He has been exploring new technologies in the field of computer vision and machine learning, and has been looking for new ways to advance the progress of these technologies. It should be him who launched 35 satellites this time. I want to build a system similar to remote sensing." A big guy said.

"Yes, this kind of system can acquire massive amounts of data on the earth in a relatively short period of time, and extract useful information by applying machine learning technology." Another expert agreed.

"I'm still a little worried about Ye Fei. Although his technology has always been in a leading position, sometimes he is too reckless and may take the risk of trying some immature technology, accidentally misleading other research teams and technology. Enthusiast.” A security expert also expressed his views.

"Actually, I have the same concern. Some of the "new" technologies that Ye Fei proposed before are not really innovations, but some technologies that have been proved to be unfeasible and abandoned." A computer scientist also joined discussed.

Suddenly, a person intervened in their discussion.He is a space engineer.

"I think Ye Fei's launch of 35 satellites this time should have used Xia Guo's latest nano-satellite technology. This technology can make the satellite extremely small, and it can be made into the size of a small box." He pointed out He started to show everyone the laptop on his hand.

"Do you mean using graphene material to make nanosatellites?" asked a chemist.

"Yes, this material can greatly reduce the weight and size of the satellite, and at the same time have high heat resistance and radiation resistance. Through this technology, the performance and cost of the satellite can be greatly optimized, making it easier for the satellite to become a satellite. Possessed technology, thereby further promoting the popularization and development of space equipment," said the space engineer excitedly.

All the experts looked at the space engineer and nodded in praise.

Xia Guo's scientific and technological circles have been pursuing the development of various new technologies and putting them into practice. The use of these new technologies has changed human life. A genius like Ye Fei is full of expectations for the future of technology. .

A measurement and control engineer looked at his laptop and said, "Ye Fei is really powerful. He has mastered superb technology and made it easy to launch satellites."

A satellite communication engineer added: "Ye Fei is not only technical, he also has the ability to find top talent for his projects."

"That's right," an artificial intelligence expert responded, "I know Zhou Daqiang, a Ph.D. in communications engineering. He is a top talent in the field of artificial intelligence and communications."

There are also a large number of experts in the scene who have launched a heated debate on this topic.

They talked about many technical issues, such as Xiaguo's technological future, the business model of future launch plans, cooperation with the government, and so on.

At the end of this discussion, everyone concluded that with the support of national policies, we must strengthen the cultivation of scientific and technological talents and increase support for technological innovation, so as to better promote the development of science and technology.

The experts participating in the discussion learned from each other and learned about new ideas and technologies. This forum actually strengthened the connection between the expert team and the industry, which is a good thing for the technological development of Xiaguo.

the other side.

After hearing the news, the high-level officials of Yingjiang Country were all nervous.

The scientific research institutes and high-level leaders of Yingjiang Country crazily ridiculed Ye Fei, thinking that it was impossible for him to have such advanced technology and strength.However, when they heard the news that Ye Fei had successfully launched 35 satellites, they were instantly shocked!

"35 satellites? It's impossible!" One of the high-level executives suddenly stood up and said, "Isn't Ye Fei equivalent to owning a complete satellite system? This is impossible!"

"How could he achieve such a great result? It must be a fake!" The executive said.

"What's the use? Those foreign scientists found their way to success through the first failure and then the second failure. How could a person like Ye Fei achieve anything?" Another senior member People followed suit and expressed their views.

Although many people expressed doubts about Ye Fei's achievements, there are still many people who are full of curiosity and expectations for him.So they decided to go to Ye Fei's live broadcast room to see what is so special about this legendary technology giant.

"Here is the live broadcast of Ye Fei's satellite launch..." The voice of the narrator came from the live broadcast.

When they witnessed the satellite launch scene, they were immediately shocked.

The satellite successfully entered the orbit, and everything seemed to be going smoothly, which made all those who questioned Ye Fei's technological level immediately slapped in the face.

"This is too incredible!" The high-level people kept exclaiming.

At this time, Ye Fei appeared on the screen. He was personally hosting a live broadcast. The content of the live broadcast was the launch of 35 satellites one after another.

During the live broadcast, Ye Fei demonstrated Shenying's new satellite launch technology and hardware equipment, allowing people to see the power of technology and Shenying's strength.

The eyes of the high-level executives were all attracted, and they were all dumbfounded throughout the live broadcast.

Some of them saw the details in the live broadcast, some felt the shock of the launch, and some were amazed at the strength of Ye Fei and Shenying Company.

After the live broadcast ended, there was a silence in the conference room.

To be honest, they didn't expect Condor to be so powerful.

This seems to be a simple satellite launch, but the difficulty and impact are definitely beyond their imagination.

Every step and every detail shown in the live broadcast room reflects Shenying's excellent technology and strong strength.

After this live broadcast, the executives of Yingjiang National Research Institutes deeply felt that the development of the aerospace industry has exceeded their expectations. They must keep pace with time and embrace change in order to maintain their leading position.

In the hearts of the high-level people, Ye Fei has become their unattainable opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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