Chapter 260 A moth!Day after day is endless.

Ye Fei was falling asleep, and woke up with the continuous ringing of the phone.

He opened his eyes and saw the number of his assistant Chu Hanshuang displayed on the screen.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked, his voice a little hoarse.

"Boss Ye, hurry to the company right now, Lao Zhao is waiting for you." Chu Hanshuang said urgently.

"Old Zhao? It's so late, why is he still in the company?" Ye Fei frowned.

"I don't know, he came over suddenly and brought a document about your satellite system." Chu Hanshuang explained.

Ye Fei couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, he got up and took a quick shower, and then hurried to the company.

When he came to the company, Ye Fei found that Lao Zhao was already waiting for him in the office.

Old Zhao looked at Ye Fei with a heavy expression, and he took out a document and handed it to Ye Fei: "This is the information we have collected from the Internet recently. Some people have questioned your satellite technology as plagiarism on social media and online forums. , these people cited some technical papers and patent documents as evidence.”

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, he was confident in the uniqueness of his satellite technology, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

"We have begun to investigate the source of these doubts, but these documents seem very credible, and we need you to explain the truth yourself." Old Zhao said with a serious expression on his face.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, seeing the data and charts on the document, his heart became heavier.He began to check his research records, all the experimental data were independent and true, and he began to think of those days and nights when he struggled for this technology.

"I can be sure that this is all my original technology, and my satellite technology is not plagiarized." Ye Fei said firmly, with a confident light in his eyes.

Old Zhao and Chu Han looked at him with a little peace of mind gradually.They may not understand the technical details, but as Ye Fei's staunch fans, their trust in Ye Fei is beyond doubt.

"Okay, we also believe in you, but this turmoil has to attract enough attention. We must launch a crisis public relations plan, and related statements and responses need to be dealt with as soon as possible." Old Zhao said.

Hearing this sentence, Ye Fei realized that this matter will be a severe test, but it is also an opportunity to dispel rumors.He nodded firmly, his expression dignified.

"I'm going to adjust my schedule to protect our reputation as quickly as possible," he said.This is his responsibility and responsibility, as well as his responsibility for this technological dream.

Ye Fei thought that what happened this time must be a good thing for Yingjiang Country, this time he used fire to fight fire.

He posted a message on the Internet inviting all professionals who questioned Ye Fei's technology to visit Shenying Company.

This move has attracted widespread attention from the official platforms of local media.

Ye Fei is very wise. He knows that using his own strength to prove his ability will make it easier to dispel the outside world's doubts about him.Therefore, he actively released the invitation letter on the official media platform, and introduced in detail the projects that he and Shenying Company are currently developing.

He hopes that through this visit, everyone can see the strength of himself and Shenying Company, and let everyone know himself again.

Soon after, the invitation letter caused quite a stir on the Internet.

Netizens also began to comment and leave messages on Ye Fei's invitation.

"This is a great opportunity to learn about Shenying's technical strength in person, and I am very much looking forward to visiting."

"Ye Fei's approach this time is very wise. He chose to use facts to prove his ability. I believe that after this visit, everyone will get to know him again."

"This is a person who is quite generous. He can use his own strength to prove his ability, and he is more worthy of our trust."

"I believe that after this visit, all experts and media who question Ye Fei's technology will change their views."

Netizens' words and messages came one after another, which made Ye Fei very pleased.

He originally thought that this invitation was just a means of publicity, but he didn't expect these netizens to be so sincere in their recognition and support.

For Ye Fei, although this process was full of twists and turns, it allowed him to regain everyone's support and recognition.He hopes that in the future, he can use his strength to build his reputation and prove his worth.

However, this invitation has also greatly caused controversy on the international public opinion platform.

Ye Fei posted on the Internet that all professionals who questioned Ye Fei's technology were invited to visit Shenying Company, which instantly caused an uproar.

Many netizens began to express their dissatisfaction and distrust towards Ye Fei.

"This Ye Fei is too attractive, isn't it just a word game? How can his technology be compared with that of a real scientist?"

"He's always been a connoisseur of hyping himself up for hype's sake, when in reality he's nothing more than a liar."

"This man must be advertising his company and needs to invite everyone to visit and deceive the public's eyes."

"Although this Ye Fei is very smart, his technology doesn't have much practical significance, it's just a gimmick."

“What worries me the most is that this individual may use this campaign to gather information on professionals who come to the company and subsequently attack competitors.”

Netizens' mistrust and dissatisfaction with Ye Fei was difficult to resolve for a while.

And Ye Fei also knows that in order to gain the trust and recognition of others, in addition to using technological means and innovative ideas, he also needs to work harder to promote and disseminate his own technology, and to prove himself through unique practices.

Ye Fei didn't care about these voices on the Internet.

All you have to do now is wait for "Kill the Chicken and the Monkey!"

Ye Fei thought that this time the invitation would be waiting for experts from the Yingjiang country with malicious intentions, but he did not expect that the experts from the Maoxiong country came this time.

Holman, a professor of the Communication Department of Mao Xiongguo's Academy of Sciences, immediately issued an application to go to the Shenying Company to observe Ye Fei's satellite system.The name of Holman is no stranger to Ye Fei. He knows that Holman is not only a top scientist in Maoxiong Country, but also a satellite communication expert widely recognized internationally.

Holman's application letter appeared on the computer screen.

Holman first expressed his respect to Condor, and then expressed to Ye Fei the interest of their country's scientific team in Condor's satellite system.

They hope to take this opportunity to learn about Shenying's latest technology research and future development direction.

At the same time, Holman also said that he would share with Ye Fei the latest achievements and insights Mao Xiongguo has achieved in the field of satellite communications.

At the end of the letter, Holman expressed his desire to meet Ye Fei very much.

(End of this chapter)

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