Chapter 267 This is the universe.

"Yes, we generally set a safe passage according to the orbit of the spacecraft, avoiding the dangerous areas of high-density star fields and black holes, and also need to adjust the flight path in due course."

"Mr. Ye, what if the spaceship encounters an accident in outer space?"

"We will take a variety of rescue measures, including sending out a series of angels. The technology and new energy on the earth can achieve long-distance rescue, and at the same time, we can maintain contact with the spacecraft through satellite communications."

A large number of questions broke out one after another in the live broadcast room. Ye Fei worked hard to answer the questions of netizens, but also focused on technology and safety issues, and explained interstellar travel, space exploration and other topics in the live broadcast room.

A few hours later, the duration of the live broadcast reached its peak, and everyone bid farewell to Ye Fei.Looking at the closed door of the live broadcast room, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his knowledge had deepened a bit.

Ye Fei smiled and answered all the questions in the live broadcast room.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, Ye Fei stepped onto the spaceship and greeted the people in the cockpit of the spaceship.

On the screen in the cabin, a huge star map appeared in front of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei sat on the seat of the spaceship, full of anticipation and excitement.

The technicians in the cockpit began to get ready.

Immediately afterwards, the spacecraft began the unlocking process, the engine gradually heated up, and the noise gradually became louder.

In Ye Fei's live broadcast room, the audience also excitedly watched the grand event.Their faces were full of expectations, and they looked directly at Ye Fei and his spaceship on the screen.

"Accelerating!" Ye Fei said excitedly.The speed of the spacecraft began to increase gradually, and the gravity on the testers began to gradually increase. The hoarse sound of inhalation echoed in the cabin, and everyone's hearts were beating wildly with the acceleration.

The audience held their breath in anticipation of the successful launch of the spacecraft.The picture began to become blurred, and as the spacecraft got farther and farther away, the live broadcast signal became more and more unstable.

"This is the first interstellar launch in history!" Ye Fei announced excitedly.On his stationary camera, the flamethrower can be seen spewing flames, burning fuel, propelling the spacecraft into deep space.

The audience cheered enthusiastically, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room reached its peak.Ye Fei also felt extremely excited. He wanted to personally experience the mysteries of the universe on this spaceship and create his own history.

At the moment when the spaceship was slowly lifted into the sky, everyone was filled with unbelievable excitement.The spaceship slowly flew away from the earth, drifted away, and finally disappeared into the sky.Viewers are chasing the spaceship, waiting for it to reappear in view.

Ye Fei picked up his mobile phone and started the live broadcast in the cockpit of the spacecraft.

He first faced the camera, greeted the audience, and then turned his phone to the beauty of the universe.

At this time, the spaceship has already flown out of the atmosphere, and at the same time, Ye Fei's space station has come into view.The appearance of the space station is very beautiful, it presents a wonderful streamlined design, like a gorgeous gem, people can not take their eyes off.

"Wow! Is this real? Such a beautiful space station!" an audience member said excitedly.

"Yes, this is the appearance of my space station. After repeated research, the design team finally created such a perfect work." Ye Fei said proudly, while taking pictures of various angles of the space station with his mobile phone.

At this time, the beautiful scenery in the universe is also constantly flashing.Brightly colored nebulae, radiant meteors, and distant planets shining with mysterious light...these all show the mystery, splendor and beauty of the universe.

"Oh my god, I've never seen such a beautiful sight!" exclaimed another viewer.

"This is the universe, and you can see many beautiful scenery that humans have never seen before. We will continue to travel the universe and let you see more beauty." The audience in Ye Fei's live broadcast room also felt this spectacular scenery, They left messages expressing their admiration.

The audience in the live broadcast room became enthusiastic, and their comment area was filled with the beautiful scene and Ye Fei's charm, vivid and enthusiastic.

In an instant, the spacecraft passed a huge rainbow-colored nebula, and the glow in the space was brilliant, making people yearn for it.Ye Fei let the spacecraft maneuver in the nebula, forming a visual experience of traveling through the nebula.

"This is not only a world of technology and programs, but also a world of beauty and creativity. We must continue to maintain enthusiasm and creativity to explore more beauty of the universe!" Ye Fei delivered a short but inspiring speech, which made People are more advocating technology and yearning for the universe.

Ye Fei stayed quietly near the space station for a while, adjusted his state, and then started the next interstellar journey. He will take off from the space station and go to the moon.

In the cabin, Ye Fei focused on the control panel in front of the spacecraft. Through the operation, he let the spacecraft leave the space station slowly, and then accelerated to the moon.

During the interstellar journey, Ye Fei controlled the direction and speed of the spacecraft from time to time, which has become a routine for him.He remains vigilant at all times, keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Finally, after a half-day journey, Ye Fei's spacecraft finally reached the lunar orbit.

When Ye Fei's spacecraft was about to jump to the moon, the netizens in the live broadcast room were already overwhelmed with excitement.

All kinds of bullet screens kept flashing, as if they were venting their innermost expectations and excitement.

"I really want to set foot on this mysterious and romantic moon!"

"This scene is really shocking, and my mood is beyond words!"

"I want to know what the environment on the surface of the moon is like, will there be life?"

"Can this mission shed light on the moon's mysteries and unlock its secrets?"

Netizens' curiosity and longing have been perfectly vented in Ye Fei's live broadcast room. They are eager to break through the boundaries of the earth and see a wider and more mysterious universe.With curiosity and awe of the unknown, they hope to experience the mysteries and charms of the universe through Ye Fei's expedition.

The moon has always been a controversial and mysterious existence, and its exploration and analysis has always been one of the focuses of human scientific exploration.

During Ye Fei's mission, the netizens in the live broadcast room seem to be able to see some hope of solving the mystery of the moon through scientific means, which also makes them look forward to it.

They want to know, as one of the ancestors of human beings, does the moon hide more secrets?Can they answer the mystery of human exploration of the universe?
In the live broadcast room, the mood of netizens was like riding on Ye Fei's spaceship, full of infinite imagination and dreams in the unknown.They want to enter the universe with Ye Fei and explore the mysterious beauty of the unknown world together.

(End of this chapter)

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