Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 272 The in-depth communication of Xia Ke Academy, a brand new cooperation.

Chapter 272 The in-depth communication of Xia Ke Academy, a brand new cooperation.

Ye Fei started his speech.

"First of all, let's review the history of human landing on the moon. In 1969, the Apollo 11 of Eagle Sauce landed on the surface of the moon, which became the first lunar landing plan in human history. In the next few times During the mission, NASA revealed valuable information on the lunar surface to humans and retrieved about 382 kilograms of lunar samples."

"These samples have given us a deeper understanding of the Moon's composition and history, inspiring us to study the Moon even further.

However, it also reveals what keeps us going.We haven’t seen the full moon, stamped our brand on every inch, fully discovered its resources, and provided facilities for future human-made colonization.All of this sums up the shortcomings that hold us back. "

"We need more advanced technology, more efficient planning, and broader cooperation. Let us start this grand journey, expand our vision, and explore the hope of the future of mankind."

"Now, let's talk about our planned mission to the moon."

"At present, the International Space Station maintains the vitality of human activities in space. This multinational joint laboratory is constantly improving space technology."

"This space station not only plays a role in supporting the largest science experiments in space, but is also supporting scientific research on Earth and fraternal sampling and search."

"Everyone who was involved in this operation was an experienced astronaut, and they found a home in this place.

In the next step, we plan to explore the mechanism of global space cooperation in deep space in the near future. If successful, we will extend it to the space cooperation of major space countries around the world. "

"This will help normalize the program and establish a space exploration family that embraces the world's technological peak. Moreover, our landers and rovers are expected to land in the South Pole region of the Moon in the next few years, search for signatures of lunar motion and collect Resources that can be exploited such as water and minerals on the moon."

"For me personally, being able to participate in this grand plan is the highest dream of my space exploration career."

"In the past time, I have been committed to the research of the field of maglev trains. This journey will be the pinnacle of my space exploration career. I am ready, in order to truly realize the goal of man landing on the moon, and to open up the future In the future, I will go all out and play my best role to realize this miracle."

So, I want to ask you: "Who will join this family of space explorers to build more worlds and create a richer future?"

Everyone present burst into cheers.

They all expressed their desire to participate in Ye Fei's project.

Ye Fei's speech at the Summer Science Institute was very successful. He used a series of scientific arguments and vivid descriptions to reveal the mysteries of space and the potential of the future.After the speech, many audiences asked him questions and exchanges, expressing their yearning and enthusiasm for space exploration.Ye Fei also answered their questions patiently, igniting people's interest.

After the speech, the dean took Ye Fei back to his office.

, praised Ye Fei's speech as very successful, full of trust and praise for Ye Fei and Shenying Company, and expressed the hope to establish a long-term partnership with Shenying Company to contribute to scientific research and technological innovation in the field of space exploration.

Ye Fei is also very happy. He is well aware of the professionalism and dedication of the Xia Ke Institute in the field of space exploration, and he believes that cooperation with the Xia Ke Institute will be able to jointly promote the advancement of space exploration.

He expressed his thanks to the dean, and expressed that Condor is willing to share the most advanced technology and resources with Xia Ke Institute to create a more brilliant future together.

The dean also said that Xia Ke Institute will fully cooperate with the work of Shenying Company and contribute to the progress of science and technology and human progress.The two shook hands and made peace, like two like-minded people.

In the dean's office.

The dean specially poured tea for Ye Fei.

"Ye Fei, your speech is so exciting, you have made a great contribution to the future of our Xia Kingdom's aerospace industry."

Sitting in a high-end decorated office with Ye Fei, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, looking at the complicated scientific research area outside the window, the dean said thoughtfully: "Dr. Ye, you have brought many surprises to the Academy of Sciences, Your research and development of superconductor materials is unmatched."

Ye Fei felt very proud after hearing this, but immediately realized that the dean's tone was a little unusual. He asked, "Dean, do you have anything to discuss with me? I can do my best."

The dean raised his head slowly, looked at Ye Fei firmly and said: "Although your superconductor material is already one of the best, as scientists, we should never stop. path, maybe just the beginning of this field?"

Ye Fei was silent, and doubts suddenly arose in his heart.He hurriedly asked: "Excuse me, what do you think, Dean?"

The dean said slowly: "Although your superconductor material technology is already leading the world, there are still many shortcomings. For example, the superconducting state can only be achieved at an extremely low temperature of 2014 to [-] degrees. However, you may not have I noticed that the research on copper oxide as a superconducting material won the Nobel Prize in Physics in [-], which also indicates that there are still many ways to improve our superconducting materials.”

Ye Fei was very interested and immediately asked: "Dean, what can you do to accelerate the development of superconductor materials?"

The dean narrowed his eyes and said: "Although the superconductor material you have developed and produced has made you an industry leader, it still cannot solve the limitation of conduction. The existing technology can only be manifested at low temperature. I have a way , can make superconductors no longer limited to a specific temperature, achieve better results, and can greatly expand the application field."

Ye Fei couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "Dean, I respect you, but my superconductor material is also my hard work and hard work for many years, I don't want to give it up like this. And this is my patent, I You need to think about it before making a decision.”

Hearing Ye Fei's reaction, the dean nodded and said earnestly: "I understand your thoughts and how much you value your scientific and technological achievements. However, in this era of rapid technological change, we cannot be satisfied with what we have. For some achievements, only the courage to move forward can keep up with the pace of the times.”

The dean's words made Ye Fei start to rethink. His superconductor materials have already achieved many successful cases in practical applications, but this does not seem to be enough.The words of the president of the Xia Ke Academy reminded him that the difficulty of science lies in constantly stepping out of one's comfort zone to explore those peaks that are farther away from us and more difficult to climb.

While Ye Fei was in deep thought, the dean didn't try to persuade him any more. He just watched his thinking process and waited for Ye Fei's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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