Chapter 275 Production in full swing!
The Condor Company began to build a brand new space station base in a secret factory.

It's a daunting task that requires the collaboration of many smart engineers and technologists.

They hope to build a space station base that can not only operate in space, but also land on the moon.

The completion of this project will be a major milestone in the history of spaceflight.

If a base can be successfully established on the moon, it will lay an important foundation for future lunar exploration and human immigration.So everyone was looking through the Condor windows, looking at that star, anticipating this moment.

In the factory, engineers and professors are working closely together and working hard for the construction of this base.

Each of them is a highly skilled expert who can deal with various problems that can be encountered in building a space station in space or on the earth.

After a long period of research and optimization, they have developed a brand new construction plan - every part must be manufactured with love, and every module must be rigorously tested.

They hope to handle every detail to perfection to ensure that the space station base can operate in space and land on the moon to form a lunar base.

In this gray factory, these engineers and professors focused all their attention on the base of the space station, busy working on every detail, hoping to bring the best things to the future of mankind.

"Our goal is not only to complete a mission, but also to open up a new future for mankind and take the first step for mankind to ascend to the stars and seas!" Guo Tian, ​​the chief engineer of Shenying Company, said to the crowd.

This mission is an important opportunity for them, who want to bring the best to the future of humanity.Although this is a difficult task, they firmly believe that only the best technology can create the best future.

In their work, this space station base will become the past, a new historical milestone, and a brand new beginning.

After several months, the construction of the new space station Soaring has finally been completed.

Ye Fei was invited to visit the production plant of Aoxiang, and he needs to check the data of the space station to make sure everything is normal.

When he came to the factory, Ye Fei carefully inspected the structure of the Aoxiang. After the inspection, he put on the anti-static suit and began to check the various data of the Aoxiang.

"The temperature of the No. [-] engine is normal, the No. [-] engine is normal, and the No. [-] engine is normal..." Ye Fei checked the data on the dashboard one by one, and kept muttering.He knows the status of the spacecraft like the back of his hand, and it is his habit to double-check everything before leaving.

"Mr. Ye, you need to check the process card here. There are several standards that do not seem to meet the requirements." The factory's quality inspection technician pointed to a process card and said.

"Oh, ok, I'll confirm it now." Ye Fei took the card and focused on checking the values ​​and data of each standard. .
"There is indeed a slight deviation. We need to adjust it so that we can ensure that the produced space station fully meets the standards." Ye Fei said to the factory staff.

"Boss Ye is really meticulous and serious, and we will definitely deal with it seriously." The factory staff said with emotion.

Ye Fei smiled and said to them: "For space exploration, we not only need courage and determination, but also more excellence and meticulous attitude. Only in this way can the safety of astronauts be better guaranteed."

The factory staff nodded and said yes, Ye Fei handed the confirmed data and process card to the staff.

Ye Fei stood in the center of the space station factory, he looked around, full of gratitude in his heart.

Over the past few months, he and his team have spent arduous days here, holding unknown technology in their hands, using their own sweat and hard work, to create a space station and make their dream a reality.

He raised his hand, signaling all the engineers and workers to come closer.He smiled and said: "Everyone, I am very excited to stand here today. Because we succeeded! It is here that after months of struggle, we built this space station. Everyone has worked hard!"

Workers and engineers responded and bowed to Ye Fei.

His words were full of inspiration and encouragement, which made them feel proud and motivated.

Ye Fei continued: "We have undoubtedly achieved arduous hardships. We have overcome all difficulties, and we have finally reached the place we want to go. During this process, we support each other, work together, move towards our goal, and never give up. , This is our true strength!"

He paused, and then continued: "However, our work is not over. Now we are facing even more challenges. We have many unknowns, and we are constantly testing during the voyage, which is also our mission. Opportunity. We will continue to walk, to show our ability in another way, to create our world. Our tomorrow is waiting for us."

Ye Fei's words were full of passion, and everyone felt his mobilization power, as if they were hearing an order, a clarion call, and joined him in meeting challenges and victories.Everyone is looking forward to the future and pursuing our dreams in space.

In the conference room, Ye Fei sat in front of the conference table, picked up the red pen on the table, and began to draw some graphs and curves on the white paper.Several engineers looked at him, and they all knew that this was the realization of the idea in Ye Fei's mind on paper.

"Mr. Ye, our space station is about to enter the launch stage, and we need to confirm the final plan." An engineer stepped forward and reported the progress to Ye Fei.

"Okay, you can come up with specific plans to discuss." Ye Fei said with a smile.

The engineers took out their various planning documents and technical reports, and then began a heated discussion.

"We need to take into account factors such as wind speed and air pressure at the launch site, adjust the flight trajectory and speed, and ensure the safe flight of the rocket," said an engineer.

"At the same time, we need to reduce the cost as much as possible and improve the efficiency of the launch." Another engineer added.

"Also, the connection with the ET industrial brain base station needs to be tested and verified in advance to ensure the normal and stable data transmission." A senior engineer also joined the discussion.

While listening to the engineers' explanations, Ye Fei drew some new graphics and plans on his paper.There was almost no pause in their discussion, but everyone's views were very detailed and organized, and there was no dispute with each other, which was exactly what Ye Fei needed.

(End of this chapter)

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