Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 277 Edge rubbing technology, dark web adventure.

Chapter 277 Edge rubbing technology, dark web adventure.

Ye Fei returned to his office after the meeting and was about to take a break when the company's chief program test engineer came to him.

"Mr. Ye, I have an idea." The chief engineer said.

"What do you think?" Ye Fei asked.

"What our company needs most now is a high-tech technical team, who can help us better prevent and respond to hacker attacks." The chief engineer said, "I want to set up a 'hacker' department."

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes.He understands the meaning of the chief engineer. This "hacker" department is actually a high-tech department that operates secretly and is responsible for high-risk tasks.

Ye Fei understood what he meant. The company needs a department that can efficiently deal with network security issues, and the way for this department is to recruit from hackers.

Ye Fei decided to support his idea, and showed the greatest support, giving all the resources and support he thought he needed to support this "mysterious department".

"This is a good idea." Ye Fei nodded, "However, the personnel in this department need to be very elite. Are you sure you can select such people?"

"I have some candidates. They are all from the top technology companies in China, and they all have a very high reputation in the technology field." The chief engineer said.

"Then will these candidates leak the secret?" Ye Fei asked.

"The companies they belong to have already paid attention to their whereabouts and daily behavior. And they also have their own confidentiality measures for confidential information." The chief engineer explained.

Ye Fei nodded, "Well, I agree with your idea. However, every member of this department needs to pass my review."

"No problem, I will send the list of candidates to your email for your review," said the chief engineer.

"Okay, you can go back." Ye Fei said, "However, you still need to come up with an official name for the establishment of this department."

"Okay, I'll think about it." The chief engineer left Ye Fei's office with a smile.

Ye Fei leaned back on the chair and sighed softly.He knew that the existence of this "hacking" department was necessary, but it also meant that the company's risks and responsibilities would become greater.

He hopes that his security team can discover and deal with risks in a timely manner to ensure the safety and stability of the company.

Ye Fei's fingers tapped on the keyboard of his laptop, and he was concentrating on searching for hacker groups in the dark web.

The chief engineer said that if you want to defeat the neuron trick, you need to seek the assistance of the hacker community.

Ye Fei is very clear that the hackers in the dark web are not easy to find.

He has to go deep into the dark web to find hidden hacker organizations and get their cooperation.

Thus, Ye Fei started his dark web journey.He digs into various black markets and hacker forums, looking for groups that can provide him with data analysis and network security services.

However, the secrecy of these groups is very high, and ordinary people are not qualified to join.

Time passed by, and Ye Fei gradually lost his patience.

But he knows that this is a very important task and cannot be given up at a critical moment.

At this moment, he came across a hidden hacker who had been active on the dark web for many years.

The hacker was quickly attracted to Ye Fei, because Ye Fei showed enough skills and credibility in the conversation.

Ye Fei had a long exchange and consultation with this hidden hacker, and finally reached a cooperation agreement.

This hidden hacker provided Ye Fei with the technical support and data analysis he needed, and Ye Fei promised to pay him a high salary and protect his privacy and security.

After a hard search, Ye Fei finally got the help of the hacker group.He felt empowered and confident to solve every technical problem in it.

"Let us work together to win this important battle in this digital network world!" Ye Fei said silently in his heart.

Ye Fei sat in front of the computer, tapping the keyboard with his fingers quickly, feeling a little uneasy.

He is forming a team on the dark web, which is composed of some highly skilled hackers, who are specially assigned to solve some technical problems that cannot be solved publicly with him.

This time, Ye Fei needed their help to solve a program called "neuron".

Before, Ye Fei had analyzed and cracked this program, but he needed the help of the hacker team to find out where this program belongs and how to deal with it.

"I uploaded the neuron program to the hacker team, and you can start analyzing it." Ye Fei contacted the team members on the dark web, with a hint of nervousness in his tone.

The team members did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to analyze the program.

They used various means to analyze the program in detail one by one, trying to find out where it belongs and how to attack it.

As time passed by, the members of the hacker team frowned more and more.

They found that the author of this neuron program was very powerful and used many different encryption and hiding methods to make the program extremely complicated.Even if the team members are highly skilled, it will take a long time to crack.

Ye Fei waited silently in front of the computer screen, hoping that this group could solve this problem as soon as possible, and that their solution would bring more benefits to the society.

A few hours later, members of the hacking team finally found where the neuron program belonged and how to deal with it.

They reported the results to Ye Fei. Ye Fei thanked them and promised to ask them for help when he got more useful information.

Although these team members are in a gray area, their technology and experience are very important treasures for Ye Fei and the entire technological world.

But when he took a closer look at the author and origin of this program code, he was shocked to find that the place where this program belonged was actually Xia Country!
This discovery surprised Ye Fei.

Now that it was discovered that its place of belonging was right beside him, something seemed wrong.

He had some conjectures in his mind, but further investigation and confirmation were needed.

If you want to find out the author of this code and the specific work address, you need the help of relevant government departments.

Therefore, Ye Fei immediately informed the relevant government departments of this discovery, explaining the importance of the "neuron" program and the fact that the industrial brain base station was hacked by unknown sources.

He hopes that government departments can intervene as soon as possible to coordinate and investigate the matter.

After receiving Ye Fei's report, the department immediately launched an emergency operation.

Various relevant departments quickly coordinated and launched round after round of investigation and analysis.

After several days of hard work, they finally succeeded in ascertaining key information such as the details of the "neuron" program, its maker and address.

(End of this chapter)

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