Chapter 297 The system is attacked!
"Yeah!" Ye Fei led them through the corridor, "Now we have completed the testing phase and are ready to start construction."

Through the glass windows, the team saw the towering tower that soared into the sky and reached the sky.

The top of the tower is connected to a very slender and wonderful structure - the lunar elevator.

"This is awesome!" exclaimed one team member, "This will be a positive breakthrough."

"You guys came just in time," Ye Fei led them into the laboratory, "We are conducting the final test. If you want to see the working principle of the lunar elevator with your own eyes, please come with me."

Ye Fei explained the elevator energy, operation mode and sustainability to everyone.He showed all the parts and answered many questions.

"Now look at the screen." A researcher pressed a button.The plumb line whirled and rumbled, while the entire structure seemed to be pulled up by a giant, invisible hand.

"It's incredible!" The three doctors exclaimed in unison.

Before the end of the visit, Ye Fei led them into the control center. "This is where all our equipment and systems are centrally managed." Ye Fei introduced, "We have many safeguards to ensure the safe operation of the lunar power."

"I am very satisfied with your company." The chief doctor said with a smile, "You have a strong and professional team, and the project has a bright future."

"Thank you!" Ye Fei replied, "We will continue to work hard for the lunar elevator project."

Ye Fei is preparing to introduce the lunar elevator project to three doctors from Yingjiang National Research Institute.

But these PhDs all have tough questions to ask.

"I heard that the core technology of the lunar elevator is related to superconductors, right?" asked the chief doctor.

"Not exactly." Ye Fei replied, "We do use superconductor technology, but it is only one component."

"Then if there is no superconductor technology, do you think the lunar elevator project will be successful?" Dr. Windsor asked Ye Fei, frowning slightly, "We believe that the success of this project does not depend on just one technology. Instead, we need to integrate multiple technology and resources to achieve this goal."

Another doctor interjected: "I think the device you showed is still too simple. Can you show us a more complex, higher-level device?"

Ye Fei replied with a smile: "Of course! Please follow me."

He led the three of them into the display area and pointed to a huge, complex, high-end device.

"This is our latest model. As you can see, it has more functions and performance."

The three doctors began to look at the device seriously and asked some questions.

Ye Fei and Mr. Liu at the side were constantly dealing with them.

Many questions seem to be answered, but in fact they are not.

At the end of the show, Xiang Yefei from Yingjiang Country expressed that they hoped to board the moon elevator to experience it for themselves.

But Ye Fei explained to them that the lunar elevator has not been fully built and cannot be used.

"So when can we use it?" asked a Ph.D.

"We will finish it as soon as possible." Ye Fei promised, "but now more work needs to be done to ensure safety and reliability."

The doctors did not have any useful information during this visit.

Naturally, they dare not return to Yingjiang country without authorization.

But when all the visits are over.

They also have no reason to stay here.

In the end, the people from Eagle Sauce Country left Shenying Company after visiting the moon elevator.

Although they raised many challenges and doubts about this project, Ye Fei won their respect and trust through ingenious maneuvers.

In Shenying Company, Ye Fei, Mr. Liu and Lao Zhao got together and complained about Dr. Ying Jianguo who had malicious intentions.

"These people are really hateful!" Mr. Liu said, "They just came to spy on our technology and projects."

"I agree." Old Zhao echoed, "We must be vigilant to prevent similar incidents from happening again."

Ye Fei pondered for a moment.Although they had sent the Doctors away, he still felt a little worried.

After all, protecting confidentiality is becoming more and more important in today's competitive world.

"You are right." Ye Fei finally said, "From now on, we need to be more cautious in handling the cooperation with external teams."

President Xiao Liu nodded in praise: "You are right. Only by ensuring safety can we achieve long-term success."

"In addition, I will also send some technical experts to formulate stricter confidentiality rules and regulations." Ye Fei added.

Lao Zhao expressed his support: "Very good! This will enable us to better protect ourselves and the interests of the company."

In the end, all three breathed a sigh of relief. They thought it was all over now.Ye Fei said: "Since we have already sent those doctors away, there is no problem in the future."

However, at this moment, an unexpected event happened.

"Sir! Please look!" A technician ran into the room in a panic, "Our server has been hacked!"

Ye Fei and Mr. Liu looked at each other in blank dismay.This is not good.

If confidential information is leaked out, the company will suffer great loss.

So they took immediate action.Use various means to trace the identity and source of the attacker, and start to rebuild the network security system to ensure future security.

Ye Fei questioned, "Yinhu, what's going on?"

As the head of the network security department, Yinhu was also dumbfounded.

"I don't know! It was fine a few minutes ago!"

Yinhu is already in a state of desperation!

Ye Fei immediately thought, isn't this what those doctors did?

In order to set up a false system to deal with people like Windsor.

What Ye Fei contacted was the system of the industrial brain!

In order to be independent of the moon elevator, Ye Fei had no choice but to do so.

But now that the ET industrial brain has been compromised, this has already explained the problem!

After thinking about Ye Fei, he eased his tone a lot.

"Silver Tiger! You can figure it out and work hard to recover the loss!"

Yinhu has to be trusted even if he gets it, and he is motivated!
"Don't worry, Mr. Ye! These are some relatively old-fashioned attack systems, and I can solve them with ease!"

Ye Fei nodded and left the base station.

Ye Fei returned to his office, sat on the chair and took a few deep breaths.

His industrial brain base station had just been hacked, and it made him very angry.

As a founder of a technology company, he knows that hacking can cause serious harm to a company or a person.Hackers can steal confidential information, damage system and network security, and bring immeasurable losses to enterprises.

Ye Fei opened his social platform and directly wrote about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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