Chapter 299 is definitely tricky.

The network security organization that Ye Fei formed - Skynet, now enjoys a very high reputation in the field of science and technology.

The field of science and technology is very pleased with Ye Fei's spontaneous behavior.

Everyone is praising Ye Fei's self-sacrificing behavior.

But this also aroused the dissatisfaction and doubts of Yingjiang's national media.

Soon, the major media outlets published comments and articles questioning Shenying Company.

They thought that the Condor Company, as Xia Guo's technology giant, was powerless in the field of network security, which was unbelievable.

"IT News Weekly" directly issued a question!

The Condor Company can't even deal with hackers?That shouldn't be the case with our truly world-class technology companies.

If Condor cannot guarantee the solution of its own network security problems, is there any false appearance in the so-called "high technology"?
"Information Times" raised their questions about Ye Fei's identity.

Although Mr. Ye Fei is a well-known genius programmer and entrepreneur, we must ask: How many truly advanced, reliable and effective network security technologies does Shenying have to protect its users?
"IT Industry Observation" directly raised doubts about the title of Shenying Company on the official website.

The reason why Condor Corporation has become Xia Guo's technological light is because they have made major breakthroughs in the hardware field.

However, in the field of network security, what we need is not only high-end hardware, but also excellent software and system management capabilities.Does Condor have these core competitiveness?
The major media's doubts about Condor have aroused widespread concern.

Some people think that this is just a malicious attack against Ye Fei, while others think that this reflects the fact that Condor has substantial problems in network security.

However, Ye Fei did not respond to these doubts.

Instead, he continues to advance the Skynet organization and sees himself as a world-changing pioneer.

Despite being questioned and challenged by all parties, it has made more efforts to focus on the network security of the industrial brain base station.After all, if there is a problem with this base station, it will be a huge disaster.

So, in the next few weeks, Ye Fei began to work extremely hard.

First, he conducted a thorough analysis of the entire system and developed a sound, detailed and efficient plan.

Then, he set out to debug all the equipment and programs in the system, and strictly tested every link and step.

In order to prevent hacker attacks or other intentional behavior from causing damage to the system, Ye Fei has also taken a number of measures: strengthening cryptography technology, enhancing data encryption, establishing access control mechanisms, and so on.At the same time, when any abnormal situation is found, it will respond in time and take corresponding measures.

However, in the actual operation process, there are still many difficulties and challenges.

For example, the hardware of some devices restricts Ye Fei from hardening them, while other factors lead to a decline in system operating efficiency.

However, Ye Fei was not troubled by these problems.

Instead, he actively seeks solutions and communicates with other experts for further advice and opinions.

In the end, after continuous debugging, testing and improvement, Ye Fei successfully protected the network security of the industrial brain base station.

The connection to the moon base has been stabilized.

In order to better ensure the stability and reliability of the system operation, Ye Fei did not stop there.

He created system b and system C on the basis of the original system. In this way, when the main system fails, the backup system can immediately take over the operation. Even if the main node fails, it can also switch to the backup node in time to run, thereby avoiding any loss due to failure.

Since the industrial brain base station is one of the key links for data exchange and transmission with the lunar base, it is also very important that their connections be unimpeded.Ye Fei eliminated connection problems by optimizing and adjusting the network architecture, increasing data transmission speed, and ensuring real-time synchronization between the two.

Of course, Ye Fei did not fight alone in this process.

He has received enthusiastic support and active cooperation from the company's top leaders and other members of the team.

Especially the colleague who first discovered the safety problem, his report allowed Ye Fei to discover the problem in time and solve it.

After unremitting efforts and active exploration, the system of the industrial brain base station has finally been perfected, and the backup system and C system have also been followed up and improved accordingly.

In this way, the operation of the entire system is more stable and reliable, making an important contribution to ensuring the efficiency and safety of industrial production.

Ye Fei knows that the speed of technological replacement is getting faster and faster, so he will always pay attention to the latest technological developments and try to apply them to practical work.He believes that only continuous learning and innovation can be invincible in this field.

The high-level executives of the Eagle Sauce National Academy of Sciences discussed Ye Fei's industrial brain base station at a meeting. They believed that this system may have major security technical loopholes.

Otherwise, Ye Fei would not be in such a hurry to form a security alliance.

Therefore, the top management decided to secretly form a hacker alliance to attack Ye Fei's base station system.

high-level meeting.

"Director Allen, we must take measures to protect our country's core technology as soon as possible!" A senior official said anxiously in the office.

"Yeah, and we also have to make sure our own systems are not hacked." Another senior executive was also very worried.

"I agree with you." Director Allen said after a moment of contemplation, "But we can't just think about protecting ourselves, we also need to find out those who threaten our safety."

"You mean Ye Fei?" the third executive interjected.

"That's right. As far as I know, he has applied for millions of dollars to harden the base station system. What does that say?"

"It's likely he's already posted the bug and tried to fix it," said a fourth executive.

"Exactly. We need to find his weakness and attack him. But our own hackers are not strong enough, so I plan to form a hacker alliance."

"But Director Allen, is this legal?" the fifth senior executive asked worriedly.

"We are only protecting the national interest. If there is a real problem with Ye Fei, then we have every reason to take action."

After discussing for a while, several high-level officials decided to start looking for talents who could provide them with technical support and help capture Ye Fei's base station system.

The first step is to recruit hackers.

High-level executives selected the top hackers from various well-known hacker forums and social networks, and contacted them through private channels.Only those hackers who have been tempered by years of combat, experienced, skilled and willing to serve the national interest are eligible to join the alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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