Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 308 The Moon Home Project!shut down!

Chapter 308 The Moon Home Project!shut down!
This was followed by a round of comments from technicians and professors, comparing the effectiveness of the proposals and exaggerating their strengths and weaknesses.

Some suggest using robots across the board, but they're a little weak for extremely rough and steep terrain; others suggest scanning the area with probes, but that takes a lot of time and money.

Lin Yan frowned tightly, looked at the lunar map in the projector, and asked meaningfully: "Everyone, the backbone of science and technology, we all know that the terrain of the moon is extremely rugged, which has caused great difficulties for base construction, so today's The purpose of the meeting is to find a solution, please speak freely."

The professors started a heated discussion, and some raised dialogue below.

"Can you consider using laser technology to flatten the surface of the moon?"

"You want to die? Doing so will damage the surrounding environment due to the laser's effect on the lunar surface and may negatively impact base construction."

"Then we consider using small rockets to blow up large rocks?"

"Small rockets? This makes our whole plan worse! It is worth mentioning that this may cause a large amount of dust to settle, which will also cause great trouble for oxygen filtration and other tasks."

"Then we consider using high-energy ray burners to solve the problem of rough terrain?"

"Oh, same problem! The effect of the high-energy ray burner on the lunar surface is also uncertain, and it will also have a negative impact on the surrounding environment."

"Is there any other way?"

As a result, a noisy voice rose from the venue, and various ideas and opinions were presented one after another.

Li Guosong, a professor of Dongmen Academy of Sciences, advocated using personnel to complete these tasks. Why not let personnel who know more about geological drilling complete the expansion work, so that many elements of other components and abandoned areas of drilling tools can be found; technique was dismissed by other researchers.After the debate, there is still no substantive solution.

Ye Fei was in a crowded room, surrounded by tense scientific researchers, who were having a heated debate on the lunar home plan.

As the leader of this project, Ye Fei has been listening to everyone's opinions and ideas.

Countless people are anxiously discussing whether the plan is feasible. This plan is to build a human home on the moon.

Among them, some people think that the infrastructure on the moon is enough to support human habitation, but some people disagree. They think that building a lunar home requires a lot of financial and technical support, and even humans themselves have not yet fully adapted to the space environment.

At this time, Ye Fei was even more anxious.

He once created the maglev train project that attracted people's attention, and was hailed as the future high-speed rail technology!

However, the problem he faces now is much more complicated than that.

Ye Fei felt a lot of pressure. If his research team could not carry out this project successfully, his reputation and credibility would be greatly damaged.

In his mind, there were countless questions circling, like fleeting images one after another, gradually forming a quagmire of doubts in his heart.In order for tens of thousands of people to be able to survive on the Moon, great sacrifices would have to be made.

The living conditions in the space environment are extremely harsh, and daily necessities such as food and water need to be transported from the outside world, which will incur huge costs.And on the moon, some scientific puzzles must also be solved.

For example, the nighttime temperature will drop below freezing, while the daytime temperature reaches 50 degrees, which will cause great harm to the human body.

"We have to stop this project."

Ye Fei finally spoke.

Countless people showed disappointment, and they all knew that this was a difficult decision.

"I don't think the moon is suitable for human habitation." Ye Fei finally spoke hesitantly.He was still struggling a moment ago, wondering whether he should support this plan, but now after careful consideration, he made his own decision.

When the scientific researchers present heard Ye Fei's words, they all frowned and expressed their disapproval. This was not the result they imagined. They always believed that the moon is the future home of mankind, and some people even built a building on the moon for this purpose. Temporary residence.

"Ye Fei, don't you think this is a waste? We have spent so much time and energy, what should we do!" Someone patted the table and said angrily.

Ye Fei explained: "Building a moon home requires a lot of resources and technical support, but at present, we have not fully grasped the space environment, and human beings are extremely fragile physically and mentally. Some radioactive substances in the living environment of the moon will also affect Unforeseen effects on the human body."

Ye Fei didn't finish his sentence, he pondered for a while, and then continued: "We should continue to work hard on the earth, apply our existing resources and technology to research and development as much as possible, and develop human technology to the level of human beings. A stage of substantial improvement, this is the right path for future planning.”

Ye Fei's words caused an uproar, and in the end, he played the role of peace envoy in the debate.

Most of the scientific researchers left the conference room disappointed, but they also understood that this was a difficult decision, and the moon is not yet suitable for people to live.

Ye Fei has been struggling with the whole process of making a choice. Although it is difficult to express to the outside world, he deeply knows that his choice is right.

Ye Fei returned to his office and sat on the chair with a sad face.He took out his computer and opened the lunar home plan he originally designed on it.He sighed deeply, and then his eyes began to slide, looking for the place he had designed before.

However, when he re-examined his design, he felt heartache.

His original design had already been proven to be flawed, and now he had to start all over again, which gave him a headache.

He pondered, recalling the whole process of facility construction.

From space stations to spacecraft to moon bases, tens of billions of dollars have been invested in these facilities.

And now, everything he designed seems to be in vain.

This brought great pain and distress to Ye Fei.

He and his team have poured countless blood and sweat into these facilities, and now the major adjustment requires them to abandon it all.It made him feel powerless and helpless.

Ye Fei began to become more and more distressed, and his mood became more and more depressed.

This lunar home plan is no longer possible.

He had struggled for a while, but he was defeated in the end.

At this moment, he couldn't help letting out a long sigh, and the whole person fell into endless depression.

(End of this chapter)

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