Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 310 The final medical examination, the trip to the moon is just around the corner.

Chapter 310 The final medical examination, the trip to the moon is just around the corner.

Facing a table of elites in the conference room, Ye Fei started his speech with an indifferent expression.

"Everyone, the moon base is no longer a distant dream. We want to explore the resources of the moon before other countries."

"The construction of our lunar base will mainly include two directions, one is the lunar factory and the other is the lunar laboratory."

As soon as this topic was heard, there was a wave of discussion in the conference room.

"Moon factory? Are you talking about building a factory on the surface of the moon?" asked an old man with a serious face.

"That's right, we plan to mine lunar soil to process, refine and transport it back to Earth." Ye Fei didn't show any panic at all.

"Are you sure you can do it? Even in the low-gravity environment of the moon, the logistics cost will be very high." A scientist in a white coat asked.

"We have a way to solve this problem." Ye Fei replied. "We can analyze the lunar soil, convert the main chemical elements into other materials, and then assemble these materials into the devices we need in the low-gravity environment of the moon."

Everyone was silent after hearing this. The realization of this project was far beyond their imagination.

"The realization of this project still requires a lot of technical investment. After all, the mining of artificial intelligence robots still needs technical adaptation, but this project still has a direction-the lunar laboratory." Ye Fei added.

"A lunar laboratory? This is similar to the previous plan." Mr. Lin said.

"The lunar laboratory will be used to research and explore the countless mysterious technologies found on the moon." Ye Fei replied with a smile, "We also plan to mine ice resources under the moon to support life activities."

At this time, the voice of discussion ignited again, and the enthusiastic people forgot their doubts about Ye Fei just now.

Everyone began to speak enthusiastically, and everyone wanted to make suggestions for this project.

Looking at the group of people, Ye Fei smiled and said, "I believe that we can succeed in this project. We are a team with great vision. Let us work together to meet this challenge."

"We need to find new sources of data." Ye Fei's voice was low and firm, "In order to find these data, we need to land on the moon and explore the soil and geological composition there. Only in this way can we better understand the moon's environment and characteristics. Only with these data can we make new breakthroughs in technology.”

Ye Fei's words revealed an extraordinary determination, he has already made a decision.

And the other researchers looked at him and knew that he had made up his mind.They began to discuss how to find new data sources on the moon, how to collect lunar soil, and how to use it on the earth.

"We can use these data to develop new technologies and redefine the world." A researcher said excitedly, "With these data, we can break through existing technological barriers and create a new destiny."

"But to achieve our goal, we have to face many difficulties," Ye Fei said. "We have to find a tool that can operate on the moon, and a technology that can transmit data back to Earth."

Everyone else nodded. They knew it was a complicated project, but they were confident that it could be done.Ye Fei looked at them and felt satisfied. They are the best scientific and technological talents and his right-hand man.

"If we can bring lunar soil back to Earth, it is very meaningful that we can discover new materials by analyzing the soil composition." Another researcher said, "These materials can be used to make more advanced electronics and nanotechnology."

Everyone else is pouring in their opinions and discussing how to achieve their goals.They know that if they can successfully bring data from the moon back to Earth, it will be a project of great historical significance.

At the end of the meeting, Ye Fei was very satisfied.

They have decided to go to the moon to find new data sources, which will be a very major project.They need to be fully prepared to face all the difficulties, but at this moment, they are full of confidence, united because of their enthusiasm for exploring unknown areas.

Mr. Lin, the vice president in charge of this physical examination, stared at the document in his hand with a serious expression.

The physical examination of a hundred interstellar tourists is the most important thing in the interstellar travel of the Condor.Once someone's body does not meet the standard, it must be replaced immediately.

"Is everything ready for the medical examination department?" Mr. Lin asked heavily.

He had already prepared for the worst. If someone's body was found to be substandard, Condor Company would also take good care of the replaced tourists.

"Ready, our doctors have started checking." A staff member replied.

Mr. Lin nodded, but he was still too nervous to calm down.The interstellar travel of the Condor is a stressful test for every interstellar tourist.For dealing with extraterrestrial organisms, for physical fitness during unstable high-speed space travel, various checks are required to ensure.

"The first person here to check is... Xiao Chen." The staff picked up a form and announced the name of the first tourist who needed to be checked.

Xiao Chen clenched his fists tightly and walked towards the doctor nervously.

He has long been mentally prepared, and this interstellar travel is an opportunity for him to realize his dream, and it is also a great challenge in his life.

The doctors examined carefully, focusing all their attention on the honed skills and experience.

Every inspector must be tested according to the standards of astronauts, which means that they need to meet the requirements in terms of friction, pressure resistance, and high temperature resistance.

In the end, only those who pass all the inspection items can enter the Condor for interstellar travel.

Time passed bit by bit, and the first and second testers passed the process smoothly.

That's when the doctor starts the third check.

Ye Fei walked in.

Standing in front of the white medical equipment, Ye Fei looked around at the hundred interstellar travelers around him. They were all passengers who flew to the farthest galaxy this year. Everyone was looking forward to creating their own new life on a new planet.

But Ye Fei was monitoring their physical indicators at this time to confirm whether they were suitable for this long-distance trip.

He quietly turned on the smart device on his wrist and started the live broadcast.He knows that netizens are most concerned about the progress of Star Trek. After turning on the live broadcast, Ye Fei walked to the physical examination department and began to gradually introduce the entire Star Trek physical examination process to the live broadcast audience based on the various physical indicators of Star Trek.

(End of this chapter)

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