Chapter 312 The Strongest Team Leader!

At the Condor Company's quarterly meeting, Ye Fei suddenly made an amazing proposal, saying that he would go on an interstellar journey and lead a team to the moon.

He said that this trip can improve Shenying's industrial chain, and it is also an excellent opportunity for the company to demonstrate its technological strength and open up new markets.

Ye Fei thought about explaining everything in front of everyone, and it would be all right!

But what I didn't expect was that when everyone heard this proposal, the people in the meeting room immediately fell into deep thought.

An executive said: "Mr. Ye Fei, you are the soul of our company. If you don't work in the company, how can we expand our business?"

"Mr. Ye, I really don't understand your proposal." Another executive joined in, "As the core figure of the company, shouldn't you focus on promoting the company's better development? How could you go to the moon?"

"This is not only an opportunity to go to the moon, but also an action with strategic significance." Ye Fei replied firmly, "My going to the moon can assist in the rapid construction of lunar factories and bases. This is beneficial to our industrial chain and market. Pioneering is very important.”

"However, if you leave like this, all the company's plans will be affected, and, after you leave, who will lead the company?" An executive asked worriedly.

"I have already thought about it. I will entrust my responsibilities to a very capable colleague. I believe they can lead the company to a higher level." Ye Fei replied in a firm tone.

However, some people seem to reject this proposal, and some people began to express dissatisfaction and doubts: "We cannot send to the moon at this time, it is too risky. Our interests will bear huge risks!"

"Your proposal is too risky, and we cannot afford such a price." Another executive joined in. "I think you should stay in the company and work hard for the company."

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room became heated, and all parties began to argue.

Some people insisted that Ye Fei should stay and work in the company and focus on the company's development; others believed that this interstellar journey was of great significance, and Ye Fei, as the soul of the company, could not be more suitable than him.

Obviously, this debate will not be easily extinguished. Ye Fei and the other executives have too different ideas.Their decisions will have a huge impact on the future of Condor.

At the meeting, everyone was already arguing over this matter. Seeing them like this, Ye Fei could only let everyone calm down first.

Forced the meeting to end.

After the meeting, Ye Fei returned to his office, ready to organize materials and plan the next work.

However, what he didn't expect was that a group of high-level backbones of the company also followed. They looked serious, as if they had something important to discuss with Ye Fei.

"Boss Ye, we can't let you leave Shenying Company, you are our pillar!" the company's top executive president said deeply.

"Yes, we all have a common goal, which is to make Condor the most powerful company. Without you, we will lose a lot of things." Another high-level backbone also said seriously.

Ye Fei took a deep look at them and didn't speak.

He has experienced too many things, and he has felt his desire to go to the moon to find out.

What he wants is to go to the moon and realize his high-hanging scientific and technological dreams, and he doesn't want to linger with these people anymore.

"Mr. Ye, we can give you more resources and support, as long as you don't leave Shenying Company. We can set up a high-tech research team and lead the team to the moon." A management executive continued.

“We can hand over your sole management of the moon to someone else, and you can come back and assist at any time,” the executive added.

The words of these high-level backbones made Ye Fei fall into deep thought.He knew it was all the resources they had unleashed, but there was nowhere left in his heart.

"I don't want to stay here anymore, can you understand?" Ye Fei finally said.

"We understand your thoughts, but this is an important decision concerning the future of Condor and your personal future." The executive said.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, we need you." The executive also added.

Ye Fei stared at them blankly, feeling in his heart that these people are for the stability of the company, not his personal interests.He bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude to the company's top backbone, but he still insisted on his ideas.

"I know you are worried about the future of the company, but I have already made up my mind that I am going to the moon." Ye Fei said.

"Don't you really think about it?" The executive president seemed a little helpless.

Ye Fei shook his head and smiled.

He knows he has made the right choice, and what he needs now is courage and support.

"Thank you for your perseverance, but my heart has already flown to the moon." After Ye Fei finished speaking, he bowed deeply to them, and then left the company to start his new journey.

Ye Fei ignored those doubts, looked at the people inspecting the office, and began to speak: "I try my best to lead my team and push human technology to a higher level. I know my mistakes, and I will try my best to Make up. In this mission, I need to travel to the stars and lead everyone to the unknown world.”

Ye Fei's voice gradually became calm: "So, I accept this challenge and lead everyone to an unknown path. You may not be interested in this task, but I think this is a good opportunity for us. This will be our opportunity to prove that we are more than representatives of a dark history."

Towards an unknown road? This is something no one can imagine.

What kind of breath is it, some people look anxious, others are sad.

But they were all waiting, waiting for Ye Fei's answer.

In the end, everyone could only agree with the result that Ye Fei went to Star Trek to lead the team, although most of them were totally unhappy.

Ye Fei thanked everyone for paying attention to him, but he still had to go.After Ye Fei finished speaking, he began to deploy work. After he left, people in other departments had to hand over the work process to the sub-heads of other departments for approval.

This is Ye Fei's third time on the moon.

And when Ye Fei announced that he would lead a team on a more in-depth interstellar journey, the news spread quickly on the Internet.

Hearing this news, the Star Trek passengers were greatly encouraged.

During this flight, they will explore more unconstrained technologies, and see more amazing planets and life forms. For them, this will be a wonderful journey to rediscover themselves.

And more importantly, this journey has a guide: Ye Fei.

For Star Trek passengers, Ye Fei is an extremely admirable figure.

He is one of the most outstanding technological leaders in the entire human society. His various inventions such as magnetic levitation and interstellar gates have amazed the entire human society.Under his leadership, many extremely high-level projects were realized, which gave great hope to all.

(End of this chapter)

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