Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 321 Harmful intentions!Cosmos Alliance established

Chapter 321 Harmful intentions!Cosmos Alliance established

Following Ye Fei's history of exploration and exploration, the whole world has become addicted to his live broadcast and exploration.

In the hearts of all audiences, Ye Fei is still the emotional symbol of space exploration. In the future technological era, we look forward to more Ye Fei who can lead us to explore the depths of the unknown together.

At this time the other side.

At an international summit meeting, both Turkey and Fusang spoke angrily about Ye Fei's trip to the moon.

"This Ye Fei is such a waste of resources, there is absolutely no need to go to the moon with such a big fanfare!" The executives of the Turkey Country said angrily.

"Yeah, I don't understand why they want to express their glory and brilliance so loudly. We must find a way to let them know who is the stronger person!" Fusang country executives also said angrily with.

Just as the representatives of the two countries seemed to be making angry comments, the high-level officials of the Eagle Sauce Country intervened coldly: "I don't understand you, have you forgotten that our Eagle Sauce Country is the initiator of the first trip to the moon? He Ye Fei just stepped on the shoulders of giants, why are you so angry?"

Representatives of the Turkey Country and the Fusang Country felt insulted by the Eagle Sauce Country, and they slammed on the table, making loud noises one after another.

"Let's stop this bickering," the leader of another country began. "We must learn to work together to solve problems. Every country should be respected, and every explorer should be respected."

Although this small country from Nanfei has no right to speak, it has received the help of Xia Guo in the infrastructure construction decades ago.

They still don't have so much prejudice against Xia Guo in their hearts.

"But Ye Fei is really annoying," the senior executives of Fusang Kingdom continued to pick up the topic, "Why can he do this, but we can't?"

"This involves technology, funding, and many other issues," said the senior executive of the Eagle Sauce Country. "Don't you guys understand that our Eagle Sauce Country has been making contributions to technological progress and exploration?"

Obviously, this small country flying south doesn't understand the situation.

They thought it was a technical discussion.

In fact, this is a crusade against Ye Fei.

Fusang country needs the approval of other countries to be able to better attack Ye Fei.

“I think we need to work better together and not get caught up in a blame game,” sighed another leader. “We have to move forward in peace and cooperation.”

Suddenly, an idea popped into everyone's mind, and they all thought of the same question: "Why can't we go together?"

After a silence, the senior executives of the Eagle Sauce Nation cleared their throats: "This is a good idea. If we can agree on this, jointly launch the spacecraft into deep space, and form a team, then we should support each other, assist each other, and complete the project together." This great task."

"I agree!" The executives of the Turkey Country did not hesitate for a second.

"I agree too!" The senior officials of Fusang Kingdom also expressed their determination.

"I think we can work together," the Eagle Sauce executive said thoughtfully, "but we also need a leader who can guide us from previous experience and ensure that our mission can deal with all potential risks."

"So who's going to be the leader?" Everyone felt a certain degree of nervousness.

"Of course it's me." The high-level executive of the Yingjiang country said with pride, "You must know that our Yingjiang country still has the right to speak in the international community."

The Yingjiang country has said so, and the Fusang country and the Turkey country naturally flocked to express their agreement.

However, the representatives of other countries had to agree, and there were only a few representatives who abstained.

Madeleine was not used to them seeing this scene.

Just tell those abstainers to leave the conference room.

Don't let them join this United Universe Alliance.

on the moon.

Ye Fei helped the last passenger complete the moonwalk in a spacesuit.

In the next second, the moon walk is over.Ye Fei retracted the camera, came to the live broadcast room, and greeted the audience warmly.

"Thank you for always being with me and this spacecraft, allowing us to witness the brilliance and vision of human space exploration during this trip to the moon!" Ye Fei continued.

The response from the audience in the live broadcast room was very enthusiastic. Many people sent bullet screens and gifts in the live broadcast room, expressing their love and admiration for Ye Fei and the spaceship.

Ye Fei also took this opportunity to interact and communicate with everyone.

"We just completed a moonwalk, which was an unprecedented adventure, and we really felt the mystery and beauty brought by the moon." Ye Fei said.

When he mentioned the moon base, everyone was very interested and asked about the situation and future development of the moon base in the live broadcast room.

"Currently this moon base is not inhabitable. We will work hard to develop lunar resources and underground bases in the future for more astronauts to use. After reaching the moon first, we will develop more modern artificial intelligence machines and detection equipment , to better discover the secrets of the moon.”

After communicating and sharing for a period of time, Ye Fei finally told everyone that this live broadcast is coming to an end. At this time, he could see a hint of unfinished business in his eyes, as if the end of the journey of the universe was not what he longed for.

"Thank you for your support and encouragement all the time. I hope that in the future, we can continue to work together towards the edge of space!" He bid farewell affectionately.

At this moment, Ye Fei's figure has left the view of the moon, but netizens still linger in their hearts about the perception of space and the desire to explore, and they also find many dreams and courage in his stories.

Ye Fei and other passengers have been walking on the surface of the moon.

In the cabin, other passengers sighed and recalled that wonderful experience.They smiled at Ye Fei, expressed their gratitude and felt honored to have the opportunity to participate in this moon walk.

"Brother Fei's answer in the live broadcast room just now is very exciting. Everyone thinks that you are the future of space exploration," said a passenger, "Everyone of us is proud of you."

Ye Fei smiled, feeling proud.

"I'm excited to explore unknown places with everyone," he said. "I believe my mission is to take exploration to farther and more mysterious places."

Another passenger also expressed his gratitude to Ye Fei.

"I have never seen such a beautiful sight. Thank you for taking us to dream together."

Ye Fei smiled, expressing his humility.

"I must admit that this expedition was one of the most memorable experiences of my life," he said. "I feel really lucky to be able to work with so many talented people to create the blueprint for our future space exploration."

(End of this chapter)

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