Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 331 The first batch of tons of lunar soil was successfully collected!

Chapter 331 The first batch of tons of lunar soil was successfully collected!
The lunar elevator successfully transported a batch of lunar regolith back to Earth, causing a sensation.

This time the soil was transported back up to several tons.

Much more than what Ye Fei brought back from his previous moonwalk.

Energy companies from all over the world want to buy lunar soil from Condor. For a while, almost all representative energy companies in the world have expressed great interest in lunar soil. These big companies all want to get this valuable research material .

Ability Company, the fuel giant of Eagle Sauce Country, immediately sent a request to Shenying Company to purchase lunar soil.

Meanwhile, chemicals giant Total SA also joined the buying ranks.

Both companies made it clear that after purchasing lunar soil from Condor, they will study how to develop and utilize lunar soil to contribute to the sustainable development of global energy.

At the same time, some large energy companies in northern Europe have also joined the buying team.

Both the ACS Group of the Bullfighting Country and the energy giant headquarter of the Iron Tower Country have made a request to the Condor Company to purchase lunar soil, and are willing to bid up to tens of millions of dollars.

They expressed their desire to advance human exploration of space and future energy development.

And the energy companies in Central Continent also began to express their thoughts on purchasing lunar soil from Condor Company.

Sub-Petrochemical and Sub-Petroleum companies also announced that they will pay a large amount of money to obtain this batch of lunar soil and the valuable information contained in it.They believe that compared with the oil and coal resources on the earth, the mineral resources on the moon will be an important supplement for human energy in the future.

The fierce competition for the purchase of lunar soil has become a hotspot of public opinion in the international market, and has even become a news event that has attracted much attention worldwide.

The open bidding of these major companies has sparked yet another expansion of the once-neglected space tourism and aviation industries.

People all over the world also feel an inexplicable optimism and enthusiasm for human space exploration and future energy development.

Ye Fei announced amid the enthusiasm of everyone that this time the lunar soil will be used as the soil for the future scientific research and development of human beings.

Not for commercial use.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was greatly disappointed.

Many companies still want to invite Ye Fei to dinner in private.

Close the relationship.

But Ye Fei refused all of them.

In this ton of lunar soil, Ye Fei sees broad prospects for broadening human horizons and exploring the universe.

In order to better carry out research on lunar soil, Ye Fei and his team started a busy and exciting work.

The team led by Ye Fei first sent the lunar soil to Shenying's various laboratories for analysis.

Researchers in various laboratories have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the lunar fine particles, and used modern scientific instruments and techniques to carry out fine measurement and analysis of the lunar soil.

This time, the quantity is enough, and Ye Fei doesn't have to just do some basic research.

Instead, explore it in all directions.

The first is chemical analysis, which analyzes the elements in the lunar soil, and judges the formation period, history, composition, and impact on the earth of the lunar soil through the ratio of chemical elements.

This provided an important basis for subsequent research.

Then came the mineral analysis. The scientists analyzed and distinguished the minerals of the lunar soil, confirmed the types of minerals in the lunar soil, and analyzed the formation process and information contained in these minerals.

Then comes structural analysis, where scientists conduct structural analysis of lunar soil components by using chemical and physical techniques.

This allows humans to gain a deeper understanding of the moon's geological structure and evolution history.

Finally, time analysis. Scientists also determined the age and evolution history of the moon through the analysis of radioactivity and combustion products in the lunar soil, and further understood historical events such as the formation method of the moon and geological migration.

After a variety of scientific and technological means and tests, the team led by Ye Fei conducted excavation and in-depth research on the ingredients and data in this batch of lunar soil, enabling scientists to better understand the history of the moon, the universe around the earth, and even The wider solar system.

The research provides scientists with more information about the Moon, the solar system, and the early days of Earth.

They describe the process of the birth of the universe, and also provide human beings with more development ideas and technological methods.

Ye Fei compiled all the research data and results into a paper.

Uncovering the Secrets of the Moon: Implications from Mineralogical and Geochemical Analysis of Lunar Soil. "

It describes the results of his research after investigating lunar samples.

This article is not only an astronomical and scientific discovery, but also a major shock to the entire academic community.

Around the globe, the paper caused a stir and wonder in the tech world.

At NASA, scientists and researchers were stunned by the article.

They couldn't accept that there were so many secrets hidden in the soil of this small planet.

The famous scientist Cali was silent for a while after reading it, and then said to his colleagues: "This is a very important discovery. This will usher in a new era of our research on the origin and evolution of planets."

At the European Space Agency, Anna, the director of the department, stared wide-eyed after reading this paper, and said after taking a deep breath: "This is undoubtedly a milestone in the history of human space research. The findings of this study reveal to us the moon's past. In the past, helping us better understand how it became the satellite we know today. It's been invaluable."

At the Maozi Aeronautics and Space Agency, astronomer Sergei read the paper, full of shock.

He exclaimed, "Wow, it's incredible, I never thought the moon could hold so many deep secrets. This is a boon for us to learn more about the moon."

At the National Space Agency in Erxia, the article caused a sensation and awe that filled the room.

Astronomers and scientists are immersed in the discussion of this classic paper.

One of the most famous scientists, Professor Zhang, took a deep breath and carefully read the article again.after.

He said, "Condor is indeed the light of science and technology in our Xia country. The emergence of this research result will provide a good example for our exploration of space and research on other planets. This is an extremely exciting era. !"

This article undoubtedly brought new surprises and expectations to the entire academic community.

Every astronomer, scientist and researcher is excited about the discovery of Ye Fei and his team, and the significance of this paper also provides important enlightenment for the planets we may visit or explore in the future.

The moon is just the beginning, and Ye Fei's discovery will have a profound impact on a global scale and inspire more scientific discoveries.

(End of this chapter)

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